Yahoo Mail

Discussion in 'other security issues & news' started by sweater, May 25, 2008.

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  1. sweater

    sweater Registered Member

    Jun 24, 2005
    Philippines, the Political Dynasty Capital of the
    I was then thinking that maybe some of my emails don't reach its destination. Is it really possible that some emails sent do not reach to their intended destined emails?

    There are times I received a "returned email" status or notice, and that my email couldn't be forwarded, but I was worried that maybe even without notice still some of my sent emails do not really go to their destination inboxes.

    I use Yahoo Mail. Is there anyway to make sure our sent emailso_O :cool: could go where it was be destined to go?
  2. Mrkvonic

    Mrkvonic Linux Systems Expert

    May 9, 2005
    You could create a non-yahoo email - like gmail or such. And then send any email that you feel might be lost with bcc: to your other account. This way, you can pretty much be sure it was relayed ok... including anti-spam, file attachments etc.
  3. crash79`

    crash79` Registered Member

    Jul 9, 2004
    Isle of Bute Scotland
  4. sweater

    sweater Registered Member

    Jun 24, 2005
    Philippines, the Political Dynasty Capital of the
    Crash79, this looks cool....but I am a little bit hesitant on this coz this is the first time I saw something like this. I am worried that it may have "something" hidden agenda on this services. I am not sure bout this yet. I have to study his first. :rolleyes:

    By the way, is this really a free service? and can we use this even without installing anything our pc to make it work? o_O

    How many yrs have you been using this thing?

    Anyone out there pls check if this is really safe? :doubt: :cautious:
  5. crash79`

    crash79` Registered Member

    Jul 9, 2004
    Isle of Bute Scotland
    I have used it for some time without problems,
    However, what suits one doesn't suit another.
    Try Googleing "Notify when email received".
    There quite a few in there.
  6. steve161

    steve161 Registered Member

    Nov 22, 2006
    New York
    Thunderbird has an option for that. It also has an option to notify you when someone is requesting confirmation that you opened their email, and whether you want the confirmation to be sent. I usually say no to the latter. Unless, it is a very important business message, I find it a little rude invasive that the sender wants to know when I opened their email.
  7. beethoven

    beethoven Registered Member

    Dec 27, 2004
    Without looking into this specific program, I recently checked out some other service based on a thread in the NOD forum. My preference is to be in control as a recipient and not to allow receipts nilly-willy - according to my quick research, these services do not work on Opera (if you block external elements) and do not work in TB unless you intentionally click on the embedded element. Other email programs may have similar functions. With Opera and TB I don't have to do anything more but if I wanted to use outlook or OE and knew the domain of the checking software, I would also block it via my firewall. So while it may work generally, you may not always get a receipt and that does not mean that the email did not go through.
  8. ccsito

    ccsito Registered Member

    Jul 27, 2006
    Nation's Capital
    There is an online email service ( that can provide return receipts for email messages. However, it is not a free service and you have to pay a monthly fee (just like at the Post Office).
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