Windows Graphics??

Discussion in 'NOD32 Early v2 Beta' started by hayc59, Jan 8, 2003.

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  1. hayc59

    hayc59 Guest

    is this issue going to be fixed in windows 98se?
    more resources taken away when windows graphics
    is selected??
    thanks again for your time and wisdom.... ;) ;)
  2. Mele20

    Mele20 Former Poster

    Apr 29, 2002
    Hilo, Hawaii
    Surely it will be fixed. NOD32 beta cannot be run on a W9x computer currently if windows graphics is checked. That is a bad bug. Can't imagine that it wouldn't be fixed. Give Eset some time. Eset has not responded to most of the bug reports here. I imagine they are busy working on fixing the problems rather than spending time responding to each post here. (I'm concerned about another issue that has the potential to ruin my internet connection and Eset hasn't responded to that either).
  3. jan

    jan Former Eset Moderator

    Oct 25, 2002
    Comments here. :)

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