Wow....Escan antivirus

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by Main, Apr 18, 2003.

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  1. Main

    Main Guest

    Found 9 viruses on my machine, total bas ass.

    I downloaded the firewar demo and I guess it spread becuase if found 7 of those and 1 virus in a Filelist and another 1.

    Thing works really good, it uses the Kaspersky engine of course.

    it cost 27 bucks and AVk cost 19 so I'm deciding which one to buy tonight.
  2. Technodrome

    Technodrome Security Expert

    Feb 13, 2002
    New York
    In addition to KAV engine, AVK uses RAV engine too. So AVK is better value!

  3. Madsen DK

    Madsen DK Registered Member

    Nov 23, 2002
    What AV did you use before, i mean the one that didnt catch those 7 viruses.
    Just cuious ;)
  4. Main88a

    Main88a Guest


    I just did a full system scan on Wednesday with Bit and it didn't even catch one:huh()

    But escan is pretty damn good, it has a bunch of functions to it that I like.
  5. Tinribs

    Tinribs Registered Member

    Mar 14, 2002
    Hmmm if you did a full system scan with mcafee and f-prot and they missed the 7 virii that e-scan picked up I'd be tempted to send them for evaluation testing for a second opinion. Not trying to diminish e-scan's ability but mcafee and f-prot are not reknowned for missing much!
  6. main

    main Guest

    Yeah but escan is a pushover, this is a pretty good product without the mainstream appeal that Mcafee/Norton has.

    Also keep in mind that it used the kaspersky engine.

    How do you printscreen, I want to show you how the interface looks on escan?
  7. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Well, wait a second. You said:

    >> I downloaded the firewar demo and I guess it spread becuase if found 7 of those and 1 virus in a Filelist and another 1.

    The "7 files" identified were copies of firewar? Is that what you meant? Or were they other viruses?

    As stated before, not every AV targets firewar, since it's not really a virus or trojan, so missing it (or 7 of them) isn't necessarily bad.

    Now, the other two viruses ("1 virus in a Filelist and another 1") do you happen to know which viruses those were?
  8. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    There's an FAQ(link) on taking screen shots and posting images here on the forum. It'll help you get the images you want to show, but, Guests can't actually post images here. You'd have to register as a member to post image files on the forum.
  9. Vampirefo

    Vampirefo Guest

    I doubt McAfee missed 7 viruses, seems very unlikely, send them to me at
  10. Vampirefo

    Vampirefo Guest

    McAfee doesn't detect firewar, it's not a virus or Trojan, just a demo.
  11. Vampirefo

    Vampirefo Guest

    Ok, I downloaded and updated Escan antivirus, McAfee blows this AVP away, Escan antivirus is a watered down version of AVK, don't waste your money, buy AVK, if you want to go in that direction.
  12. main88a

    main88a Guest

    Don't see how Mcafee "blows it away", I DL'ed the corporate version and it scanned almost every single file without any unpacking errors.

    Mcafee is a great AV but really I think it misses alot of viruses. I already determined to pick up AVk tomorrow, escan is great but it eats alot of memory since you have to use 3 parts of it, update, managment console and live update watcher or whatever but it's pretty damned good to me.

    As for the earlier viruses, yes 7 were Firewar and maybe Mcafee doesn't care about that.

    I will register right now and print screen my Dr. Web results.
  13. tahoma

    tahoma Guest

    excuse my ignorande here but AVK is short for what AV ? KAV?
  14. Metallica

    Metallica Guest

  15. Technodrome

    Technodrome Security Expert

    Feb 13, 2002
    New York
    AVK is short for AntiVirusKit (as pointed above) or Extendia AVK. AVK Pro uses KAVs ( and RAVs ( engines ! (AVK author) (USA ,AVK reseller)

  16. tahoma

    tahoma Guest

    thanks for clarifying (or obscuring) that guys :)

    AVK by gdata doesent seem to score well over at virusbtn, so is it worth trialing? odd tho, that it fails the virusbtn tests if its using the KAV and RAV engines.

    any idea if its heavy on resources or causes any slowdowns ? or should i stick with drweb as my resident scanner and KAV as my backup ?
  17. Technodrome

    Technodrome Security Expert

    Feb 13, 2002
    New York
    Before Version 10 they've used their own engine! Version 10 added KAVs engine and 11 added RAVs engine.

    Is it worth trailing? Yes, but I don't think you will find a trial version in English. You can contact guys at and ask them for trial version.

    My conclusion is AVK Pro is a top notch AV product. Its a very powerful and user friendly av product. I am using right now (I had it since version 9) did many tests with it and it never failed me.

    No Slow downs, and its easy on system resorces.

    There are 3 proccess running(see image):

    PS. KAV and DrWeb is a powerful combo and I think you are covered! No need for change!

    Attached Files:

  18. Technodrome

    Technodrome Security Expert

    Feb 13, 2002
    New York
    In regards to VB awards: ;)

    Attached Files:

  19. tahoma

    tahoma Guest

    thanks for that technodrome. wrt the virusbnt results it did indeed pass the last test, but before that it failed 8 from 8.

    anyhow, a different question: ive got KAV installed, but its not running at startup, neither from registry or as a service. Yet i notice ie and other browsers loading several KAV ddls. does this mean that KAv is monitoring every html file and web component that im downloading in ie, and scanning them ? if so, then why would u use the resident scanner anyway since everything thats being downloaded (i.e. anything new that arrives on my comp) is scanned by kav anyway?
  20. Technodrome

    Technodrome Security Expert

    Feb 13, 2002
    New York
    I think you are referring to KAVs (AVP) script checker that loads with Browser. It scans for malicious scripts but not for system files or downloaded files. KAV monitor needs to be enabled in order to do that!

    Easiest way to check this is to try to download eicar test file( and see if KAV Monitor pops up (which I doubt it). You need to disable DrWeb Spider first.

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