Windows Update MiniTool

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by Mr.X, Oct 9, 2015.

  1. guest

    guest Guest

    WUMT Wrapper Script v2.3.5 (June 01, 2018)
    Info (My Digital Life) / Download (Majorgeeks)
    Edit 4: v2.3.5
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2018
  2. guest

    guest Guest

    WUMT Wrapper Script v2.3.7 (June 22, 2018)
    Info (My Digital Life) / Download (Majorgeeks)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 22, 2018
  3. Lioninstreet

    Lioninstreet Registered Member

    Jul 17, 2018
    Hello, Many thanks for WSUS.

    If anyone has an answer to two simple questions I would appreciate it. First, is there a way to check the software version. The download link on google drive only shows a zip file name, it doesn't show a version name and I don't see a version shown on the actual program itself.

    Second, my primary use for WSUS is to be able to store updates for a retired OS (Windows Home Server) off line (which I have successfully downloaded with WSUS). My question now is, should I need to install them on a future fresh OS install now that they are downloaded, how do I do that?

    Sorry for a noob question, any arrow pointing would be appreciated.
  4. Lioninstreet

    Lioninstreet Registered Member

    Jul 17, 2018
    My bad for mixing up the names of utilities, I am asking about WUMT, not WSUS..
  5. guest

    guest Guest

    WUMT Wrapper Script v2.4.8 (July 30, 2018)
    Info (My Digital Life) / Download (Majorgeeks)
    Changelog from version 2.4.7
    Windows Defender Updates frequency changed to every 2 hours from 4 hours.
    wub_task now forces off the update service at login as well as on reboot.
    Thanks @rpo, @Lars220, and @Whistler4
    Changelog from version 2.4.6
    Had error in uninstaller that unnecessarily enabled
    "\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\Scheduled Start" task.
    Not a big deal but is now fixed.
    Now the script disables and locks all
    "\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\" tasks
    thanks to a remark made by @s1ave77
    plus I was already thinking of doing it.
    The uninstaller unlocks the tasks, but leaves them disabled.
    You can enable them manually if you want to unless they turn
    themselves back on first. :)
    This is absolutely all I can do to help those who choose
    to leave the windows update service running in the script
    to use the Store. The Store and Windows Update are so tied
    together that you can't have one without the other so I've
    come up with the best compromise I can without harming
    the operation of the store or allowing unwanted updates.
    Changelog from version 2.4.5
    Fixed store problems.
    Thanks @jmdbox
    Uninstall previous version before installing this one.
    Changelog from version 2.4.4
    Windows Defender updates every 4 hours now.
    This version is greatly improved in many ways.
    Details here and here.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 30, 2018
  6. guest

    guest Guest

    WUMT Wrapper Script v2.5.6 (December 31, 2018)
    Info (My Digital Life) / Download (Majorgeeks)
    Version 2.5.6 supports 1809 and LTSC
    Uninstall 2.5.5 or any previous version using that version's uninstaller before installing or running 2.5.6.

    1) Now disables upfc.exe
    2) Script includes Windows Update Manager (WuMgr) v0.9b along with Windows Update Minitool (WUMT) giving you a choice of which to use in the menu to perform updates.
    3) Script uses NSudo 6.1 instead of Powerrun (NSudo thread here) to lock update hijacker files. NSudo is faster and just works better.
    4) Fixed accidental unicode in _readme.txt which caused strange characters to display in Oriental languages. (No, really, I fixed it this time!)
    5) Script in addition to uninstalling Windows 10 Update Assistant, creates and locks empty %systemroot%\UpdateAssistant and %systemroot%\UpdateAssistantV2 folders to stop Update Assistant from ever installing from an update. Now no need to run the script again after an update!
    6) Fixed rare task creation error problem.
    7) Not just some, but now all Update Hijacker folder and file permissions are now removed as TrustedInstaller as required by 1809.
    8) Wrapper Script Start Menu folder now has a "Version" icon to easily see what version of the wrapper you have installed.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2018
  7. 1PW

    1PW Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2010
    Hello All:

    On very rare occasions when running WUMT v20.12.2016, a "Check for updates" operation returns the following status in the lower pane:
    [HH:MM:SS PM]: Searching for updates: Succeeded with errors
    Q1: Does a temporary log file exist for pursuing the errors?

    Q2: Can a more verbose mode be invoked to see the error details? Windows Event Logs?

    Thanks everyone.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2019
  8. klarm

    klarm Registered Member

    Apr 7, 2012
    guys, does wumt work ok under win10? I never used w10 and going to in the future so I would like to use it like I do in win7. awesome tool.
  9. Alexhousek

    Alexhousek Registered Member

    Jul 25, 2009
    I have used WUMT extensively in the past for Windows 10. It works well.

    However, I recently ran into an issue where my windows update does not work at all. I've tried WUMT, I've tried downloading the KB's and installing them directly. Nothing works. I even used WUMT script to ensure that my windows update was enabled. Still, I cannot install any windows updates. When I get some time, I'm going to run the Windows Repair Tool and see if that fixes Windows update for me.
  10. klarm

    klarm Registered Member

    Apr 7, 2012
    so I presume in your case it might be your computer/connection/windows not WUMT.

    Do you use any of those anty-spy, telemetry, other c*ap tools? I think alot of people start to have problems cos of that. that's at least my impression after reading thrue the win10 threads on privacy/telemetry/other spy c*ap.

    I hope someone else pitches in so I know if I can use WUMT when I start using win10.

  11. guest

    guest Guest

    Sledgehammer (formerly WUMT Wrapper Script) 2.6.0 (April 26, 2019)
    Info (My Digital Life) / Download (Majorgeeks)
    Changelog from 2.5.5:
    1) Put MS-DEFCON rating on first screen.
    2) Tasks now work in any folder name in any language while still retaining task creation error message just in case!!! Thank you @rpo for fixing this problem that has been bugging me for a long time.
    3) Moved WDU and Wub_task to task scheduler \Microsoft\Sledgehammer folder to work in a multi-user environment. 2.6.0 automatically deletes the tasks in old locations when script is run just in case.
    4) Create dummy locked %systemdrive%\Windows10Upgrade folder in addition to "%ProgramFiles%\rempl", "%systemroot%\UpdateAssistant", "%systemroot%\UpdateAssistantV2". Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant now cannot be installed under any circumstances even if you try to force install it manually. Folders are system/hidden and can only be seen in file explorer if "protected operating system files" are unhidden.
    5) added "ping" internet connection check before configurator that can be bypassed by pressing a key in case of known working but unreliable internet connection. There's no point in enabling wuauserv or running WUMT or WuMgr without an internet connection, but the script will still let you override the internet check if you really want to. (Is this address available world-wide? If not, what is? If not, the script will still work)
    6) Put "run WUMT or WuMgr" option in Configurator for one less screen of options to make things simpler for the user. Thanks @rpo
    7) Move all exe's and other unnecessary files to bin folder in script folder.
    8) Put recovery script and readme for same in recovery folder in script folder.
    9) Put uninstall files in uninstall folder.
    10) Rename the "Version" entry in the start menu to the version of the script, i.e. "Version X.X.X".
    11) Included all known WuMgr translations in "Translations.ini" file (and all known WUMT translation files in "bin\WUMT Translations" folder. Thanks @Carlos Detweiller.
    Credits not finished.
  12. guest

    guest Guest

    Sledgehammer (formerly WUMT Wrapper Script) 2.7.0 (March 24, 2020)
    Info (My Digital Life) / Download (Majorgeeks)
  13. guest

    guest Guest

    Sledgehammer (formerly WUMT Wrapper Script) 2.7.1 (May 27, 2020)
    Info (My Digital Life) / Download (Majorgeeks)
  14. guest

    guest Guest

    Sledgehammer (formerly WUMT Wrapper Script) 2.7.2 (May 31, 2020)
    Info (My Digital Life) / Download (Majorgeeks)
  15. pb1

    pb1 Registered Member

    Apr 4, 2014
  16. Roberto Boriotti

    Roberto Boriotti Registered Member

    Jan 18, 2022
    Milan, Italy
    Now is possible to have several language files for Windows Update Minitool.
    I created the italian language.
    How can contact @stupid user (author of the sofwtare)?
  17. Alexhousek

    Alexhousek Registered Member

    Jul 25, 2009
    It's been several years, but I just want to mention that one needs to be careful with this tool. It was probably user-error, but this tool messed up my system and it took quite a while to get it fixed. I don't remember all the details, but it had to do with having to fix windows update and involved me having to take my PC to a computer repair place.
  18. rseiler

    rseiler Registered Member

    Dec 22, 2003
    New version updated, again. See link 3 posts up.

    - Fixed download in offline mode
    - Fixed size for not uup updates
    - Fixed false message output when using -onclose
  19. markem

    markem Registered Member

    Mar 25, 2013
    United States
    Hi everyone! I have installed Windows XP on Virtual Box and I was wondering - does anyone have a working copy that will run on Window XP? Thanks!
  20. roger_m

    roger_m Registered Member

    Jan 25, 2009
    If no one can help, you could use
  21. Mr.X

    Mr.X Registered Member

    Aug 10, 2013
    I don't know or haven't tried on such scenario just pointing you in the right direction.
    Use 2016 version

    WU don't work on XP without workaround
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 25, 2024
  22. markem

    markem Registered Member

    Mar 25, 2013
    United States
    Thank you to both roger_m and Mr. X!

    I am trying both places now. I'll let you know if I've succeeded or not here in a bit.
  23. markem

    markem Registered Member

    Mar 25, 2013
    United States
    Ok! roger_m's link worked! Yeah! It took me a while to figure out how to download it.It just would not do so for unknown reasons but finally it did. I downloaded it, moved it to the shared folder for XP and then ran it and - it just worked!

    Happy now! :)

    Thanks to both roger_m and Mr. X!
  24. markem

    markem Registered Member

    Mar 25, 2013
    United States
    Wow! After installing the legacy stuff - my Visioneer 7100 scanner is now automatically found! Wow. This is really powerful software!
  25. Mr.X

    Mr.X Registered Member

    Aug 10, 2013
    Glad you solved it.
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