Is Process Guard blocking Punkbuster?

Discussion in 'ProcessGuard' started by Joliet Jake, May 6, 2005.

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  1. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    About the only suggestion I can make is check out First Defense ISR ( This way you can make a 2nd snapshot of your system that you can boot into. There you can uninstall PG and run your games. At least that way your primary system won't be at risk, and if your game snapshot gets messed up or infected, you can simply do a copy to fix it, and then reinstall your games. Not ideal, but workable.

  2. Wayne - DiamondCS

    Wayne - DiamondCS Security Expert

    Jul 19, 2002
    Perth, Oz
    Your desire to bypass Punkbuster is quite valid - afterall, you just want to play a game ... however it still doesn't address the real issue at hand: it shouldn't be up to people like yourself who use security software to change their setup simply to play a game - it's entirely up to the people who design game security in the first place, this situation really should've never happened in the first place, and as admitted by Even Balance themselves, this is an extreme measure. ProcessGuard has highlighted a fundamental design flaw in the protection process of Punkbuster, and it is that which needs to be fixed, for Even Balance's customers more than anything.

    Best regards,
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2005
  3. Hard_Warrior

    Hard_Warrior Registered Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    I'm with lupus on this. I just bought BF2 today and after chopping through all the weird FW related issues I find out that no matter what I do PB won't "accept" PG being installed on my machine, active or not. That's insane, and frankly I shouldn't be penalized for taking extra steps that others don't to secure my machine.

    Is PB an exe that can be given specific priveleges through PG that would allow it to fucntion? Have EA and/or DICE made any statements about this situation? Is there anything I can do short of uninstalling PG that would allow me to play BF2 online?
  4. mAcOdIn

    mAcOdIn Registered Member

    Jan 19, 2003
    Thing is it's a global ban on Process Guard, so as long as it's installed you're screwed. You can enable process guard to let punkbuster do whatever it want's but the mere fact you have it installed, whether you're blocking it from working or not, will still result on you not bein able to play on PB servers. That seems to be my take on it.

    So the only immediate solutions is forget playing on PB servers or uninstall process guard, that's all you can do today. In the meantime you should go to evenbalance and complain and maybe, just maybe, they'll decide to alter the situation in the future.
  5. freefall

    freefall Registered Member

    Jul 22, 2005

    Then give your game full privileges in ProcessGuard.
  6. acid

    acid Guest

    Blocked ""'blocked O/S Privileges""Had something to do with you not signing on as Admin to your PC which BF2 needs
  7. Mrkvonic

    Mrkvonic Linux Systems Expert

    May 9, 2005
    Re: Re-Punkbuster

    I would not bother. They have no clue about what's happening. I used to submit tickets until I realized most of their answers are: "we don't know".
    I still have problems with their crap software... (evenbalance...)
  8. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Registered Member

    Jul 27, 2005
    Don't even bother going to EB with the trouble tickets. Here is the reply I got when asking them about PB blocking PG....

    "Process guard works, and that is the problem. Using it, you can deny PB access to check your system for hacks. You can even deny PB access to see if PG is running, so we have to take it the next step, and make sure it is not even installed. When you agreed to our EULA, you stated that the benifit of cheat free gaming out weighed system security. You cannot have a secure system, and also allow PB full access to verify your system. They are mutually exclusive."

    As you can see, they really could care less. Someone will have to come up with an alternative to Punkbuster before this kind of stuff stops because they have no competition to make them even consider doing anything other than they feel.
  9. war59312

    war59312 Registered Member

    Nov 30, 2002
    Yeap and tempary my ass. Been like this for months now. :(
  10. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Registered Member

    Jul 27, 2005
    I like the fact that he brings up the PB EULA which is not posted on the box. You see it after you purchase and install the game. Then the PB installation starts.

    The guy made it sound like I had a choice(Most places will not refund software. Only replace it with the same title). If I had known before I made the purchase, EA Games would have lost a sale. PB is third party software that is included inside the box. There is reference to it on the box but no place does it tell you anything about a binding EULA that requires you open up your computer to anything and everything in order to play the game.

    Nor does it tell you that the game may be incompatible with certain types of software. I still think PB could have a class action on their hands denying people the right to security software without prior knowledge before purchase.
  11. Joliet Jake

    Joliet Jake Registered Member

    Mar 1, 2005
    Temporary fix eh?
    They said that in February and it's now nearly December.
    How crap are the programmers at Evenbalance? They are on par with First 4 Internet, lol.
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