XeroBank: Netherlands & Wilders Security Forums

Discussion in 'privacy technology' started by Pleonasm, Jun 19, 2008.

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  1. Pleonasm

    Pleonasm Registered Member

    Apr 9, 2007
    Interestingly, every time xB VPN is connected to the Netherlands exit node on the XeroBank network, I am unable to display the Wilders Security Forums website (i.e., “Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage” error). I have replicated this problem on multiple occasions across several days, and it never occurs with other websites or when using the Canada exit node. What might be the issue?

    Has anyone else noticed this problem?

    P.S.: I am using Internet Explorer 7 on Windows Vista.
  2. Hillsboro

    Hillsboro Registered Member

    Jul 21, 2006
    I have no problem accessing Wilders' from the Netherlands, Belgium or Germany. Which is to say it can be accessed from EU ISP's I am speaking of in country. I use Swissvpn or SteganosVPN on insecure wifi hotspots and can access too. Why don't you PM Wilders and see if the exit node is being blocked. I think it may be the same server farm being used by Findnot for their NL exit node.
  3. caspian

    caspian Registered Member

    Jun 17, 2007
    I have had the same problem. I disconnected and then reconnected to the VPN once I logged into Wilders and so far I am still here. I wonder what is going on?
  4. SteveTX

    SteveTX Registered Member

    Mar 27, 2007
    Wilders may be receiving too much traffic from the xerobank nodes! Time to call LWM and ask.
  5. Pleonasm

    Pleonasm Registered Member

    Apr 9, 2007
    Thank you, Caspian, for confirming that you too are experiencing the same difficulty with Wilders Security Forums when using the Netherlands exit node on the XeroBank network. I have sent a message to the forum administrator on this issue, and requested that a reply be posted in this thread.

    …which brings up the question of why XeroBank is using only one IP address for each of its exit nodes? Based on my experience so far with XeroBank, the IP address of an exit node remains unchanged over time. In contrast, services such as Total Net Shield by Anonymzier change the exit node IP address each and every day.

    Thank you.
  6. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    To the best of my knowledge we aren't currently blocking any XeroBank nodes, however, I'm not a XeroBank user and don't know the addresses of all the exit nodes. Since we are talking "exit nodes" that means the IP addresses are publicly known, right? So, if someone would care to send me either "the" IP address or "the list" or the .NL based exit node(s), I'll check them against our rather short list of blocked IP addresses.

    One thing doesn't make sense though... caspian just said they got connected here using that exit node, at least that's how I interpret "I disconnected and then reconnected to the VPN once I logged into Wilders and so far I am still here." (underlining part that makes it sound like he posted from the/an .NL exit node)

    Since we have no varying blocks here, (i.e. if an IP address is blocked, it's block all the time, not some of the time), it makes no sense that it'd work for a while but not always. If that is the case, and it sometimes works, then it's more likely an Internet route issue from wherever the XeroBank .NL node(s) is/are located.
  7. Pleonasm

    Pleonasm Registered Member

    Apr 9, 2007
    I believe Caspian was saying that he could view the Wilders Security Forums using XeroBank when connected through the Canada exit node, but not when connected through the Netherlands exit node. (That is exactly what I have observed, by the way.) Those two exit node options from the XeroBank network are the only ones now available.

    Steve at XeroBank, do you care to disclose the IP address(es) associated with the Netherlands exit node so that the Wilders Security Forums can investigate this issue further?
  8. caspian

    caspian Registered Member

    Jun 17, 2007
    Actually, yesterday I tried to open the Wilder's page 3 or 4 times from the Netherlands connection and just got a blank page. I thought the forum was down. Then I disconnected the VPN and logged into Wilders Forum. Once I was logged in, I reconnected to the Netherlands IP just to see what would happen, and it let me stay logged in. I have no idea why, since I could not even connect to the forum initially.

    But I have had no problems connecting through the Netherlands IP today, so it must be fixed.
  9. Pleonasm

    Pleonasm Registered Member

    Apr 9, 2007
    Well, somebody changed something, because I can now access the Wilders Security Forums when using the Netherlands exit node on the XeroBank network. Problem solved. :thumb:
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