Win 10 and Win 7 PC on Comcast Xfinitiy ISP Gen'l security Questio

Discussion in 'other security issues & news' started by fdm2000, Nov 23, 2019.

  1. fdm2000

    fdm2000 Registered Member

    Apr 15, 2008
    With the upcoming end of Windows 7 security updates from Microsoft, I plan to purchase a Windows 10 desktop and will disconnect my current Win 7 pc from the internet. I currently have Comcast Xfinity for internet, cable TV and phone with an ethernet connection from the rental Comcast modem/router and I plan to use this configuration for the new Win 10 pc.
    Her is my question: My live at home daughter's Windows 7 desktop has a wired ethernet connection from the above Comcast modem/router. She intends to risk using her pc after Microsoft terminates security updates despite the many vulnerabilities. In the absence of security updates on her pc will my WIndows 10 pc be risk compromised in any way?
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