Protection for "Anti-Virus 2008" rogue

Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by normishmael, Jul 20, 2008.

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  1. normishmael

    normishmael Guest

    SpywareBlaster ver 4.1 data Base 07/15/2008

    This morning when I checked for spywareblaster updates,I noted 58 items were shown as unprotected.
    I am almost certain that after the last update I enabled all protection.
    What really concerned me was the box's for the Anti-virus 2008 rouge program were unchecked.
    I have had problems with these rogues popping up for a long time,and so far by killing FireFox in process manager I have avoided being infected.
    What I want to know is it possible for Anti-virus 2008 to somehow disable the protection for IE in Spyware Blaster?
    Do you know if Anti-Virus 2008 was just added in the last update?
    If that is the cas I must have just slipped and failed to enable the new updates protection.

    thank you
    Avira Anti-vir classic,Kerio 2.1.5,SpywareBlaster,SuperAntiSpyware,Malwarebytes AntiMalware,A-Squared Free.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 20, 2008
  2. normishmael

    normishmael Guest

    Forget it.
    3473 restricted sites now show unprotected.
    tired of the crap.
    program removed.
  3. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    If you mean that you've removed SpywareBlaster because the protections are being disabled by a rogue program, well, that's not a good idea.

    SpywareBlaster has no active monitoring process. It sets flags and protective bits of data in the registry. That's all it does. It does not ensure that they stay set. An active monitor would be needed for that.

    If something else is disabling those protections, it is not SpywareBlaster's fault. It is a sign that either you have an active infection doing it, or, some other anti-spyware program is conflicting, sees the SpywareBlaster protections as infections, and so it is undoing them.

    Regardless of why, you have an issue on that system and all you are doing, if you've removed SpywareBlaster, is hidden your head in the sand by pretending that there is no problem. You should at least research what it is that is on your system undoing the protections because, if it is malware, you may have a serious problem there.

    None of us have any vested interest in you having SpywareBlaster on your system. Use it or don't. But, if something is removing its protections, then you really need to find out what - for your own system's safety.
  4. normishmael

    normishmael Guest

    Sounds like sage advise.
    any ideas?
  5. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Well, you could treat it like it is a spyware infection, and go to a forum that provides one-on-one spyware cleaning assistance. See our thread on spyware cleaning. It contains a list of recommended forums to choose from:

    SpywareInfo and GeeksToGo are rather large and busy, but, have huge staffs. Gladiator and WhatTheTech are smaller, and you might get faster turn times, or not. Hard to say. CastleCops is currently struggling with service outages, so better to not try there just now.

    Anyway, go to one of those forums, register and follow the procedures documented for posting a HijackThis Log. Tell them upfront that you got something unsetting some or all SpywareBlaster protections, and you want to find it and fix it. They should be able to clean you right up.
  6. normishmael

    normishmael Guest

    Thank you.
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