XS4ALL is one of the oldest internetproviders in the Netherlands. It was founded in 1993. In 1998 it was sold to Dutch telecom company KPN, but it remained an independent subsidiary (KPN has it own internetprovider with different router). At that time when it was sold, it was "promised" it would stay indepedent. Wikipedia NL : https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/XS4ALL Wikipedia EN : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XS4ALL Earlier this year KPN announced it would end XS4ALL as an independent subsidiary. That caused quite an uproar among those who use XS4ALL, from the employees and the (former) founders. There has been started a crowdfunding so there could be a new successor for XS4ALL as internetprovider. Within a day there was over a million Euro in that crowdfunding. Sources in Dutch today: https://nos.nl/artikel/2309144-acti...-een-dag-miljoen-op-voor-nieuwe-provider.html https://www.nu.nl/tech/6008990/opvo...ag-doel-van-125-miljoen-met-crowdfunding.html In the meanwhile there have been some changes in the top of KPN. The new CEO is asking for a discussion with XS4ALL. And the XS4ALL employees have gone to the court. How this all will work out is yet to be seen. But I do hope that XS4ALL will survive, either as that independent subsidiary of KPN or as a new internetprovider (successor).
After another day the amount of money is now at over 2 million euro. (the maximum is 2,5 million euro). In someway this might be seen as users coming in action against (big) companies. It is still possible that XS4ALL will stay as that independent subsidiary of KPN. How big that chance is, I'm not sure. The site of the action group (all in Dutch): XS4ALL moet BLIJVEN https://xs4allmoetblijven.nl/
The maximum amount of money was reached last week within 3 days and 5 hours, they say. Tomorrow the site of the new provider will be launched.