ZAPro updated today

Discussion in 'other firewalls' started by john2g, Jul 10, 2002.

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  1. john2g

    john2g Registered Member

    Feb 10, 2002
    Version 3.0.133
  2. Hi

    I updated mine- the last 3 digits show .118!

  3. kdcdq

    kdcdq Registered Member

    Apr 19, 2002
    A Non-Sh*thole State
    I'll add my $.02 worth:

    As seen on Zone Labs website updated on 7/9/02:
    Version "3.0.133 was released to the public on July 9, 2002".

    My question is:
    Does anyone know where to download 3.0.133 fromo_O

    KDCDQ, Security Freak
  4. marti

    marti Registered Member

    Mar 25, 2002
    Houston, Texas, USA
    More information:
  5. I got it all wrong too--I some how managed to re-install the older version--in other words I made a pig's ear of it all!!! :D Got it sorted now!! :)


  6. john2g

    john2g Registered Member

    Feb 10, 2002
    I downloaded it using the "Check for update" box in Overview/Status
  7. Checkout

    Checkout Security Rhinoceros

    Feb 11, 2002
    I also used the built-in Update feature. I followed the procedure of unchecking Start With Windows, rebooting, uninstalling, and installing .133 - and found ZAP more consistent ever since. I'm pleased with it.
  8. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    I did not like i had to uninstall the former version myself from the add/remove, the other time it was done by the installer itself.
    If it is manual ok, but then i like to be able to select what i want to be deleted, did not get that choice.

    After reboot could not start windows, got the error msvcrt.dll was missing from the windows\system. Clicking OK the message was i had to re-install windows. No thanks! I remembered the other time and the same dll was missing, so got a copy on another system (hope the right one). Then ZAPro kept alarming could not install because of a former version, while all had gone, only in the internet logs renamed the iamdb and all i found to .old (and deleted all old log files, are still in the recycle bin but i can't think any good use of them?) so finally i could re-install and noticed i have version 3.0.134 now.

    What i also did not like it has wiped out my configuration with blocked ports and all that, which had not happened the former times, so have to rethink what it was all to block.
    Anybody has good advices in that?
    Don't even dare to look at ICQ yet as the other time has cost me over two days to figure out the right settings and ports and of course i forgot, and the same with some security software allowed ports (for PP among others).

    Hope the ZoneLabs people are reading this forum so they can add those complaints/remarks to their database.
    Can't say nothing about stability and all that as i've installed it just half an hour now.
  9. Smokey

    Smokey Registered Member

    Apr 1, 2002
    Annie's Pub
    Yeah yeah, do you really think that they are reading this or other forums about complaints/remarks concerning their product?

    If the answer is positive, ZA was already a long time ago bugfree! :(


  10. Paul Wilders

    Paul Wilders Administrator

    Jul 1, 2001
    The Netherlands

    Actually, they do visit this forum :D

    ahh..if life was only would be that simple..


  11. marti

    marti Registered Member

    Mar 25, 2002
    Houston, Texas, USA
    As a Team Z member, I have not responded to this thread since the latest "recreation of it," as I'm not sure what's going on. However, I will report this problem to Zone Labs.

    I did think the problem was resolved, but now I'm not sure.

    On the settings, if you change one setting, on any "flavor" of ZoneAlarm, document it. Write it down using paper and pencil or use my method of printing out screen shots. Each time you change a setting from the default to your own unique setting, please document it.

    All of you should document all changes to any software. The software manufacturer is not responsible for your failure to document the settings that you changed.

    BTW, I'm very tired of folks jumping into technical threads and saying "xyz software sucks." You folks are not helping with the posters problem nor do you bother to explain your comment. I try to help users in several forums and news groups, on more subjects than security. The negative terse comments do not add anything and distract the poster and the folks trying to help.

    Oh, software companies do read forums. I'm not about to name names here, but I know this for a fact.

    There are other firewalls out there, and ya'll can find the one that best suits your system and your needs. But, please, please stay out the way of a person with a problem with his/her software, unless you can provide a suggestion for the solution.

    I can go on with this rant for paragraphs, but I do think that I made my point.

    Thanks for reading this, if you got this far.

    ya'll stay safe and secure,
  12. Paul Wilders

    Paul Wilders Administrator

    Jul 1, 2001
    The Netherlands
    Hi marti,

    I for one surely admire your efforts to help ZA users out as much as you can.

    In essence, personally I'm with you in regard to merely posting solutions (if available) to questions asked.

    On the other hand: IMO Zonelabs would serve their software users the way they should by creating forum(s) - and putting some of their tech guys on it to moderate. Not that uncommon; many do so in the meanwhile (OutPost, Sygate etc.).

    Wouldn't you agree this would take care of quite a lot frustration form ZA users up front?

    Although we are no specific ZA adepts, we did offer ZoneLabs the possibility for free to host forums for ZA aprox. half a year ago - providing some of their tech guys would join in to moderate. After reconsideration, the ZoneLabs CEO decided against it, not willing to provide tech guys to moderate(?).
    Now, we don't care if ZoneLabs decided not to host their forum(s) over here (if only because of the hugh bandwidth and costs coming with it). The fact ZoneLabs would provide their software users a needed platform (eg forums) is in our view a necessaty. In not doing so, IMHO ZoneLabs is failing in customer support and after sales.

    Don't get me wrong: this is no rant. Merely a simple and factual opinion. ZA users do deserve better.


  13. marti

    marti Registered Member

    Mar 25, 2002
    Houston, Texas, USA
    Hi Paul,

    The lack of a Zone Labs support forum is something that they are looking at. However, you can't just create a forum, and not have trained staff to deal with the questions.

    Offers of an area, on an existing forum, are nice, and they have noticed that.

    I could say more, but won't in a public setting. I can say that Zone Labs is working on a way to get "more one-on-one" with the users. Creating Team Z was a step in that direction. Unfortunately, only a small group was invited in, and those of that actively participate in more than one forum or newsgroup (like me) have been stressed out lately after the new update of ZAFree. I have been a Team Z member for about a week, and I'm starting to see that some complaints are not problems, but customer relation problems.

    The URL to this thread will be passed on to Zone Labs.

    Thank you, Paul, for your suggestions and comments.
  14. Paul Wilders

    Paul Wilders Administrator

    Jul 1, 2001
    The Netherlands
    Hi marti,

    We are aware of that; contacts with ZoneLabs have been for that reason. FYI: it's not a matter of lacking trained staff - it's a company decision (as are many) not to make staff available for these purposes this way. ZL does have the trained staff alright.

    At least ZoneLabs CEO noticed ;).

    Personally, I do admire your efforts as a volunteer to do all you can. But - don't get me wrong - relying on a small group of volunteers (Team Z) instead of organizing a dedicated ZL staff group to handle customer support and after sales is IMHO not a proffessional way to go.

    That's just fine. Hope you don't mind I'd rather prefer ZL to address the issues than visiting over here - although they are most welcome!

    Well, they are actually "old news" to ZoneLabs. Nevertheless: my pleasure!


  15. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    For having problems with this new update and trying to warn other users all now jump on my back? Thank you so very much!
    1) I am a ZAPro version user, and i am used to try to sort out the problems i run into, to maybe report them to the tech team there as suggestions on their feedback form.
    I did solve them, didn't i?
    2) Experience learns, even though i have a paid version si can ask for support, if ever there comes an answer to work with, it could maybe contain some solutions but it would leave me in the meantime without working firewall.
    So thank you ZTeam to tell people there are other firewalls anywhere available, you are working on a fee version, i paid for mine already a couple of years. Good promotion i must say.
    3) Former updates were not so thoroughly wiping my settings. I did update/upgrade ZAPro various times and every time there was a question to keep former settings or install default. This time there was not such a question, unexpectedly, what i could not know before having installed it.
    4) I know very well ZoneLabs people are reading this forum and others to keep themselves informed what's goingon in the world. As it is a known fact people do discuss their problems and solutions, but only a small percentage takes the trouble to report via feedback forms or whatever.
    That's what those discussions forums are really good for.
    5) I hope other upgraders are warned now and use either kind of copy (notepad or screenshots?) to note their settings down.
    I have lots of confidence in default settings, but if i want to block series of ports extra and such things and allow series of ports for updating security software that's my own necessity and certainly if i after spending many days of investigations longer ago had those settings right i hate it to lose them unexpectedly as happened now.
    ZAPro has the habit even though we users allow certain ports and traffic to block them anyway and we have to climb mountains and do a lot to have the wanted traffic into our computers anyway.
    And now you forced me to complain, here is another one: since ZAPro forces to allow server for any chatprogram and messengers knowing this is the worst thing to do and makes users on such already vulnerable systems really easy victims. I hate this really! I have ICQ not even installed default and used it for urgent contacts only, and it's more then crazy to have the most used hackers tool for monitoring users allowed server capacities. It can make the whole firewall completely useless. Why don't they open at the same time the NetBIOS ports to help the untruders even more?
    So thank you very much and i really don't understand this new "feature".
    Of course when this change came with the version 3.0 i reported this already on their feedback form, you don't think they replied? You see they did not change this necessity, so even paid users are not taken serious in their worries.
    I'm not a total novice user, i'm a moderator of other software on this forum myself, taking security rather serious.
  16. Paul Wilders

    Paul Wilders Administrator

    Jul 1, 2001
    The Netherlands

    Although I do see the merits from your post, don't you agree in the end it's not a "Team Z" to blame, but ZoneLabs for making corparate decisions the way the have? ;)



  17. Hi guys,

    I agree with Paul on the" corporate decisions" and definitly on Jooske's concern on "server rights for any chatprogram" and Marti's willingness to help out as a Z team member. so I am not posting here to play politics or to disagree with anything all of you have said or feel should be change.

    I just want to give you all a heads up.

    Hackers (the bad ones ;), crackers, and script kiddies have many tools to exploit AIM, ICQ, and the other chat programs. Firewalls were one of the ways you could find protection and still use them with some kind of confidence "you were in control".

    If ZA does not address this issue now..immediatley..I can tell you the badguys running MAC, Linux and M$OS are all talking about what a field day they are going to have with people who use ZA products.

    I do not blame that on ZA..but rather the vulnerabilites within the chat programs installed on your systems which by nature look upon firewalls as the enemy, trying everything possible to keep connected in both directions.

    You need the ability to say NO..if ZA can not help you do that and you still want to prepared for an influx of new exploits..... the badguys are gearing up. :( :( :( :(


    So, anyone using ZA and and a chatprogram should read the help files that come with their version of ZA. If you do not have recent copies of that you can download them here...

    They will give you instructions to make sure your chat proggie is setup the safest way....

    (Here are some excerpts)

    Chat and instant messaging programs (for example, AOL Instant Messenger and ICQ) may require server permission in order to operate properly. You can grant server permission by:

    Answering "Yes" to the Server Program alert caused by the program, or
    Using the Programs tab.
    To learn how to grant server permission by using the Programs tab, see the related topic Changing program permissions.

    Changing server permission
    To server permission for a program in the Programs List:

    1. Go to the Programs tab in the Program Control panel

    2. Click the permission symbol you want to change, then select the option you want from the shortcut menu

    Server permission symbols
    (check mark) = Allow program to act as a server.

    ? = Ask for server permission by displaying a Server Program alert.

    X = Block server permission.

    Server Program alert
    Server Program alerts enable you to set server permission for a program on your computer.

    For detailed information about the contents of the alert box, see the related topic Alert details.

    Server Program alert

    The following basic options are available for each program

    Allow the program to listen for connection requests

    Block the program from listening for connection requests

    Ask me whether to allow the program to listen for connection requests (show Server Program alert)

    Caution We strongly recommend that you set your chat software to refuse file transfers without prompting first. File transfer within chat programs is a means to distribute malware such as worms, viruses, and Trojan horses. Refer to your chat software vendor's help files to learn how to configure your program for maximize security.
  18. snowy

    snowy Guest


    hey friend.....hope you are having a pleasent day....
    about allowing "servers"........which by the way..was very nice of you to provide the personal pref's is not to allow servers........there are numerous programs running on my computer that ask for permission to act as a server....all are denied. I don't use chat....did a few years yet..are you for sure certain that a chat program really needs to be a server......just curious here....
    end here post to mynet

    in regards to other comments.......

    imo its the moderators who make the call on such issues as whats allowed or the mods at this BB are and have been doing a super job.
    its understandable that certain kinds of post can distract.......nevertheless such is the freedom of expression....what one considers distracting another may consider useful. at this BB both members and guests are allowed to express their thoughts or con....posters in dis-agreement are allowed a forum...all without censorship.....baring its not a flaming war.
    zonelabs was invited to comment here in the past..I personally have made such the requests were ignorred .
    personally I have used zone alarm for several years.....that does not make me an many times I have quietly endured negetive comments about zone alarm......just as users of other firewalls endure negetive comments about their firewalls....such is the way it is.....I have also used other firewalls.......all in all what I do notice is that in some cases the topic of firewalls can incite some..lets say interesting responses.
    I have yet to meet the person who knows all the right answers about computers......its by open discussion that experience is passed from one to another.....much can be learned from negetive many times what I first thought was a negetive comment turned out to be a very useful tip...........openmindness and computers seem to work well for me now.
    an far be it for me to say that I have never become irrated in the past by another person's comments......but thats my personal I deal with it on a personal level....being humen I don't always do so as quickly as perhaps I I am guilty of making negetive comments......again being humen...
    for the past few days I have been in physical pain...due to exhusted....the pain will be with me awhile an I will need to be guarded of my attitude in hopes of not un-intentionally offending another person......if I find that I am un-able to converse properly because of the pain or exhustion...its me who needs to take a break from the computer.........which I find I need to do right now..

    warm regards

  19. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    Yes i read that help page, and even with that it has cost ICQ support and me a lot of puzzling to get it working again.
    Thanks for posting it here at hand :)

    As the install/setup actions changed so much they could have written a simple warning line on their ZA download site.

    Have you seen the many programs having problems with ZA, need to change settings, or suddenly have to allow my ports wide open in large ranges to be able to update security programs? ZA enables to make such rules per program fortunately, and if i was warned had written down such settings. I am sure there is somewhere some configuration file with my settings to keep/copy before a next update as a reference.
    Can't even run it on "high" security to internet as that blocks any possible connection at all. The known workarounds don't work around yet.
    Mentioned already the ZA blocking ports even though i allow them myself actively, even named in the allowed ports lines especially created for that! (how about 5000 for instance?)
    On the one hand generally spoken internet usage is stimulated everywhere to get our info, do our bank business, payments, internet phone, etc, on the other hand with this unbelievable change they force people to look for second protection. Etc etc etc, i'm not here to copy a whole excerpt of the discussions on whole internet.

    Further i am a moderator on various newsgroups and fora myself, as well as a beta-tester for lots of software and teaching things in the outside world. So i'm used to be supportive and help people out.
    My commentaries might sound brute maybe, but let's say if you read what happened, i have taken the time to give my comments to warn other people in advance, hoping to prevent them running in the same traps. And the developers might use those comments for their next versions.
    But allow me, in my PR courses it was unthinkable to advice a customer with a paid version of some software who solved the problems and is giving feedback to advice to look elsewhere.
    Of course i did look via the fora and tried several myself and i seem to have reasons to stay for with ZAPro several years already, yes, the paid version. But besides that lot of suddenly necessary extra measures.
    Again don't jump on my back for commenting some very user - unfriendly experiences, as it can spare several thousands of complaints.

    btw: before uninstalling be sure to have somewhere msvcrt.dll from the windows system directory copied, as since 3.0 that one disappears with each uninstall (what more? give me custom uninstalling so i can keep my shared system files!); missing that one can give the message you have to re-install windows.
  20. I am not posting a flame, however, I would like to say I think Zonelabs policy is ludicrous!

    THEY should supply the forum, yeah, with their own paid employees as moderators.. I owned ZAPRO for a month, had some problems, emailed tech support, got a couple of Very Late, scripted emails which had nothing to do with the problems I was having (I didn't know about this forum here, then)...

    Get fed up, and bit the bullet! Then I decided to forget about CNET and just investigate myself.. Found Outpost Pro. Then I saw the forums!! Alright! Then I tested Outpost for over two weeks, and bought it! That's it.. Zonelabs lost me as a customer...

    I dodn't use the forums on Agnitum much, but first of all, it gives me a feeling of reassurance that they are there, and also, through a search, usually I can find the answer.. I knw ZOnelabs is #1, but somehow, I get fed up with the #1 thing.. They should realize that by having their own forum, THAT's where they can get loyal, renewing customers every year..

    I'm not trying to rehash old feelings, but I wish some companies out there would read books about how to treat and retain clients!!! I hope when Agnitum becomes big, THEY don't forget how they got there!

  21. Smokey

    Smokey Registered Member

    Apr 1, 2002
    Annie's Pub
    I think it was a wise decision!

    ZAP is really a fine piece of work, but "the sales after" was and is still a big problem.
    Therefore many people changed from ZAP to Outpost Pro.
    When enough people do the same like you, maybe, just MAYBE, Zone Labs wakes up......

    B.T.W.: your message has nothing to do with "flames", it's your right to give your opinion about program X, Y or Z, besides that you really explained why your feelings about ZAP are very sad and thats O.K.!

    Wait for Outpost Pro Version 2, and you're even more satisfied about Outpost.
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