WSA/Prevx performance ... hhmmmm

Discussion in 'Prevx Releases' started by Longboard, Feb 5, 2012.

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  1. Longboard

    Longboard Registered Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Sydney, Australia
    Sorry to be a pain :eek:

    Title should probably read WSA ....Hhmmmm
    I am still on PrevX 3, maybe migrating soon.

    I have been watching some of the reviews and controversies around WSA lately: "performance" in terms of installs and scanning always vv good.

    Nice piece here ( and elswhere ) re system effects:,2817,2393678,00.asp

    Then the same author gives a bit of a hosing: Performance in terms of detection and removal seems a little less exhilarating:

    and at AVC removal tests: not bad but not exactly on fire either:
    Just above "standard" rating.

    Then PC mag weighs in with an unusual article 4 days later:
    Wot's all that about ??.

    The VB100 dec test aint that crash afaics. ?

    AVTest ; WSA not wipin' that floor ?

    So some clarity and some statement from vendor might be good. ??
    Maybe already made? ... link?

    BTW: Prevx Blog gone south ??, some other site.
    Some updates needed at sticky ...,2817,2393678,00.asp

    Marco where are u? :)

    Thanks for letting me post
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2012
  2. STV0726

    STV0726 Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2010
    Webroot earning an Advanced rating from AV-C for removal is respectable, especially for a cloud product. Also, remember not to make generalizations like "just above Standard" because AV-Comparitives is pretty adamant about their statement that "one can assume all tested products in one category are as good as each other in that same category". They differ in this respect than AV-Test, that rates more based on points.

    The article you linked about the accusation...well..if you read that article he explains it. I'm not getting into it in full, but basically, some anonymous commenter on another magazine review site accused PC Magazine of cheating or "gaming" the scores, so Neil Rubenking responded, as he should have and had every right to. I would have done the same thing. He is a very respectable testing person and would NEVER cheat. He has no reason to, anyway.

    I'm not telling you what you should look for in an antivirus product, but if Webroot is going to be lacking in any area, I'd want it most to be removal. My top two areas are prevention/detection, and performance, and Webroot supposedly will succeed greatly in those areas. Another PC Mag test was just released and Webroot SecureAnywhere again came in at the top, knocking out 100% of all threats. That's insane. 100%.

    Another reason I don't mind them lacking a bit in removal is because no other, and I mean NO OTHER company offers what they offer - a guarantee that they will connect to your PC and clean the malware up for free. In this respect, the ratings they got from AV-C are solely what the client can do; it does not take into account the removal guarantee.

    An ounce of a prevention is worth a pound of cure, which is why in general, I place prevention and proactive detection at a higher priority for choosing security solutions, as opposed to their removal capabilities. However, if the removal capabilities falls to Standard, then I would consider that a concern.

    I am in agreement with you though, that overall, the mixed ratings and issues that VB had (even though it was very temporary) make the product seem a bit "beta-ish." My original statement was by mid 2012, maybe a bit before, we should get the real deal. I think now though, that the current build, .95, should be what we were waiting for.
  3. Longboard

    Longboard Registered Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Sydney, Australia
    Link ??

    While I have respect for NR@PCMag, I dont really hold him in the same light as the testing orgs. Absolutely no mention of FPs in the review he wrote yet seems a significant issue everywhere else.

    What I think I am seeing is persistently the lowest detection and highest FP rates. :doubt:
    Happy to be corrected.
    This is a new implementation of a new software suite and we might expect some issues.
    Yeah, always liked that.
    Might be a bit late after all your "bits" already taken, but, nonetheless, a nice offer.

    PrevX has always had difficulties with standard testing methodologies, as u note -cloud based- but very bright lights are being shone on WSA.

    W&W, hey, I've been a long term subscriber ( PrevX 1 ;) ) and I want WSA to build on the PrevX model and make it work well..

  4. Dermot7

    Dermot7 Registered Member

    Dec 20, 2009
    Surrey, England.
  5. Longboard

    Longboard Registered Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Sydney, Australia
    If u are referencing this chart:,1871,iid=326555,00.asp
    I dont think that is a new test, just using previous results to compare with Comodo. ??
    Still, looks good. ... :)
  6. Dermot7

    Dermot7 Registered Member

    Dec 20, 2009
    Surrey, England.
  7. superssjdan

    superssjdan Registered Member

    Dec 11, 2011
    Sweet.Hadn't seen those new scores yet with his new malware collection.I have alot of respect for the work Neil does.While i haven't agreed on every review he's posted,i do believe he's someone that cannot be bought.I am far more heavily suspicious of these so called independent labs and youtube reviewers that can, and have been,bought and paid for by companies like Symantec..etc.If the average people only knew of some of the standard industry practices that go on in relation to testing,the trips..the gifts..the meals..the events..the things involved in the rigging of the testing..etc,they would lose all respect for the ratings.Glad to see the scores are where they are,but in the end,it's all about what the product does for you and that's where WSA hits a home run for me.I believe WSA/Prevx are blazing a trail that the bigger,more well funded vendors will eventually follow.

    JCRUYFF Registered Member

    Oct 27, 2009
  9. PrevxHelp

    PrevxHelp Former Prevx Moderator

    Sep 14, 2008
    WSA is definitely a brand new product, and had a fraction of the users it now has when most of the reviews took place (they're tracking back by at least two months). I think you'll see a very different picture when the next immediate AV Test results come out ;)

    That being said, we are in the middle of some massive improvements to the scanning, protection, and cleanup engines which will bring another very substantial jump in reducing our FPs and increasing our detection. These are still a few weeks away from being implemented, and another few weeks before we have everything set up and ready centrally, but get ready for once this hits the testers :)
  10. STV0726

    STV0726 Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2010
    I would be very interested to know if the "end of January" 100% score Webroot received from PC Magazine was indeed just the Editor's Choice test results from Novemeber (?) or if it was indeed yet another test Neil did.

    Although it is very much based on Prevx, it is new code and it is true that they did not have a large user base at first to report all the problems in. Now they do, and it is only to get better, especially being a cloud product.

    I believe, since Prevx holds one of the biggest clouds of data, with all of their malware samples, it is only a matter of time before they reach the top of the charts in antivirus comparatives. They have the samples and heuristic methods; it was just an issue of evening out the rough spots in implementation.
  11. trjam

    trjam Registered Member

    Aug 18, 2006
    North Carolina USA

    thanks Joe, that is great to hear.

    JCRUYFF Registered Member

    Oct 27, 2009
    Those result are not from a New test , Just compare WSA results from The AV-Charts with PC Magazine WSA review they are the same Test. Nothing new
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2012
  13. STV0726

    STV0726 Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2010
    Ok, noted and debunked. Thanks.

    Nevertheless, I am confident that the way Webroot SecureAnywhere is now, combined with the updates that will be rolled out in the coming weeks, will make it all right.

    Prevx technology has never been tested by large organization test methodology before, so now that they have that feedback, they can perfect their approach.
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