Xen is a Heavy Duty Batch File

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by Grummy, May 19, 2002.

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  1. Grummy

    Grummy Registered Member

    May 8, 2002
    Ohio, USA
    This site page:

    Xen V178, I started using and testing this program and so far the results are exceptional. " Xen is a collection of files I have put together and for which many people find very useful."

    - protects privacy and frees up disk space
    - runs on win 95,98,98SE,ME,NT,2000 and XP
    - cleans up more temporary files than any other cleanup program
    - cleans up browser cache completely ! (even index.dat)
    - cleans out cookie files completely ! (even index.dat
    - cleans up web history files completely ! (even history.dat)
    - cleans up recent history
    - cleans up and optimizes your registry
    - removes application debugging information
    - removes temporary pc health files
    - removes temporary setup files
    - removes temp files left behind by windows
    - cleans up literally 100's and 100's of different temporary files
    - cleans up your history trails in windows and also in 100's of different programs
    - cleans out registry entries and optimises registry
    - cleans out some major spyware that is out there and stops it from starting up
    - cleans recycle bin
    - scandisk and defrag options for startup
    - backs up and restores your registry and keyfiles
    - backs up and restores your root files
    - backs up and restores your user profiles
    - backs up your my documents
    - backs up your outlook address book and data
    - backs up your pgp keys if exist
    - backs up drive completely to another drive
    - backs up and restores your CMOS
    - backs up and restores your master boot record
    - security check for trojans
    - security for VBS scripts and other scripts
    - automatically detects user profiles and utilises them, even in windows 9x
    - frees up memory on exit
    - self sufficient and creates its own files
    - saves and restores your icon layout on desktop

    and lots more...
    would never dream of charging someone for Xen - just the way I am I suppose
    - freeware is the best ! but if you want you could buy me a beer or two by...
    clicking on the paypal donate button below!
    Even though Xen has many options and some really indepth cleaning, backup and restore options etc I have made it as simple as I can e.g. no lengthy
    installation program or libraries and system files are put onto your computer
    - it is just one hell of a major set of files that I found to be very useful and so I hope do many other people.

    Quite frankly, this is pure script batch files at it's best. Makes XCleaner and Internet Sweeper look like child’s play. After down loading the Zip file, MAKE SURE YOU READ ALL THE .DOC AND TXT FILES BEFORE INSTALLING IT. Join me in the fun and post your comments here. This thing is heave duty. I found it as a recommendation from Lockergnome Windows Daily.
  2. spy1

    spy1 Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Clover, SC
    Nice find, Grummy!

    Got three of their d/l's and I'll be checking them out as soon as I can!

    Thanks! Pete

    UNICRON Technical Expert

    Feb 14, 2002
    Nanaimo BC Canada
    I will definately be giving each of those apps a workout. Sounds really encouraging!
  4. Grummy

    Grummy Registered Member

    May 8, 2002
    Ohio, USA
    Thanks for checking it out. Xen is so robust I'm afraid to answer Y to a lot of the Dos questions. Sure are a lot of registry hacks  in it!  I did notice it cleaned my index.dat  files right down to their bare  minimum. :rolleyes:
  5. FanJ

    FanJ Guest


    Well, I had a very quick look there (sorry, have to go through a lot of postings here  ;) ), and I saw something mentioned XENHosts or something like that. It looks like something like S.Martins HOSTS file.
    I wonder whether it uses exactly the same sites as mentioned in S.Martins HOSTS file. If (and I admit: I didn't have an in-depth look) it does, why wasn't S.Martin not mentioned there?? Well, too early to draw conclusions....
  6. Grummy

    Grummy Registered Member

    May 8, 2002
    Ohio, USA
    Don't know didn't down load that porg. just Xen. I previously  used Hosts for ad blocking, not any more. AdShield is too good at ad blocking with no proxie, no hosts just an effective BHO for IE. Now I only use hosts for speed resolution purpose with all my "Favorites" in the hosts files.  The AdShield site  in case anyone wants to check it out is:
    Nothing is better than Adshied for Ad-Blocking IMHO.
  7. Grummy

    Grummy Registered Member

    May 8, 2002
    Ohio, USA
    Some test results:
    1)Reduces the index.dat file in IE Temp to it's minimum of 32K
    2) When I ran the MS Disk Clean Up tool, several new file types appeared in the selection option box. They were not choices given when I run Disk Clean Up under Programs/Accessories/System tools as presented by my WindowsME.
    3) Scans for about six or seven basic Trojan files.
    4) It cleaned my box of more temp files than any previously tried program.

    So far, I really like this thing.  ;)
  8. spy1

    spy1 Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Clover, SC

    "Temporary PCHealth files" and 'Application Debugging Information" got added to mine here, too. Pete

    UNICRON Technical Expert

    Feb 14, 2002
    Nanaimo BC Canada
    I had some serious BSOFs at restart with w2k. First bad boots in 8 months. I had to F8 and load last known good configuration to get back to desktop.

    Dunno what happened. Wasn't the host file.
  10. Grummy

    Grummy Registered Member

    May 8, 2002
    Ohio, USA
    Do be very carefull with this program. Answer the DoS box questions with care, otherwise you can really change your system set up to a configuration you might not like. Take it slow.
    READ the .txt and .doc files which are inside several of the folders
  11. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    About XENhost:

    I took a quick look at it.
    It looks to me that the items in it are not sorted in groups like they are in S.Martins HOSTS-file.
    Also I read in the read.me of XENhost:

    From those two facts 1) items not sorted in groups and 2) XENhosts not longer updated, I came for the moment to the conclusion that I myself by far prefer the HOSTS-file from S.Martin (together with Hostess).

    BTW: indeed utilities like DNSKong and eDexter are fine ones (but I have to admit that I don't use them; too lazy....).
  12. snowman

    snowman Guest


          I much agree.....steve m's host file......works wonders..........it may not be the largest...but sure does the trick.......

  13. Checkout

    Checkout Security Rhinoceros

    Feb 11, 2002
    I'd like to read a description of Hostess, please.
  14. Grummy

    Grummy Registered Member

    May 8, 2002
    Ohio, USA
    I downloaded Xen and there was nothing pertaining to hosts in it at all ?  Besides Ad-Shield is the best ad blocker program in MHO.

    However this  might help you Ceckout:
  15. snowman

    snowman Guest


          sure you can read about hostess.....no one will mind...go right ahead...LOL    LOL  LOL

       (sorry friend...could not help myself)

  16. snowman

    snowman Guest


          what say buddy....I haven't the opportunity to say hi to you in months....hope you are doing well.

           thanks for sharing.....

  17. Grummy

    Grummy Registered Member

    May 8, 2002
    Ohio, USA
    Hi Snowman, I can't even remember which forum it was. Maybe the old VOP or Becky ? Anyhow nice to hear from ya.  Sorry off topic.  :D
  18. spy1

    spy1 Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Clover, SC
    Grummy - There are three different programs offered there - Xen, XenTweak and XenHosts (there's other stuff there as well, go back to the original link given and check it out).

    I didn't fool with XenHosts, satisfied with S.Martins'. Pete
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