Winsonar Questions

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by WilliamP, Oct 8, 2005.

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  1. WilliamP

    WilliamP Registered Member

    Jun 1, 2003
    Fayetteville, Ga
    I have downloaded and running Winsonar on my older computer XP Home Edition . If I check the box to[ Kill unknown processes while connected ] it won't let me open a lot of my desk top programs when I'm not on the internet. Also the selection for off line shield is greyed out. One of us is confused. Please help.
  2. toploader

    toploader Registered Member

    Aug 19, 2005
    hi William - ticking the online kill box means that no unrecognised process can execute while you are online. that means "anything" unrecognised after Winsonar has done it's initial scan of running processes.

    there is a scan button at the bottom of the right window to recognise unknown processes - these processes should then show in the left window - you can then click them to hi-light them and press a button at the bottom of the left window to have them recognised - the process should then disappear from the left window and move across to the right window with the rest of the recognised processes. once recognised it should then be able to execute. you can of course simply disable protection to run something, but it will be killed if you re-enable protection until it is recognised.

    ideally you should start all the programs you want to be recognised just prior to installing Winsonar - that way when it does it's initial scan it will automatically whitelist all it finds. this saves a lot of manual work.

    basically if you are connected to the internet you use the online protection. when you disconnect from the net i think you can then tick the offline protection shield which continues to protect the computer ( i haven't tried this so i don't know if it works) - the offline protection shield was added in the last version.

    i've only tried it briefly but i am impressed with it so far.

    short faq -
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2005
  3. StevieO

    StevieO Guest

    Hi WilliamP,

    I don't think you'll be dissapointed with WS, i've been running it for some time now and think it's excellent, and it Really works too !

    You could set WS in Fast Scan mode, which will always Prompt you when any new App etc is launched or trys to run. This is the Learning Mode for WS and you then Allow or Dissallow what you need, which you can change afterwards should you choose to or make an error.

    After you have inputted all the normal things running OFFLINE including your browser, i would then enable ONLINE Mode before you do connect to the internet. You can always disable the ONLINE protection to allow something and then switch it back on straight after.

    Check out the other features it has like on demand Port Scanning should you require it. Also you can enable On Alert Port Scan too.

  4. WilliamP

    WilliamP Registered Member

    Jun 1, 2003
    Fayetteville, Ga
    It doesn't seem to work for me. When I set kill on line ,it won't let me do anything off line. If I un click it I can. The off line protection is greyed out. as is the magnifying glass at the bottom of the right hand window.I have tried redownloading twice.
  5. StevieO

    StevieO Guest

    Sorry to hear you're having difficulties William !

    Have look at the Screen Shots i've put together for you which i hope will help you. Have you configured these ?

    Also read up in the Help section, Documents and tips etc.

    I'd like to see you up and running as it is a great App, so post back with your progress.

  6. WilliamP

    WilliamP Registered Member

    Jun 1, 2003
    Fayetteville, Ga
    Thank you for the help. I am working at it. It keeps blocking wuauclt.exe which is Microsoft trying to check for updates. How do I get it to allow?
  7. toploader

    toploader Registered Member

    Aug 19, 2005
    see the faq link specifically....

    If you activated the option "Kill unknown processes while connected to the Internet", remember to uncheck it if you are doing some online action involving third party programs that could need automatic run ( i.e. Microsoft Windows Update), otherwise downloaded executable files will not be launched and installed, because unknown.
    If you want to let them run, because of the frequency of the online action ( i.e. daily antivirus update) uncheck the option, run the Winsonar probe while programs are running and include them in the safe list, then check the option again: Winsonar will recognize programs as safe and will not kill them anymore when online.
  8. muf

    muf Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2003
    Manchester, England
    I see your problem. Easy to remedy.

    Untick "Kill unknown processes while connected to the Internet"
    Tick "Fast scan"(if it's not already ticked)
    Now minimise Winsonar.
    Launch any application that you have not been able to run i.e wuauclt.exe You will see a popup from Winsonar saying it has found an unknown process. Select the process and click the green hand to add it to the allowed list. Try starting up all other application's one at a time and see if Winsonar alerts. If it does then just select them and add them to the allowed list. You will then need to go into "Advanced Options" and click "Edit default safe list". You will need to click yes to confirm. Then you will see two black and white floppy disk icons. Click the upper one(middle left of current open window). This will then confirm the safe list one at a time. Then close down Winsonar and restart it. Now you can tick the "Kill unknown processes while connected to the Internet"

    This should sort your problem.

  9. WilliamP

    WilliamP Registered Member

    Jun 1, 2003
    Fayetteville, Ga
    Thank you all for the help. This does look like a good little program. I am getting it sorted out.
  10. WilliamP

    WilliamP Registered Member

    Jun 1, 2003
    Fayetteville, Ga
    I am getting there, but it is harded to set up than Process Guard. How can you clear the WEB ALERTS log screen?
  11. toploader

    toploader Registered Member

    Aug 19, 2005
    if thats the bit that changes from green to red i think you just right click on it and reply to the message.
  12. WilliamP

    WilliamP Registered Member

    Jun 1, 2003
    Fayetteville, Ga
    You click on Tools. At the bottom is view Web alerts which brings up a green screen with all the web alerts. How can this log screen be cleared?
  13. toploader

    toploader Registered Member

    Aug 19, 2005
    sorry can't help with that one William - haven't tried that bit - i don't have it currently installed.
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