Windows/Microsoft Pagefile

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by Kas, Apr 10, 2009.

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  1. Howard Kaikow

    Howard Kaikow Registered Member

    Apr 10, 2005
    The program shuts itself down prior to creating/changing the file if errors are detected.

    No point in debugging.
    Problem is your broken WMI.
  2. ruinebabine

    ruinebabine Registered Member

    Aug 6, 2007
    No prob, Howard, thanks for trying, you did more than good spending your time freely here even if your free software was not at fault never :thumb: and it was beginning to be fun to fellow your great knowledge at working and experimenting with my fuudled system snapshot... :)

    By the way, in the mean time, I can always use your nice prog to settle my pagefile from my other snapshots! Thank much for your effort, and please let us know of your peanuts' bud testers recovering!

    Take care.
  3. Howard Kaikow

    Howard Kaikow Registered Member

    Apr 10, 2005
    Version has been released.

    msgPageFileUsageMonitor has been deleted.

    Currently, this is the only prog I have released for others to (ab)use that uses WMI.

    In the process, I learned what I had to do to trap errors that might occur when WMI was not correctly installed. This will improve future progs that I will release, so the lessons were of value.

    I'll ask the doctor on Monday.
  4. Greg S

    Greg S Registered Member

    Mar 1, 2009
    A l a b a m a
    Thanks for a very nice app. I've always been curious about pagefile usage. I've run it(your app) at various times for about 4 days with current and peak never exceeding 50mbs and most of the time it was more like 2mb. So, I noticed another small app in a different thread hear at Wilders called "cleanmem" and wanted to give it a try. I did and ran it and reported mem usage dropped through the basement so much so that it was hard to believe. After doing so, I ran your app again and noticed that current and peak had jumped up into the 400mbs range which has now left me confused. @Howard Kaikow, you seem to be fairly smart on these things and I was wondering if you could help me understand more clearly as to why before cleamem, your app was reporting low numbers and after running cleanmem it reports high numbers? Just to be clear, I'm not downing either app, I'm just looking to learn something.
  5. Howard Kaikow

    Howard Kaikow Registered Member

    Apr 10, 2005
    PageFileUsageMonitor just reports the facts, has no effect on memory used. Prog uses about 6MB to run.

    Your pagefile use will jump up significantly depending on apps used. For example, Acronis True Image 9 jumps pagefile usage.

    I used to set the min size to 64MB, but True Image almost always required more than 128MB.

    THe way to monitor things is to:

    1. Delete the PagefileLog.txt file.
    2. Reboot.
    3. Immediately run PagefileUsageMonitor, telling it to Update at whatever interval you desire.
    4. Wait a while to see what is your "normal" usage.
    5. At some point, run cleanmem, or some other app that may affect pagefile usage.
    6. Watch PageFileUsageMonitor, or the log file, during, and after, the cleanmem, or other prog runs.
  6. Howard Kaikow

    Howard Kaikow Registered Member

    Apr 10, 2005
    I forgot to mention that apps can allocate pagefile space, but then they have the responsibility to free such space. If they do not, the OS thinkls that the space is still allocated/used.

    So you might need to reboot to free such space, if tyhe apps do not do it themselves.
  7. Howard Kaikow

    Howard Kaikow Registered Member

    Apr 10, 2005
    Version has been released.

    Version was released 4 October 2003.
    I've always intended to include a feature that made the Form appear on top of all other windows displayed, makes it easier to watch change.

    Well, I finally releaed such a version on 25 April 2009.
    Talk about procrastination!
  8. lordpake

    lordpake Registered Member

    Aug 7, 2004
    Helsinki ~ European Union
    Thank you to both the OP for this topic and to Howard for this nice little application.

    I have for some time now been curious about do I really need that massive page file in XP system. I'm thinking Howard's app will help me in that problem :D
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