360 Internet Security: FREE Triple antivirus engine, BitDefender included

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by PaulBB, Jun 11, 2013.

  1. bjm_

    bjm_ Registered Member

    May 22, 2009
    reimageplus gets a poor rep from WOT.... did 360 really take proprietary ideas from reimage and does the poor WOT rating for reimage reflect to 360 ?
    Any plans to add W8.1.x to restore-able systems ?
    What about Qihoo unsavory browser practices http://www.digital-dd.com/qihoo-browser-war/
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2015
  2. GakunGak

    GakunGak Registered Member

    Mar 24, 2009
    I tested reimage myself back... xyz years ago...
    It basically replaces infected/damaged files with clean ones. Supported were MS Windows and Office.
    Also it included Norton antivirus scan to check for viruses. So, the program works well for what it's made for. As for bad WOT rep, not my problem.
    360 did not take proprietary idea [can't patent something that's not yours, since MS files are MS property, and 360 is cooperating with MS on a security level], they just took what is available, made a system that works well [so far so good] and that's it. Bad WOT rep for reimage cannot be reflected to 360 as they, well, approach is similar, but 360 is connected with MS, while for reimage I am not sure.
    Regarding browser war..... War.... Such nice choice of words.....
    Here's a comparison. A while ago, someone wrote that IE was still the leader in the browser market. How? It got preinstalled with Windows. Then came Netscape, Mozilla, Chrome, Opera, etc.....
    Qihoo's browser, on the other hand, is customized with 360 "experience", if you will, with many goodies around for security, optimization, 360 cloud integration, etc....
    I personally use it and find it MUCH better than Chrome, Mozilla, Opera, Avant, Vivaldi, etc.... Having 360 Browser Qihoo can effectively protect the system, while using another browser system "could theoretically" be compromized as there is no link with guards and browser protection.
    Moving on, icon similarity, it is approved from MS, otherwize they would get a notice of missusing company's property. And yet, Qihoo is MS's largest security patches contributor. :)
    Difficult to uninstall? No problems from my side, but it could happen due to many factors. I had trouble uninstalling Baidu Spark, but that doesn't mean it's a widespread problem. It just happens with different configurations, installed programs, etc...
    Regarding network connection problem, I browsed their BBS and found no trace of that problem, maybe due to poor programming in the past it was an issue, I am not aware it is a problem now. And I tested weshi, installed completely, installed chrome and IE based browsers, uninstalled, no problem, W7 64bit.
    Uhh, what else?
    Default browser opening links. Standard practice with any other browser, want's to be default browser for usage, statistics, polularity and all :) Nothing new here
    Reminder that it is safer than IE. It is. Why? Read above, that's why.
    Other browsers blocked from being default. Did not observe that with weshi 9 or 10, looks way older.... Had Epic Browser installed.
    System scan lower score during scan when no 360 browser. Version 7.1, older one, still under architecture developement for cloud integration, in order to ensure protection, linking and above reading....
    Bundled browser in other software. Marketing, affiliate softvering, happens with western software as well [Google, Avast, iobit, etc...].
    Difficult uninstallation. See above poor programming, now much better.

    Qihoo does not spy, collect intelligence or sells to highest bidder personal data.
    Qihoo might use tracking to see it's software/features usage, malware tracing/monitoring and general statistics. Like here : http://index.360.cn/sec_risk?lang=en_us
    For those chart pies and graphs for power point presentation sessions, analysis and mind blowing economy predictions, fiscal years etc...
    Stuff that would bore you to death :)

    So, all in all, if you can handle it, try it and see for yourself now, how they have high quality software :) www.360.cn :)
  3. bjm_

    bjm_ Registered Member

    May 22, 2009
  4. GakunGak

    GakunGak Registered Member

    Mar 24, 2009
    What you have to keep in mind, as Qihoo is an internet giant of security in China, it also has competitors.
    To put it it very,very, very simple terms, competition means war. Consumers/users are "kills".
    More "kills" a company has, it is stronger, better, visioinary, whatever.
    Those who did not break through take the peaces. Qihoo got there where it is now by providing free goodies with advertising and paid services.
    Also partnership with several companies. Others take that chance slowly or do not. When they realize what happened, the boss gets angry and then this happens:
    Those are the "nukes". You hit with all you've got, with all your might, and hope for the best.
    But the result is always those two variables: victory or defeat. Once you go down that route, it ain't pretty. But it happens.
    This is basically it.
    I have already explained above reasoning with those old articles, which are someone's opinion on the matter. What Qihoo has, on the other hand, are certificates verifying their quality, infrastructure serving more users than several western products combined, efficiency and speed of protecting users against digital threats, usage statistics of their services, international recognition, very recognized Amazon Cloud customer, etc.... There's this thing called reputation. In China, reputation and honor [clean name] is something of utmost importance. Why would Qihoo risk massive, and I really mean massive, userbase, to something that can be detected and analyzed such as backdoor or leaking data.
    After all,
    Oh, and they also do this!
    Also this
    Because those folks with glasses are really smart rob.... guys... :)
    And many other stuff like Qihoo academy for education with IT, Security, software engineering, network, etc etc.....

    So, to conclude, there is nothing sinister going on between the green door, no conspiracy, no spying, leaking, etc....
    It's just Qihoo has gotten too big for someone's taste, and someone does not like Qihoo's aspriation to become a global player.
    Having a big number on a peace of paper means dominance. And Qihoo dominates with numbers :)

    So, with this, I hope I have shown a little light/background into what is going on in digital cyberspace. Of course, we are all human beings and entitled to different opinion.
  5. Solarlynx

    Solarlynx Registered Member

    Jun 25, 2011
  6. GakunGak

    GakunGak Registered Member

    Mar 24, 2009
    Thanks, just making sure to maintain equilibrium :)
  7. bjm_

    bjm_ Registered Member

    May 22, 2009
    Hello GakunGak,
    Most enlightening and appreciated to be sure. I'll have to get over my sense that Qihoo is one big unified state sponsored tracking cookie. While offering free and monetizing my activity is a valid legit business model. I'll have to satisfy in my mind that Qihoo has not crossed a line. Qihoo started as a software company and shifted to a revenue stream entity. Qihoo 360 monetizes its user base through online advertisement and other value added services.
    So, Qihoo360 is ad supported freeware. Suggesting, that ad supported is benign and benevolent ... I'll remain cautious regarding Qihoo as I am cautious regarding all mega monetizing tools. Power corrupts etc. And the economic espionage accusations are flying in both directions. Qihoo huge user base makes it a target for conscription into state sponsored cyber crime.....
    Respectfully submitted ... subject closed
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2015
  8. LunarWolf

    LunarWolf Registered Member

    Jan 4, 2011
    Just stick with their security. Don't use their browser, or any future offereing. You will be safe. Their security is like their carrot to lure you to use more of their stuff. Say in a few years time, I am sure you will see more offering. 360 email, 360 chat, etc.
  9. GakunGak

    GakunGak Registered Member

    Mar 24, 2009
    Unless you live in China, or speak/write Chinese, you have nothing to worry about.
    If you do, however, well, then you'd see "recommendations" to games you play, movies you watch, clothes you buy.... Which is pretty harmless considering state of affairs with western governments spying [US, Germany, etc...]. Now, why is that they do via ads? Because, to remain free and open to all. On the other hand, someone has to pay those engineer robot, I mean, programmers, pay for electricity bills, network infrastructure maintenance, take your pick :)
    That does not mean there is a guy in a military uniform, in a dark room, with a big screen of your facebook/twitter/linkedin/sexy time pics or webcam, making analysis of your daily life. What they do, though, is monitor how you use their products and make recommendations to enhance your experience. Nothing wrong with that.
    All in all, they are way more interested in that unknown program on your computer if it's malware of safeware, than your internet activity :)
    Relax :)

    Have you tried their other products? I did. To say "don't use their browser".... I find 360 Extreme Explorer MUCH more satisfying than Google Chrome. Why?
    First, it uses 360 account instead of Google. Second, integration with cloud drive. Third, advanced security measures which suprass that of Google. Fourth, optimization tools for faster download or releasing memory/cache and speeding up browser. Fifth, switch between IE browser engine or Chrome. The list goes on and on.....
    As for "luring" with other software, there is no luring, they only recommend what is best to complement experience.
    But yes, it is possible to use ANY 360 software without adding additional stuff.
    And honestly, 360 mail?! I can only dream :)
    Chat, not so much, there's Tencent for that :)
  10. Mortal Raptor

    Mortal Raptor Banned

    Oct 6, 2014
    Just tried the 360 browser for the first time. I love the fact that it has ABP and a sort of an IE TAB extension built in but when opening multiple tabs, it chokes to death.....I usually open all my bookmarks in one **** (around 110 bookmarks) and the whole PC almost freezed and in task manager it displayed a separate process for each tab! uninstalled it right away :(
  11. GakunGak

    GakunGak Registered Member

    Mar 24, 2009
    Is it really necessary to open ALL of them at once?
    Have you considered using https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/onetab/chphlpgkkbolifaimnlloiipkdnihall
    If not, then perhaps Waterfox is the right browser for you :) Because, seriously, all of them can be opened one by one....
    For that much tabs, I'd recommend using no more than 5 extensions maximum....

    I just love uninstall happy people, not even giving me a chance to troubleshoot the problem :D Like I'm lurking whole day here. I'm probably here barely 1 hour in total daily. Maybe even less.

    I'd like to take a peek in the registry :p
  12. Mortal Raptor

    Mortal Raptor Banned

    Oct 6, 2014
    if you're the developer, I`d love to work with you on this as really, this browser is insanely fast, secure (has ABP built in) and best of all has a built in IE rendering mode built in which is even better than the IETAB extension.

    Now as for the problem of opening tabs, I usually have only 3 or 5 tabs open but I have a bookmarks folder which is named UPDATES and in that, are all the bookmarks of programs I use so I check them all at once daily so I need to open at least 45+ tabs.

    now part of the problem I see here is why does the browser open a separate process for each tab in task manager?

    since it's built on Chrome, I didn't expect this problem with the tabs as I open the same tabs (95+) in chrome in one shot and there is 0 slowdown

    I'll install it tomorrow again and we can work on this
  13. GakunGak

    GakunGak Registered Member

    Mar 24, 2009
    Oh boy... How do I put this? :)
    I'm...... not... :)
    Thing with this browser is.. It's for Chinese market only, not international. So, unless there's at least 10 people here using it, then I could try to persuade someone to take our suggestions.
    Now comes the fun part.
    If we suggest something which is better for us, but is worse for the Chinese users, guess what will happen!

    This: http://www.mathsisfun.com/numbers/dividing-by-zero.html
    Tell you what, compile a list of suggestions, send them to me, and I promise I'll see what I can do :)
  14. SweX

    SweX Registered Member

    Apr 21, 2007
    ....they will understand that it's better for them too of course...better for everyone :rolleyes:
  15. brandons

    brandons Registered Member

    Mar 2, 2015
    Hi GakunGak,

    What does the URL Filtering do. Does it actually block malicious website ?
    I heard the Filter only support Internet Explorer, but when I try testing this on the EICAR website it didn't do anything, unlike Panda or Bitdefender free which prevented me from entering the site.

    Just want to make sure there's nothing wrong with my installation o_O

    Also, can you kindly submit a request to Qihoo to update 360IS URL Filter to support the browser Firefox & Opera.
    Someone mention there's a separate plug-in for Firefox but I can't find it anywhere.

    Thank you very muhc.
  16. Pat MacKnife

    Pat MacKnife Registered Member

    Mar 31, 2014
    @ brandons if you use 360 IS the plugin for firefox is allready in 360 folder ( for example go to program files search for 360 IS, in one of these maps you will find firefox plugin.xpi ) drag it to firefox ;)
    Or you can choose Install Add-on From File (with firefox open)

    Search folder 360 IS in folder --> plugins
  17. brandons

    brandons Registered Member

    Mar 2, 2015
    @Spokesman... Thank you very much.
    Not sure why the firefox plugin didn't install the first time.
    I would never have figure out to look for that file.

    Also is there a plugin available for Opera ?

    These are the two main browser my family members use, and I just want to make both are secure.
  18. Pat MacKnife

    Pat MacKnife Registered Member

    Mar 31, 2014
    Only 2 browsers are supported, firefox and chrome, maybe in the future for opera...
  19. GakunGak

    GakunGak Registered Member

    Mar 24, 2009
    Theory is such a sweet thing, just like the dream :)

    I have submitted your request, any reply will forward here.
  20. tgell

    tgell Registered Member

    Nov 12, 2004
  21. Pat MacKnife

    Pat MacKnife Registered Member

    Mar 31, 2014
  22. NWOAbschaum

    NWOAbschaum Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2014
    i am use it too,installed it on couple of machines for friends too(english) but not all is translated,thats bad. Otherwith i would use it as my main browser. It is amazing fast,faster than chrome,firefox or any other big browser,realy like it.
  23. GakunGak

    GakunGak Registered Member

    Mar 24, 2009
    Sooo, in regards to this topic......
    360 Total Security is our flagship product that provide all-in-one solution. It not only protects users from computer viruses and Trojan but speed up and clean up computers.

    360 Internet Security is our first international product that provides antivirus functions with simple and intuitive user interface.

    360 Total Security Essential is the successor product of 360 Internet Security. It aims to provides users with essential PC protection.

    It is not actually translated per se, but using localisation on a windows pc. So, Qihoo did not actually translated it to English and aimed at intl users, it just so happens we can use it becase a lot of stuff is translated, but not all :)
  24. LunarWolf

    LunarWolf Registered Member

    Jan 4, 2011
    I have a few questions.
    1. Is 360IS discontinue and replaced with 360TSE?
    2. The 360TSE at http://www.360totalsecurity.com/ is it still in beta or stable?
  25. siketa

    siketa Registered Member

    Oct 25, 2012
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