ZA slow down my windows inicialization a lot!

Discussion in 'other firewalls' started by ZAuser, Nov 5, 2005.

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  1. ZAuser

    ZAuser Guest

    I was using Outpost PRO 3, but it slows down my internet conection a bit...

    Then I installed ZA PRO 6 trial, and it has not slow down my net connection as Outpost, but has slow down a lot my windows startup.... Sometimes I have no problem at windows startup, but sometimes my windows loads only the wallpaper, and after about 30sec -1min, all the other WindowsXP things inicialize, like the desktop icons, bars, and my nod32 and a²Guard...

    So what can I do? i have a Athlon XP 2800+, Asus A7v8x-x, 512mb RAm, running NOD32, ZA PRO and a² at startup...
  2. TeknO

    TeknO Registered Member

    Feb 18, 2005
    Istanbul, TURKEY
    You can use Kerio 4.2.2 if you don't like slowdowns. ;)
  3. ZAuser

    ZAuser Guest

    But is Kerio as good as ZA? Does Kerio have antispyware?
  4. TeknO

    TeknO Registered Member

    Feb 18, 2005
    Istanbul, TURKEY
    Yes, of course. perhaps much more.
    No. But, you can use more pro. solution for antispy. as ad-aware, spy sweeper or spyware doctor etc.
  5. ZA Pro

    ZA Pro Guest

    Is Kerio hard to configure?
  6. Kerodo

    Kerodo Registered Member

    Oct 5, 2004
    It is possible to run Kerio 4 right out of the box with no configuring at all, just allow or deny any programs that ask. Kerio 2, on the other hand, takes a little work.
  7. Arup

    Arup Guest

    There is also a way of importing BZ's rules for Kerio 2.15 into Kerio 4x.
  8. trickyricky

    trickyricky Registered Member

    Mar 27, 2005
    London, UK
    I've found that ZA can take ages to start even on relatively fast PCs and, not surprisingly, the more network-involved applications you run, the slower it seems to get. I've not seen this at all with Kerio 4.x.x firewalls (nor the 2.1.x ones), but I have a feeling it's linked to ZA's component control (just my opinion, nothing more).

    As has been already said, Kerio is every bit as effective as ZA for most people, has much less of a hit on the PC's start-up time and is effective "straight out of the box", even without extra rules being applied.
  9. chiawaikian

    chiawaikian Registered Member

    Sep 16, 2005
    This may be due to the newly-introduced OS Firewall.
    You might like to turn it off (Program Control > Custom and untick "Enable OSFirewall") This will not affect your internet security directly.
    Of course you could consider buying Kerio too.
  10. Jarmo P

    Jarmo P Registered Member

    Aug 27, 2005
    Kerio 4.2.2 does not consume CPU, starts fast. Only thing is if you have low memory, it does use 26 MB of memory.
    Kerio is very configurable. And has that application behaviour blocking that Kerio 2.1.5 has not. Also the user interface is one of the nicest I have seen.
  11. sweater

    sweater Registered Member

    Jun 24, 2005
    Philippines, the Political Dynasty Capital of the
    Zone Alarm was my very first firewall... until I tried some other firewalls and I was surprised my system got faster. start and shutdown and also web browsing and surfing speed increased dramatically like magic. :eek:

    That was then I realized that I would never used again ZA... but overall this firewall is really good... and protects your pc as immediately as it was installed.. but the only problem was that it eats up system resources and affects net speed.

    I tried kerio 4.1.3 but I exprerienced some freeze up and hung when I open multiple pages when browsing, Kerio 4.2 and kerio 4.2.2 crashed my system.. maybe their hips features was not compatible with my system set-up.:(
  12. roflmania

    roflmania Registered Member

    Nov 9, 2005
    Zone Alarm works fine for me. It's one of the free stuff that didnt actually disappoint. Try changing the setting.
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