Windows 10: which services disable ?

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by blacknight, Aug 13, 2015.

  1. Busterbob

    Busterbob Registered Member

    Mar 19, 2016
    Thank You.

    I have two Dell Laptops, both were 'down', both have the same processor i-5 3317 with 8gb RAM. I was able to get the XPS version (14 inches) to work good, after working non-stop for three days. The 17" Inspiron has never run well since I purchased the laptop.

    I have spent over 1.5 weeks working periodically on the Inspiron. I am somewhat technical, and when I encounter a challenge, I use forums such as to read comments from other people having similar systems and problems. This 'slow', research and try process, works most of the time, but seriously after all the hours I worked on the Inspiron, it was not running any faster than when I started. One factor was at startup. The startup process took 1 minute, 30 seconds to complete. I had numerous problems with the laptop, and restarting was necessary with many of my tweaks. Frankly, the start-up process alone was driving me crazy.

    Today, while searching for Windows 10 recommended service startup settings, I ran across your forum comment (above). After trying so many tune-up programs, then doing individual analysis, I said, "give tairikuokami's recommendation a try." I downloads, did a security check, ran the bat and rebooted.....

    My Dell 17R Inspiron (with the 3317r i5 processor, 8gb RAM), started up under 15 seconds. BAM! BAM! BAM!.... I now have the fastest Inspiron ever delivered by Dell. My Laptop runs crazy fast, without hangups, without cursor lag, without crashing. The world needs to know Tairikuokami is a computer genius, a god or goddess, my new mentor! My Inspiron now runs like a striped - azz monkey! (Please, no offense intended to monkey, striped azz monkeys, any person, groups, people, individual, nor any animal or living creature.)

    I have one question for you, my new mentor and friend. Several days ago, I accidently DELETED my 2 (two) working, Wi-Fi, WLAN, profiles. (FYI, to anyone running Windows 10, never, ever, delete any wireless profile). After two days of research, trial, error, trying to rebuild the files and import them, I found no solution to recover, restore, undelete, or build a new WLAN profile USING THE SAME NAME. (Yes, you can change your network Wi-Fi names, but I have many devices connected to my two networks (Google Fiber and TV runs on the 5.0 GHz and all my phablets, gadgets, computers, smart TV's, and more, run on the slower 2.4 GHz).

    I do not want to rename my networks, due to all the reprogramming, and before I rename my networks, can you help? Do you have a program that can fix the Wi-Fi, WLAN Profiles that I accidently deleted, or can you create a program that clears all the variables and walks me through a process to rebuild these keys, so they work, as before, for my Windows 10 Dell Inspiron?

    Perhaps you know of someone who has already 'fixed' the WLAN WiFi problem, and if so please send me a link to the information. This is an opportunity. So many people, besides myself, have accidently deleted their 'to-keep', Wi-Fi home network WLAN profiles from their Windows 10 computers, and like me, they could not find a workable solution. Any suggestions you have might help many other Windows 10 users experiencing the same problem. Thanks in advance if you know of a working solution!

    Tairikuokami, again THANK YOU! Seriously, I am so thankful that you created the batch document, which saved me countless hours of additional research! Your kindness will take you abov
  2. TairikuOkami

    TairikuOkami Registered Member

    Oct 10, 2005
    Flat Earth Matrix
    I am glad it helped someone, if at least one person appreciate it, it was worth putting it together. ;)

    Sorry to hear that. Try to use a system restore to the date before the accident. Other than that, check if there is not a leftover in the registry.

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\Profiles

    When you create a new profile, you can rename it there as well.
  3. Wieprzek

    Wieprzek Registered Member

    Mar 24, 2016
    Running this pretty much broke Internet in my PC, and made many unneeded changes (normal click -> double-click in case of opening files).
    Not recommended.
  4. TheWindBringeth

    TheWindBringeth Registered Member

    Feb 29, 2012
    Many batch files and scripts perform a fixed set of steps that the developer wants to do. Steps which may or may not be what a given user wants to do. Potential users have to look at the script, understand what it is designed to do, and make adjustments where necessary. I'm not the author of the batch file, and haven't carefully studied it, but I would point out these two portions of code:

    rem Disabling Network Store Interface Service will most likely disable your internet connection :)
    rem (Required by the internet connection, unless you set up IP/DNS manually in IPv4/6's properties)
    rem Network Store Interface Service (Required by the internet connection, unless you set up IP/DNS manually in IPv4/6's properties)
    sc config nsi start= disabled
    rem Single-click to open an item
    reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer" /v "ShellState" /t REG_BINARY /d "2400000017a8000000000000000000000000000001000000130000000000000073000000" /f
    I think the ShellState set above may affect more than just single-click/double-click...
  5. TairikuOkami

    TairikuOkami Registered Member

    Oct 10, 2005
    Flat Earth Matrix
    Indeed, I could not stress this enough, that is the reason, why I have added a big warning on top of it, but it seems, it does not help very much. :doubt:
    It is intended as a collection of tweaks from which people can choose, what they want. I never upload it as bat, for this very reason, but as txt only.
    I expect, that if someone can create a bat file, he can at least backup a registry or understand, what is he doing, since some changes are permanent.
  6. Krysis

    Krysis Registered Member

    Dec 28, 2012
    Thanks a million, man! I've been wracking my brain (or what's left of it) for some time to get Windows Maps working (uninstalled\re-installed, is it permissions? etc, etc) When I saw mention of 'Downloaded Maps Manager' service in your post, I checked my setting and saw that it was also disabled. I enabled the service – and bingo! - Windows Maps now works OK. :argh:

    Sometimes the solution is staring you in the face – but you just don't see it.
    This is what comes of disabling something – then forgetting what you've done! (no idea why I disabled it in the first place!) o_O
  7. Tyrizian

    Tyrizian Registered Member

    Apr 26, 2012
    HaHaHa, I know exactly what you mean, I have done that several times.

    Glad you got maps working again.

    Take care
  8. TheWindBringeth

    TheWindBringeth Registered Member

    Feb 29, 2012
    Create a snapshot for future reference, then if need be create another and diff them? Example cmdlines that work in 7, assuming they will work in latter:
    wmic.exe service list /format:table > "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Services.txt"
    wmic.exe service list /format:list > "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Services.txt"
  9. zarzenz

    zarzenz Registered Member

    May 19, 2002
    I have all these and the previous list disabled, but I had to re-enable the CNG Key Isolation service to manual (trigger) because with it disabled both my Internet Explorer which I use for Office Outlook Web Access and my Windows Live Mail failed to log in correctly.
  10. TairikuOkami

    TairikuOkami Registered Member

    Oct 10, 2005
    Flat Earth Matrix
    Thanks for reporting it, I could not login live account with my current setup and I wondered why, maybe because of this one. I made a note. :thumb:
  11. zarzenz

    zarzenz Registered Member

    May 19, 2002
    I'm sure that will be fixed when you re-enable it.
  12. tech_girl

    tech_girl Registered Member

    Apr 3, 2016
    I came across this thread while searching for Win10 optimization. Thanks @TairikuOkami for the script. However, Im using this on laptop.

    I modified the script a little and took out some stuff that pertains to network since I want wireless and LAN to work. Here is what I have removed from the script:

    After running this, the internet is working fine but I noticed that I would not be able to connect to the internet on intermittent boot-ups. i need to reboot the laptop to get the wireless services up and running. If I dont, I wont be able to get the wireless connected at all.

    Im hoping you or other experts can point my in the right direction why this is happening and how I can modify the script to accommodate wireless internet connection on boot so that I dont have keep rebooting.

    Thank you.
  13. TairikuOkami

    TairikuOkami Registered Member

    Oct 10, 2005
    Flat Earth Matrix
    Windows Connection Manager is also required by WiFi. It would better to show the actual bat you have used.
  14. tech_girl

    tech_girl Registered Member

    Apr 3, 2016
    Thanks for taking a look. You are right. Its better that I upload the actual bat ... realized I missed out a couple Here is the modified script:

  15. TairikuOkami

    TairikuOkami Registered Member

    Oct 10, 2005
    Flat Earth Matrix
    Do you actually use the same IP like me, since you have not changed this path (it can mess up other adapter based up on its index number):
    1. rem Setup IP and Gateway (To Enable DHCP: wmic nicconfig where index=0 call enabledhcp)
    2. wmic nicconfig where index=0 call enablestatic(""), ("")
    3. wmic nicconfig where index=0 call setgateways("")
    I can not think of anything else, that could be causing problems, anyway I have just uploaded a lighter version for my mom. :D
    It is supposed to keep WiFi running as well as other stuff like Firewall, Store, Action Center and of course automatic Windows Updates.
  16. tech_girl

    tech_girl Registered Member

    Apr 3, 2016
    1. rem Setup IP and Gateway (To Enable DHCP: wmic nicconfig where index=0 call enabledhcp)
    2. wmic nicconfig where index=0 call enablestatic(""), ("")
    3. wmic nicconfig where index=0 call setgateways("")
    I did change the value to index=1 when index=0 wasnt working out but left the IP address as it is. But index=1 is also not working out.

    Thanks for the lighter version and I may just use that to try out when I have the time. :)
  17. TairikuOkami

    TairikuOkami Registered Member

    Oct 10, 2005
    Flat Earth Matrix
    Well it changes network ASAP, so you would loose connection immediately, if that was the case. Disabling firewall might also interfere.
    Removing startup items and policies might cause problems, it is needed to be done only once to cleanup, try to exclude that next time.
  18. aAWvf

    aAWvf Registered Member

    May 6, 2016
    Thanks, but without the source code, how am I supposed to trust your code ?
  19. TairikuOkami

    TairikuOkami Registered Member

    Oct 10, 2005
    Flat Earth Matrix
    It is listed on Softpedia, that itself grants it some credibility (getting 100% Clean reward) plus VirusTotal.

    Seems very basic though, I was expecting to see all services, not just a selected few. :doubt:

    Attached Files:

  20. aAWvf

    aAWvf Registered Member

    May 6, 2016
    Ain't no such thing as trust.. Sofpedia ? Please.... why not Cnet ? anyawy.. Source is mandatory nowadays.. (unless you target the mass)
  21. korben

    korben Registered Member

    Nov 5, 2009
    any chance of creating slightly less strick bat to yours for laymen around?

    is your final script truly final? does everyting work as expected?
  22. TairikuOkami

    TairikuOkami Registered Member

    Oct 10, 2005
    Flat Earth Matrix
    I use this on mom's computer, but store and new GUI apps like Calc recently stopped working there as well:
  23. korben

    korben Registered Member

    Nov 5, 2009
    I reckon you have made my life much easier.

    Muchas gracias!! :)

    p.s. rest assure I'll be back with more Q&A requests
  24. elapsed

    elapsed Registered Member

    Apr 5, 2004
    Disabling services is something that came from the Windows XP "era" with Microsoft's irresponsible use of services, and made even worse by Vista's massive RAM usage increase.

    There has been no need to disable services since Windows 8. Virtually all services have had their RAM usage reduced, and they've also been changed to only load when required, or delayed to speed up machine boot times.

    All you're doing is creating potential headaches for yourself later down the line for the benefit of what? Saving a few MBs of RAM?

    I say this from experience. I used to be obsessive with disabling services, then over time, one by one, I realised I needed them for various functions. If you value your time and peace of mind, just leave it as it is.
  25. korben

    korben Registered Member

    Nov 5, 2009
    you've got a point there.


    I always try to set things my way. But they've been making it harder for me since XP, so the plan is to apply the .bat, then do some testing, if unsuccessful, reverse the system to the original/default using Sys Restore in W10, then try the other .bat with light approach, if fails - then I'll leave it be and consider double booting with Linux.

    Do you approve of such approach ? :)

    I have already begun some testing on my old lap with old system
    Spybot Anti-Beacon (Stand-Alone Exe)
    upon its run I notices [and it's a fact] that the usage report of NetWorx shows clearly much lower upload than before, which is somewhat promising.
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