Windows is broken :'(

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by iceni60, Oct 5, 2005.

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  1. iceni60

    iceni60 ( ^o^)

    Jun 29, 2004
    it's not all bad, they say the reason for all the Longhorn set-backs were because they ended rebuilding the kernel and working from there. i hope it's true. And Applications/News/E5T7U6H8
  2. Cursed Ghost

    Cursed Ghost Guest


    intresting read all i have to say to that is HAAAA HAAAA services microjunk right for years thay been producing buggie bloated inferiour code by slopely stiching things together and it finaly bit them in the arse hopfuly when long horn comes out it will be the small fast efficent easy to use bloate free operating system windows should be
  3. bigc73542

    bigc73542 Retired Moderator

    Sep 21, 2003
    SW. Oklahoma
    It won't be small, but possibly fast. maybe fewer bugs than in the past. Unlike a few people I won't mention, I like windows and am waiting to get the new Vista. Does anyone really have any Idea What computing would really be like without Microsoft. :doubt:
  4. Firecat

    Firecat Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2005
    The land of no identity :D
    You know, those who write drivers and software for Windows Vista will probably find it more difficult than Microsoft does......Hope MS can provide some good guidelines for applications development on Vista. :doubt:
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