Wormguard 3.1 and WinXP home

Discussion in 'WormGuard' started by JPM, Aug 11, 2002.

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  1. JPM

    JPM Registered Member

    Feb 10, 2002
    Las Vegas, NV
    I have read on the DiamondCS site that WG may not be fully compatible with WinXP home, what are the problems I might have? Also my new computer has Norton AV 2002 installed on it, are there any known problems between WG and Norton AV? I am a registered user of TDS3 and WG, TDS3 is working fine but I have not installed WG because of what I read at the DiamondCS site. I did not see a version on the download page for WG for XP should I dl the NT version?

  2. Loki

    Loki Registered Member

    May 26, 2002
    Lake Worth, Florida, USA
    Hi JPM,
    I have W3 on Win XP Pro and have no problems. I don't use Nav2002 so can't answer on that. ;)
  3. JPM

    JPM Registered Member

    Feb 10, 2002
    Las Vegas, NV
    Well I found out it completely screwed Nortons live update feature via NAV's autoprotect. Uninstalled WG and it still will not work, wonder what else it broke. XP has only been out for like two years now yet DiamondCS still does not have working version of WG for XP?
  4. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    Hmm, sounds not good. What i remember the only things left were that the system restore could finish the evaluation period and on XP systems some see they would still have an evaluation while they registered already.
    They're working on that part. Further it should work fine.
    Going to dig if i find anything about the liveupdate as many people use it with NAV without any problems at all.
    What i can imagine NAV autoprotect and WG are both on a very deep level of the system and if the one is getting installed while the other is still running...
    Did you close NAV while installing WG? After it should be possible to activate it again without problems.
  5. grey_ghost

    grey_ghost Registered Member

    Apr 28, 2002

    Just to reaffirm what jooske said. I have been running WG3 for a few months.

    I don't know if this applies to your problem but it is really important to disable any applications especially virus or trojan etc. when installing new programs.

    I'm sure you can work things out WormGuard is a great program and well worth the effort to have its protection. :)


    WinXPpro, KAV4, BOClean, WG3, PC2000, The Cleaner etc.
  6. JPM

    JPM Registered Member

    Feb 10, 2002
    Las Vegas, NV
    Well I used XP's system restore and afterwards I could use live update again. I disabled and unchecked load at startup everything in NAV I could and rebooted, installed WG then went to have it install it's hook and received an error "could not find wguard.inf" did a system search and it is not on my system. Clicked the install again and this time it went through, or seemed to anyways, upon reboot there was an error just before my system shut down. When my system came back up wormguard said that the protection was active. Renabled NAV and rebooted, tried to use live update and received the same error " Live update is not installed or has been removed from this system" or some such. So the Wormguard install is giving me errors and something Wormguard is doing is stepping on NAV's live update. As I have done more research others are having the same experience as I am with WG, NAV and XP, I also understand that it works for some as well. Guess I will have to wait for the long anticipated WG 4, if it really exists, to see if they have fixed this.
  7. controler

    controler Guest

    Just a tiny hint here. If you want daily def updates, you need to manualy download them @


    Once downloaded, just click on the EXE file to update Norton.

    You can NOT get daily updates with the autoupdate feature.
  8. JPM

    JPM Registered Member

    Feb 10, 2002
    Las Vegas, NV
    Hi Controler,

    Yes I am well aware of this :) I just do not understand why it should affect LiveUpdate at all. Anyways I received a reply from DiamondCS and they do not recommend Wormguard and XP.....

    We don't recommend or support installations on Windows XP. There have been mixed reports, we recommend you wait for the Wormguard 4 release in the coming months. Join the mailing list on www.diamondcs.com.au if you are not already on it to receive notification of release.

    If you are familiar with backups and want to take the risk, there may be limited problems in your case. This would not be recommended, you may need to run a repair install if something did happen. So this would be as a last resort if you really wanted Wormguard and were willing to risk XP stability.

    Best Regards
    Gavin Coe
    DiamondCS Support
  9. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    It is very personal, as there are also many reports of XP home and pro users who run it without any problem at all, so i think Gavin's answer is --like on the website alert too-- to avoid heavy problesm for those individuals where it goes wrong.
    What i did understand they are building their own dll parts to have no more problems with sudden changed MS parts for version 4, to be compatible with all versions.
    Think compatibility with other programs might get better with that too, if that is based on windows caused problems.
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