sandboxie: can you do this test and tell me what is your result?

Discussion in 'sandboxing & virtualization' started by ahahahaah, Feb 4, 2020.

  1. ahahahaah

    ahahahaah Registered Member

    Feb 4, 2020

    - sandbox your browser (in my case firefox)
    - on this page choose the "click" link.
    - To open it (not download it), when you choose in the dialogbox the associated program to open it, can you open the document?

    In my case nothing happened (i choosed wordpad, notepad and libreoffice) and when the brower is not in the sandbox the associated program is launched and document is opened without any problem but when firefox (latest version) is sandboxed with sandboxie nothing happened after i clic "ok".

    do you have the same issue?

  2. bo elam

    bo elam Registered Member

    Jun 15, 2010
    Hello ahaha, that's a known issue. It started happening a few months ago. Whenever you are browsing sandoxed and you get an Open/Save dialogue for a file like pdf, picture, Office, etc, you can click to save the file but it wont open if you click to Open it.

  3. imdb

    imdb Registered Member

    Nov 2, 2011
    so, sbie's sort of become a crippleware now, huh?
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2020
  4. ahahahaah

    ahahahaah Registered Member

    Feb 4, 2020
    thanks for your answer.
    since i had not the problem in the past, is it firefox that changes its dialogbox reactions after an update or a problem from sandboxie? (i had no issue with my precedent sandboxie version, the problem appears before i updated it)

    an other guy here says he has no issue at all.
    i wonder why some have this issue and some have not.
  5. bo elam

    bo elam Registered Member

    Jun 15, 2010
    I think it was an update in W10 1909 that started this issue. Perhaps W10 1803 is also affected. W10 1809 and earlier versions of W10 are not affected. Probably W7 does not have the issue, I have a W7 but in my view, this issue is so minor, that I always seem to forget to test and see if I can reproduce this issue in W7 when I am using that computer. My suggestion is to get used to it and don't mind it. :)

    I had read your thread but I, like most Sandboxie users, we didn't join the Sophos forum as we are disgusted with Sophos and its lies and don't want nothing to do with Sophos, ever.

    Last edited: Feb 4, 2020
  6. ahahahaah

    ahahahaah Registered Member

    Feb 4, 2020
    i don't use windows 10. my computer has windows 7 and i don't remember having updated it (i disabled the automatic update).
    there is necessarily a changement somewhere but i can't say where. :(
  7. bo elam

    bo elam Registered Member

    Jun 15, 2010
    Then perhaps the issue is caused by something that changed in the Sandboxie code in a recent version.

    I tell you what I ll do, I ll start my W7 in a little while and come back in about an hour and a half and tell you if I can reproduce the issue in my W7 32 bits.

  8. bo elam

    bo elam Registered Member

    Jun 15, 2010
    @ahahahaah. I tried opening pdf's and videos in W7, and experienced the issue. So, this is not only happening in W10 1909.

    Dont put the frown face, be happy, we still have Sandboxie working pretty much as good as it did when ugly Sophos took over. And that is, even with the little support its got this past year.

    Last edited: Feb 4, 2020
  9. ahahahaah

    ahahahaah Registered Member

    Feb 4, 2020
    yeah you are right, but i have learnt that it will become an opensource project.
    in this case maybe someone could fix the issue
    (i wish ;))
  10. Brummelchen

    Brummelchen Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2009
    its a matter of firefox in the box, maybe your settings, but not sandboxie in general. someone asked this for adobe reader and pdf opening from firefox.
  11. bo elam

    bo elam Registered Member

    Jun 15, 2010
    No, this is not caused by his settings. Brumelchen you have been told before that this is an issue that affects everyone who uses Sandboxie, and it has nothing to do with Firefox itself either. You have been given links to read about the issue, but you ignore them and continue to confuse people about Sandboxie.every time you write something about it.

    I gave you a link about this problem a few weeks ago, since you seen to forgot what the link was about, here is that post with that link, again. Perhaps this time you ll finally understand that this an issue between Sandboxie and opening files that have an Open/Save dialogue. Quit writing rambling posts about SBIE that all they do is generate confusion.

  12. ahahahaah

    ahahahaah Registered Member

    Feb 4, 2020
    i just tryed with the safe mode of firefox to see if it is a bad setting or a plugin, but it doesn't help.
  13. bo elam

    bo elam Registered Member

    Jun 15, 2010
    Of course, it doesn't. Dont put any attention to him.

    I know in his inside he doesn't mean bad, but he continuously writes posts about Sandboxie that all they do is push users (like you here); to try fixing something that you cant fix. And in the end, all you ll get by trying to fix something you cant do nothing about it, and is not caused by anything you are doing, is mess up your SBIE installation, Firefox or your computer.

  14. ahahahaah

    ahahahaah Registered Member

    Feb 4, 2020
    i up this thread to say that the new version of firefox seems to correct the problem...
    i don't know what was it but sandboxie has not changed, i only updated firefox to the new version.
  15. bo elam

    bo elam Registered Member

    Jun 15, 2010
    Yes, this problem was fixed with the release of Firefox 73. :)

  16. Brummelchen

    Brummelchen Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2009
    safe mode do not affect settings in firefox, only extensions and HWA
    so you need a clean profile.

    @bo - maybe you know more about sandboxie, but you are no expert for firefox. i remember your simple questions at mozillazine (or here) where you asked basics. if you think you were unheard or unread...

    i like to listen to your explanation for these images:

    a full featured and set up profile, not clean, pdf to download then open, image (2) to open directly in pdf viewer. both functional. with or without admin rights.

    Attached Files:

  17. bo elam

    bo elam Registered Member

    Jun 15, 2010
    Brummelchen, you are one of the most annoying persons in this forums. Your reply shows that you still dont get what this problem was and how it got solved.

    Not only that, most of the time it is very difficult to understand what you are trying to say. For years, I never told you, and put up with it, but I am doing that anymore. And you make it harder when you quote someone (in your last post, you quoted me) and don't put a direct link to the post where you took the quote. Thats rude, put a link to the quote, so people can read the full context of what you are quoting. Dont hide what people say. What people say, is what they say, not what you think or what you want it to appear as being what they said.

    Regarding being an expert in Firefox or Sandboxie. I am not a pretender like you are. I am not an expert on Firefox or Sandboxie (and by the way, neither you are, even though you think you are Mr Firefox), all I am an expert on is in knowing how to use Sandboxie and how to to get the most of it, and perhaps on getting people enthused about SBIE. The latter, I am the xxxxx best. That is part of the real me. In real life, getting people enthused about something is what I m good at.

    Regarding Firefox, I never have issues with Firefox. That I am good at, you can say I am an expert on that. The reason for this is because I know how to use Firefox and how to make it function as I want it. And thats what you hate about me. You want us all to use Firefox in one way and one way only. Very boring. And you attack or mock anybody who asks a question or wants to do something that changes Firefox. You are very squared and should learn to understand that people have the right to make a choice without having to defend the choice or action.

    Regarding your pictures, I have no idea what you are trying to show me. I am sorry but I cant figure out what you are trying to show.

    This thread is and was about Sandboxie users not being able to open files when presented with an Open/Save dialogue while browsing sandboxed with Firefox. The issue is fixed now. The only reasons I see for your last 2 posts was to create disturbance, problems, annoy, nothing else.

  18. Peter 123

    Peter 123 Registered Member

    Feb 1, 2009
    Off topic:

    Bo and Brummelchen, please don't quarrel. :D I can only say for myself: The comments and the help coming from both of you here at Wilders are very useful and appreciated by a user with little knowledge like me. Both of you contribute to the quality of this place in your individual way.

    Bo, in one respect I must disagree with you. When you write:

    I think that this is quite harsh (even if Sophos perhaps has made some mistakes in communication with the Sandboxie users in the past). Don't forget that we owe it to Sophos that we could continue to use Sandboxie all the last years and that premsumably we can do in the future too, thanks to Sophos' (generous, to my mind) decision to make Sandboxie an open source tool. They simply could have stopped the further updates of Sandboxie in the past or now make it disappear completely. They did not do it and to my mind this deserves recognition and gratitude, especially from happy and permanent Sandboxie users like us. (Though I must admit that I was too lazy to registrate in the Sophos Forum to tell them there my gratitude directly. :doubt: But anyway this happened by other users.)

    No attack against you, Bo! I only felt the desire to express my different opinion in this matter. ;)

    Concerning the topic:
    Yes, this is my experience too. :thumb: It's a relief to be able again to open pdf-files directly in the browser.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2020
  19. Brummelchen

    Brummelchen Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2009
    the issue is caused by sandboxie - not only.
    and mozilla put a fix (alternate method) between firefox 73b2 and 73b3 (mozregression work)
    thats why it work outside but not inside.

    anyhow it do not concern all file types here, pdf works, doc not. and the difference here is dllhost.exe while pdf dont.

    the cause of issue is still persistent in sandboxie.(and not limited to windows 7)
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2020
  20. bo elam

    bo elam Registered Member

    Jun 15, 2010
    Hi Peter, even though I disagree with your opinion, I support it. If everyone thought the same, and we all shared same opinion about everything, the world would be a very boring place to live on. It would be gray, and dull, nothing would advance. Not my kind of world.

    Pete, in my book, lies count against you more than mistakes. Sophos has been lying to us since the day they took over SBIE. They would have earned my respect and I would have willingly accepted their decision to cease developing Sandboxie if they had been truthful and straight up tell us that they had no intentions on keeping Sandboxie's development going. They have the right to do that. But that's not what they did. Instead of setting up an end of life date for SBIE, they continuously told us that there were no plans to stop developing SBIE. My friend, they never had any intentions on keeping SBIE going and told us the opposite, time and time again. They even invented a security reason for killing the old SBIE forum and in a Friday last April, all came loose and by the following Monday, we knew something was wrong. IMO, Sandboxie (we users, included) deserved a more respectful treatment than the one given to it by Sophos management. IMO, the process for Sandboxie's end or open sourcing should have been clean and quiet, and its been totally the opposite, I blame this on Sophos.

  21. bo elam

    bo elam Registered Member

    Jun 15, 2010
    Finally, you are getting closer to what the problem was and we can agree on somethings related to this issue. I say was because you mentioned that the issue is still persistent, when its actually fixed. In W7, the problem is 100% solved, in W10, I feel an slight time delay longer than before when opening this type of files. The delay is not long enough in my opinion to call the problem persistent.

    I think we can agree, the issue took place when running Firefox under Sandboxie.

    And the fix, the fix came upon with the release of Firefox 73. This means that some code in Firefox prior to Firefox 73 was creating some sort of conflict with SBIE (this conflict originated in an earlier Firefox version, released a few months prior to Firefox 73).

    Last edited: Feb 22, 2020
  22. Peter 123

    Peter 123 Registered Member

    Feb 1, 2009
    Only a short reply concerning Sophos (in order not to stay off topic):

    My impression is: The process was not clean and quiet because internally (at Sophos) they had no clear plans or diverging plans (or whatever) about the further destiny of Sandboxie. So I think their mistakes in communuication etc. were caused on (internal) confusion and not on bad intentions towards the Sandboxie users. But anyway: Luckily Sandboxie is still alive and hopefully this will be so in the future too. :)

    I tested it just now with the link given by ahahahaah in his first posting: I was able to open the doc-files offered on the site within the browser, tested with MS Word and Notepad (using Firefox 73.0 and Sandboxie 5.33.1, Windows 10, 32 bit).
  23. bo elam

    bo elam Registered Member

    Jun 15, 2010
    That is a good test page, Peter. I never open Office files while browsing, the DOC file opened nice and easy. This is more proof that the issue is fixed. Usually, I only open PDF and picture files of the type of file that prompt the user with an Open/Save dialogue while browsing, so this was a good test for me. The DOC file opened even better and faster than pictures and PDF's do in my W10.


  24. Peter 123

    Peter 123 Registered Member

    Feb 1, 2009
    In order to avoid possible misunderstandings I would like to state more precisely my following comment:
    "Within the browser" was no good expression. Of course I meant (sandboxed) within MS Word (respectively within Notepad), directly out from the browser (without downloading the files).

    Bo, of course you interpreted my formulation in the correct way. ;)
  25. Brummelchen

    Brummelchen Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2009
    ofc firefox 73 (final) has no longer a problem with opening such files because code change was 4 weeks before in beta3. if you had tested with firefox 72 you wont be able to open it ;)
    mozregression means to narrow the issue to a specific date while testing any build between two dates.
    not the first time mozilla fixes external issues, and it must be clear that other software could still act wrong because they dont use an alternative method.

    it could also be a feature by design (in sandboxie) to suppress such file calls.
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