XP disc mgt????

Discussion in 'backup, imaging & disk mgmt' started by Rico, Oct 16, 2008.

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  1. Rico

    Rico Registered Member

    Aug 19, 2004
    Hi Guys,

    I need to delete, restore, a XP Home partition:

    c:\ system
    d:\ data d drive to be deleted, re-create, restore data, I'll use Acronis TI to backup prior to this adventure:


    1. In 'Disc Mgt' highlight d:\ right click <delete>
    a) After delete is it just one big c:\ driveo_O
    b) After delete do I need to reboot

    2. Create partition
    a) Disc Mgt r-click Hashed lined area of C:\ choose create
    b) Do I need to choose something here 'logical' <or other mystery word>
    c) Do I get to choose a NAME for the volume & size
    d) Is the drive letter assigned by the OS? It must be D: right?
    e) Do I now need to format the new D:\ drive?

    3. Restore
    a) Using TI 10 recovery wizard, I presume/hope, I can choose D:\ as
    target drive & choose, from my full backup with increments, from
    external hdd the data, I previously backed up? Any <mystery words>
    in this step <any word involving a choice not on this post = mystery>

    Thanks Guys

    ps Murphy is luckier than I am.
  2. Seer

    Seer Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2007
    Hi Rico.

    1a - No, your c: will remain intact. In place of a deleted partiton you will see "unpartitoned space", which you can then use to create extended partition and 1 or more logical drives on it.

    1b - No

    2b - "Logical" refers to drives (as in D:, E:, F:, etc), "Extended" refers to partitions. So your mystery word is "Extended". You first create extended partition and then logical drives (in your case one, by using all the available space on the extended partition) on that extended partition. I hope this is clear enough...

    2c - Not sure what you mean, but you can easily change the name of a logical drive later.

    2d - Yeah, Windows automatically assigns the next available letter (in your case D). CD-DVD drives letters are placed after the fixed partitions (like E:, F:), this is default DOS/Windows hierarchy.

    2e - Of course.

    I have no experience with Acronis, but as you wish to restore your data only (not the system) and provided that you have a ready, formatted partition, the process should be a breeze, it's just a simple copy job. Better wait for more comments on this one though.

  3. Rico

    Rico Registered Member

    Aug 19, 2004
    Hi Nick,

    Thanks for the help!

    So in disk mgt. choose 'Create' new partition, if asked I would choose extended, for the intended D drive?

    My D drive now says 'New Volume' I was wondering during creation if you can re-name 'New Volume' to something diff.? I guess the size, would naturally be the whole un-allocated <dumb question>


    Next anyone experienced with TI?
  4. Seer

    Seer Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2007
    Hola Rico.

    Yes. And then r-click again on a newly created extended partition and create a logical drive using the maximum available space.

    You can't during creation, but you can change the volume name by r-clicking on a volume (after you format it i.e.) and selecting "Properties".

    Yes, the default is using the maximum available space.

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