ZAPRO Question on allowing access..

Discussion in 'other firewalls' started by Straight Shooter, Dec 14, 2002.

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  1. I tried to find the answer by reading the manual, and also looking at previous posts..Maybe I'm just missing it..
    Here's my question..

    When I'm on the internet, ZAPRO won't allow me to read a pdf file (It say's; "You are not authorized to view this page".. Same thing when I am try to downlaod an exe file.. I know this is for my protection, but where would I be able to allow ZAPRO to allow those pdf and exe files for those specific areas

    Thanks to anyone who can help me..
  2. Loki

    Loki Registered Member

    May 26, 2002
    Lake Worth, Florida, USA
    Hi Straight Shooter,

    I haven't used ZAPRO for sometime now but your problem sounds like it might be with the mail guard and executables being block from download.

    Hope this helps until someone with more ZAPRO knowledge comes along.

    Loki :cool:
  3. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Hi Straight Shooter,

    Can you give us a little more information please? What version of ZA Pro are you running? If it is one of the 3.5 versions, do you have the web filtering option? Finally, a screen shot of exactly how the error is being display, i.e. pop-up window from ZAP, an in-line message within the browser, or ZAP log-viewer entry, would be helpful.

    Now, I'd have to guess that one of the advanced features in the new ZAP is responsible for this. Each feature in ZAP is controlled separately from its own panel (eg. Firewall, Program Control, Privacy, etc). What you can do to narrow down the problem (find out which component is doing it) is go into each main panel and temporarily disable that component. Retest a few cases where the blocks occur, and see which feature is causing the problem.

    It very well could be the web filtering component causing this. Blocking access to what it thinks could be "restricted" items. It is also possible for the Privacy component to block things like this. You should check each of them and see.

    Let us know,
  4. Hello,

    I have the Absolute Latest Version, 3.5.169...

    Under Firewall, I have internet zone set on high...
    Trusted zone on Medium...

    Under privacy, cookie control and ad blocking are set to medium..

    The Mobile code is on, and I know how to individually customize each page..

    I can't make screenshots, I never got around to getting a program for that.. Can you recommend something to me, and then I will go to the IRS page and try to view a form in pdf format, to which ZAPRO won't let me.. It will say "You are not authorized..."

    What I want is for ZAPRO to allow me to, by default, see ALL pdf files...

    I will send the screenshot if you can tell me how to make one, or just post a link. In the meantime, I will look for some now...

    The above is the url I am in which won't allow me to look at a pdf...

    I can "Alt-PrtSc" this.. It won't let me paste..
  6. marti

    marti Registered Member

    Mar 25, 2002
    Houston, Texas, USA
    I can't read PDF either, because of my IE settings. However, if I add that site (the one you gave) to the IE trusted zone, press the "refresh" option, the forum magically appears.

    However, I have ZAPlus installed, which doesn't have as many settings as ZAPro.

    BTW, the form you want to access is 4 pages.
  7. Oh, I know I can customize the web page to read pdf's.. In Zapro, I think the privacy controls are what is casuing the block..

    I just want to know how to make it default for ZAPRO to allow all pdf's...

    I know the pdf was 4 pages long.. Now, I just shut off ZAPRO entirely and then reload the page.. That can get tiring after a while...

    Thanks, Anyway...
  8. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Okay, but, do you have the version of ZAP with the Web filtering feature? There are two variations of the new ZAP, ZAPwwf and the normal ZAP without web filtering. They are different even though the version numbers are the same. Which do you have?
    Well, it is important for us to find out how ZAP is telling you that "You are not authorized...", via what mechanism? A pop-up ZA alert window or what? The window or alert may very well tell you what feature is causing the block, and so that will lead us to the solution.

    Also, have you tried to narrow down the exact feature that is causing the problem as I asked? See what I asked here:
    You stated this:
    Okay, good. Now, if you think that it is actually the Privacy component in ZAP that is blocking you, then, goto the Privacy tab and disable it via the slider there. By turning off all Privacy functions, rather than turning all of ZAP off, you will be able to confirm whether or not it's that specific feature blocking the PDF files. Retest the page with this disabled and let us know.

    As for screen shots, you don't need a special tool for that. You can just use MS "Paint" from the "Accessories" menu. See this FAQ on "Screen Shots and Image Posting..."
  9. Hello, and thank you for your patience !!!

    Okay, here we go with my answers...

    I would not know if I have the web filtering option. I don't think I do, I can't find anything referencing to this..
    I am linking the screenshot I made. I am sorry for not mentioning this before... When I try to either view a pdf or download an exe file, (in this case, freeware from A new webpage comes in that you see in the screenshot...

    I allowed access to this website ( by diabling privacy for that specific page only, and the download works fine. I did the same thing for the IRS site, and the pdf files went through fine! My question is, is there any way for the privacy to be enabled but allow only pdf and exe files in...?


    Attached Files:

  10. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    That image (just above) is an IE error message, so it appears that ZAP is blocking the flow of data into IE, and clearly you aren't getting an actual ZAP pop-up message.

    Regarding the global allowing of downloading .exe and .pdf files... Well, the overriding of Privacy features by use of the Site List in the Privacy panel is the only way I know to establish "trust" in ZAP Privacy, mainly because trust is something most people would establish by site, not by a file type, or another thing that could span both good and bad sites. So, if Privacy is doing this and not web filtering, you may not be able to change it.

    This error message does seem more like web filtering to me, but, I don't have access to it now, as I don't have the new version of ZAPwwf. Perhaps someone that does can describe how to override features such as the blocking of file types.

    Straight Shooter, can you look through the various tabs in the ZAP user interface and try to see what it says about web filtering? (Note, there was a cost differential, too, I thought in buying ZAPwwf, but I'm not sure if that was just for upgrades or not.) Maybe you can post a screen shot ( ;) ) of this ZAP panel (see my image below, notice the blacked-out license info) from your system, which might help us see what type you have.

    Attached Files:

  11. Sorry I couldn't reply right away, I went to sleep! It was 1:45 am at my last posting... :p :rolleyes:

    Anyways., I Am enclosing the screenshot. I don't think I have web filtering..I bought ZAPRO cheaper than the zonelabs price in May due to some special promotion they were having. I looked through all my tabs, I can't find anything saying "web filtering"...

    If I have to individually customize each page, then so be it. ZAPRO makes it easy to do so, and it worth the extra protection...


    Attached Files:

  12. CrazyM

    CrazyM Firewall Expert

    Feb 9, 2002
    BC, Canada
    What options are under the Privacy settings? You may find the filtering responsible under those settings.

    As LowWaterMark suggested this is the likely solution as you probably will not be able to filter by file type. As long as it works and you're happy... :)

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