NIS 09 & Windows Defender

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by Zeena, Sep 29, 2008.

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  1. Zeena

    Zeena Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2008
    Hi :)

    I installed NIS 09 12 days ago
    And up until last night... Everything Was Fine! :D
    Then Last Night - Disaster Struck!
    I was booting up my laptop using it's battery.
    For some reason -Probably because this laptop has been a complete pain from day one...
    The Laptop failed to start up properly :argh:
    To Cut A Long Story Short...
    I ended up doing a - Start Up Repair
    And - 2 System Restores
    NIS 09 Went Completely - Belly Up! :eek:
    And I had no choice but to... Uninstall & Reinstall :(

    But Something Is Worrying Me :oops:
    When I installed NIS 09 the first time ( 12 days Ago )... It Turned Windows Defender - OFF
    But when I reinstalled NIS 09 this morning... Windows Defender Is still - ON

    Well I presume it is! :doubt:

    Vista's Security Centre is Reporting That both NIS 09 and Windows Defender are - ON o_O

    I stupidly didn't turn Windows Firewall - OFF ... Before installing NIS 09
    I just presumed NIS 09 would do this for Me :oops:
    Vista's Security Centre says that the NIS 09 Firewall is - ON
    It doesn't mention the Windows Firewall.
    Do you think its safe enough to presume the Windows Firewall is - OFF ? :doubt:
    I don't want to go clicking on it... And possible upset - NIS 09 :'(

    Those Of You With Vista and NIS 09 - Can You Please Tell Me....
    Did NIS 09 turn your Windows Defender - OFF ?

    I'm not quite sure what to do now :doubt:

    I know I could ask at the Norton Forum... But they will just say " Turn Defender OFF "

    I would just prefer to see what you guys have to say first ;)

    Thanks In Advance! :thumb:
  2. lodore

    lodore Registered Member

    Jun 22, 2006
    when i beta tested nis2009 it turned off windows defender.
    i was quite annoyed tbh since in advanced mode it can be quite useful.
  3. InfinityAz

    InfinityAz Registered Member

    Jul 23, 2005

    When I installed NIS 2009 it didn't turn off Defender or Windows Firewall. So I just manually turned off both (disable the services and in the case of defender, un-check the start up entry using msconfig).
  4. Edwin024

    Edwin024 Registered Member

    Nov 14, 2004
    No problem here. Windows Defender and Firewall were turned off by NIS. And Zeena: how long does it take to make a posting like you do with all the red and bold in it? .....
  5. Zeena

    Zeena Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2008
    Hi :)

    Thank You Everyone!

    I got myself so worked up in the end... I Turned Windows Defender OFF :doubt:
    I held my breath... And Clicked on the Windows Firewall.
    NIS 09 had turned it OFF for me :)

    I'm just worrying why NIS 09 didn't turn Defender OFF o_O
    NIS 09 seems to be working OK
    But it does make me wonder... Did It Install Properly? :doubt:

    Can any of you tell me an easy way to find out whats causing CPU Spikes please?
    Since about the 5th day of getting this laptop... Constant CPU Spikes - 27% to 40%
    Every 30 seconds or so o_O
    I checked Task Manager.... Nothing over 2%
    Unless I'm doing it wrong!
    I don't really know what I'm doing when it comes to Task Manager :oops:
    I know it's definitely not NIS 09
    The laptop was exactly the same with NIS 09 uninstalled.
    And the NIS 09 CPU thing shows...
    Norton 0% to 2%
    System 5% to 30%

    This problem is driving me insane now :'(

    Thanks In Advance! :thumb:
  6. Smiggy

    Smiggy Registered Member

    May 2, 2007
    The Angel Isle
    Have both installed working in harmony here.
    No problems at all?

    Try start, run, services.msc and stop 'automatic updates', see if you notice any CPU change?

  7. edd3800

    edd3800 Registered Member

    Nov 11, 2007
    You could go to control Panel, System and Maintenance,Administrative Tools, then click on Reliability and Performance Monitor. Play around in there and you should be able to figure out where the spikes are coming from.
  8. Zeena

    Zeena Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2008
    Hi Smiggy :)

    I'm not sure if you meant Windows Updates or NIS 09 Updates
    But I'm pretty certain it isn't anything to do with either of them ;)

    My Desktop Computer has Windows Updates set for Automatic.
    But the CPU Meter on that computer sits quietly at 2% ... Unless something is actually happening.
    e.g. AVG 8 Scanning!

    OR Like... Last Night :'(
    My little lad had been playing his online game ( Just like he has for the last 2 years )
    When I went to get him off the PC ... To do his Homework :eek:
    The Hard Drive Sounded Like A Hair Dryer
    And the CPU was constantly going from... e.g. 27% to 80%
    NOTE : This had happened once before last month.
    That Time.. I just shut the computer down :(
    But Last Night... When I opened Task Manager - iexplorer. exe :argh:
    That's unless I wrote it down wrong... Maybe presuming the r on the :doubt: end
    And unlike my Laptop... It was extremely clear that this iexplorer .exe was causing my high CPU Spikes
    I thought it might have been Internet explorer got stuck at first :oops:
    And like last time... I shut the computer down.
    I started the computer again...
    Checked Task Manager ... No - iexplorer . exe o_O
    Opened IE7 and Task Manager .... The real iexplore.exe was there o_O

    Today - On Desktop Computer....
    CPU Back To Normal Still :)
    Full Scan with AVG 8 ( Paid! ) ... Nothing!
    Full Scan with SAS ( Free! ) ... Nothing!

    And - Just in case.... I have just run a Full Scan of the Laptop with NIS 09

    Last edited: Sep 30, 2008
  9. Zeena

    Zeena Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2008
    Hi edd :)

    Fantastic Idea! ;)

    But Sadly... Still No Luck - Finding The Culprit :'(

    Nothing really stood out :doubt:
    The trouble is... They Move Up & Down
    Making them harder to see :(
    The only thing I did notice... In Both - Task Manager & Reliability and Performance Monitor....
    The Vista Sidebar is using more CPU than it does on my Desktop Computer.
    I Mean... I'm Not Talking A Huge Amount!
    When I've compared the Laptop and Desktop today...
    Desktop Vista Sidebar 0%
    Laptop Vista Sidebar 2% to 5% o_O

    Thanks! :thumb:
  10. larryb52

    larryb52 Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2006
    could simply be difference in ram on each machine & chip makers, I have 3 machines 2 vista & they both react totally different to the same basic setup...
  11. JRViejo

    JRViejo Super Moderator

    Jul 9, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2008
  12. Zeena

    Zeena Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2008
    Hi Larry :)

    Thanks! ... Possibly! ;)
  13. Zeena

    Zeena Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2008
    Hi JRViejo :)

    I'm about 80% certain ... I Saw iexplorer .exe ... And IE7 Wasn't Even Open :(

    It was only after I shut the computer down... I remembered reading something on here at Wilders
    I turned the computer back on again...
    But iexplorer .exe had gone! :doubt:
    And the Desktop computer was acting perfectly normal again.
    I came here to Wilders ... And my suspicions were confirmed :'(
    To Be Honest...
    If I had tried to scan the computer while that fake Internet Explorer was running...
    I think my CPU and Hard Drive - May Have Blown Up! :argh:

    Do you think iexplorer was trying to get in...
    And maybe AVG 8 or my Firewall - PC Tools Firewall Plus ... Stopped It?

    I don't know what to think :doubt:

    All I know is...
    If AVG 8 or SAS can't catch something - That I'm sure must be quite common.. God Help Us All! :rolleyes:

    Is fighting malware becoming a losing battle :(

    In our house...
    We don't download junk
    We don't use P2P
    We don't visit dodgy websites
    We don't do much at all .... Through fear of the Malware :'(

    Thanks! :thumb:
  14. larryb52

    larryb52 Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2006

    run an online scan of kaspersky & run SAS again & you can never be too safe...make sure you have up todate signatures on SAS...
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2008
  15. JRViejo

    JRViejo Super Moderator

    Jul 9, 2008
    Zeena, if you are 80% certain that you saw iexplorer.exe, then you need to run those online scans, for peace of mind. Also, I would recommend you download and use the free version of Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware, just in case.

    You stated "My little lad had been playing his online game ( Just like he has for the last 2 years )" and that could have been the entry point. If iexplorer.exe is indeed a backdoor Trojan, it is not gone; it might be dormant until you go online.

    Malware is devious and sometimes requires several tools to defeat them so don't think that AVG and SAS failed, just add more weapons to your arsenal.
  16. Zeena

    Zeena Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2008
    Hi Larry :)

    The only reason I'm scared of running an online scan... Is in case it breaks my AVG 8 - Paid! :doubt:

    Re : Kaspersky
    I think I'd have to chose a different one to Kaspersky.
    I installed Kaspersky on my old XP -Desktop .... Nightmare! :argh:
    1/ It didn't install properly
    2/ It wouldn't uninstall
    3/ It really damaged the computer
    I couldn't uninstall it... No Matter What I Did! :'(

    I know online scans arn't the same as Installed Security Scanners.
    But they usually dump some rubbish ( Leave bits behind ) on a computer.
    Tomorrow... I'll definitely do another full scan with SAS :thumb:

    Thanks Larry! ;)
  17. Miyagi

    Miyagi Registered Member

    Mar 12, 2005
  18. Zeena

    Zeena Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2008
    Hi JRViejo :)

    I know you and Larry are right :'(

    It's Just...
    I've had so much bad luck with flamin computers in the last 2 years ... I've got 0 confidence left :(

    Everything I Do... Goes Wrong! :oops:

    In My Life!
    If It's Possible... It Will Happen! :eek:
    If It's Impossible... It Will Still Flamin Happen! :'(

    I'll have a think about it :doubt:

    I just don't want to end up in a worse mess.
    With say... AVG 8 not working :rolleyes:

    Thanks! :thumb:
  19. larryb52

    larryb52 Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2006
    think positive & a scan is easier than losing info especially personal, if you feel unsafe with Kaspersky than use F-secure I have used their online scanner just to confirm, you have to be eliminate doubt of malware...

    here's the site
  20. JRViejo

    JRViejo Super Moderator

    Jul 9, 2008
    Zeena, Larry is correct. A positive frame of mind goes a long way in resolving any problem, no matter how dark the world seems at the moment. You have joined Wilders to gain knowledge and that's very positive because knowledge is power!

    Look at Matt's videos, from the link that Miyagi gave you. He has 1000s of viruses in that test computer. Do you hear panic in Matt's voice? No! Why? Because he knows that he can defeat anything. You'll get there someday, but remember we all have to learn to crawl before we can walk. Wilders members will help you; all you have to do is ask.
  21. Zeena

    Zeena Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2008
    Hi :)

    Well... I Slept On It!
    Or Should I Say... I Didn't Sleep Much :'(

    So.. First thing this morning... I Installed MBAM on the Desktop Computer ;)

    I Updated It ... Ran a Full Scan ... MBAM Found - Nothing! o_O

    3 Possibilities!
    1/ I Read iexplorer .exe Wrong!
    I know for sure.. I didn't have IE7 open at the time :(
    But perhaps it was iexplore .exe that I saw
    Perhaps... IE7 had got stuck somehow
    And Perhaps... I just looked quick - And presumed the r on the end of it :doubt:

    I think I'm just going to leave it for now :oops:
    If it ever happens again - Next Time...
    I'll be ready for it! ;)
    I'll make sure I look properly ... And check that it really was iexplorer .exe NOT iexplore .exe
    If it is iexplorer .exe ... I Will Declare - WAR! :mad:

    A Couple Of Questions Please...

    There are 2 users on the Desktop Computer - Me and My Son.

    Do I need to Scan with MBAM on his side of the computer too?

    Same Question Also Goes For...
    AV8 and SAS
    Do I need to Scan with them on my Sons side of the computer too?

    I know they do the whole computer ... What ever user is running the scan.
    But Just To be Sure...
    Is it still better to scan from both sides of the computer?

    Re : MBAM - Updates

    1/ I presume there are no automatic updates for the Free MBAM ... Is That Right?
    2/ How often should I update MBAM e.g... Daily or Weekly?
    3/ On MBAM's Update Page... There is a box with Security Wonks . net ... Is that what it should say?
    4/ Is there anything I need to know or change?

    Thank You So Much... For all your - Help, Support, and Patience :thumb:
  22. JRViejo

    JRViejo Super Moderator

    Jul 9, 2008
    Zeena, glad you ran MBAM and that it didn't find anything. Yes, keep an eye out for that iexplorer.exe. Regarding the free MBAM updates:

    1. Updates are manual.
    2. Frequency is up to you but I would always update before scanning. Do it daily for awhile to get the hang of it.
    3. There are 2 updates mirror sites: and Either is fine.
    4. Leave the settings as they are.

    If AVG, SAS and MBAM were installed globally, with access to all users, they should be scanning the entire PC but just in case, scan from his side too and see if anything turns up.
  23. Zeena

    Zeena Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2008
    Hi JRViejo :)

    Thanks for answering my questions ;)

    It just confused me a bit... Seeing - Securitywonks :eek:

    Not exactly the kind of name you expect to see in security software :D
    You'd have thought they'd have come up with a better name than that.

    Just to be double sure... I'll scan on my Sons side of the computer ;)

    And I'll keep my fingers crossed... I never see anything more of iexplorer .exe :(

    Can I ask one more question please...
    Am I right in thinking... MBAM doesn't start up with the computer - Does it?

    With SAS you can choose if you want it to start up with the computer or not.
    I didn't see that option in MBAM :doubt:
    I know the Free MBAM doesn't give - Real Time Protection.
    The Free SAS Doesn't Either!
    But that's not the same as the software starting up with Windows.
    And as I have AVG 8 and Windows Defender running all the time ( Real time Protection )...
    I don't feel the need to have MBAM or SAS starting up with Windows too.
    It's just as easy to start them up myself :)

    Thanks! :thumb:
  24. JRViejo

    JRViejo Super Moderator

    Jul 9, 2008
    U.S.A. is a real site, although their latest news is Happy New Year 2008. LOL
    That's correct! You can't get everything for free. ;)
  25. Zeena

    Zeena Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2008
    Hi JRViejo :)

    Thanks For All Your Help! ;)

    I don't mind MBAM not starting up with Windows :cool:
    I think it's really nice to be able to have that extra bit of security... Without it trying to take over the computer.

    I wouldn't mind having either SAS or MBAM on the laptop too.
    However... I've got NIS 09 on the laptop :doubt:
    And I'm not sure NIS 09 would be as happy to share the Laptop .. As AVG 8 is with the Desktop.
    Don't get me wrong... I do like NIS09 :)
    Probably a bit more than AVG 8
    AVG 8 just seems to sit there... Doing Nothing!
    Then Once A Week... It thrashes my Hard Drive and CPU - While it does it's weekly scan.
    Then there is the silly - Warnings
    If you don't tell AVG not to catch Cookies ... :argh:
    Mind You...
    I do really like AVG 8 - Link Scanner :D

    Oh! ... I'm Just Waffling Now :D

    All These Security Software Are So Different!
    The only thing they all seem to have in common... They all have their - Faults! :(
    It would be great if we could pick the best bits of each... And Roll Them Into The Perfect Product ;)

    Thanks Again! :thumb:
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