Wifi Not Connecting to the Internet for 5-10mins

Discussion in 'hardware' started by sooflymami, Apr 2, 2012.

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  1. sooflymami

    sooflymami Registered Member

    Feb 21, 2008
  2. Cudni

    Cudni Global Moderator

    May 24, 2009
    check event viewer logs for errors or warnings. When did the issue start, did you install/remove some software/hardware then (apart from oovoo)?
  3. sooflymami

    sooflymami Registered Member

    Feb 21, 2008
    How do I get to the event viewer log to check those things? I did not uninstall anything else other than oovoo.
  4. Cudni

    Cudni Global Moderator

    May 24, 2009
  5. khanyash

    khanyash Registered Member

    Apr 4, 2011
    This happens here too but rarely, on XP SP3 32 Bits, sometimes for 1-2 mins & sometimes it will not connect at all i.e the connection shows connected but net will not work, and if I check the connection on the main system i.e without wifi/router it is working. I too dont know why it happens sometimes but a restart always solves the prob. May be sometimes the wifi driver doesn't loads properly, just a guess. Dont know what the actual prob could be.

    Can anyone explain this

    Even if the internet is down, the wifi connection always shows connected, why?

    Why it couldn't tell me not connected if the net is down?
  6. treehouse786

    treehouse786 Registered Member

    Jun 6, 2010
    probably because the wifi connection is to your router and not the internet, so technically the connection to your router is fine but the connection from the router to the world wide web is not.

    on windows 7 it sometimes shows a little exclamation mark next to the network icon if the connection to the router is fine but not to the internet, hope this makes sense.

    with regards to OP, maybe a network driver reinstall using latest version is in order.
  7. guest

    guest Guest

    Are you using Webroot SecureAnywhere?
    This was happening for me and after uninstalling it
    the problem was solved
  8. sooflymami

    sooflymami Registered Member

    Feb 21, 2008
    No, I don't use that program. This problem only happends sometimes when starting my Windows..This never happened on my xp computer before.
  9. cheater87

    cheater87 Registered Member

    Apr 22, 2005
  10. Cudni

    Cudni Global Moderator

    May 24, 2009
    Clues. Errors, warnings
  11. BrandiCandi

    BrandiCandi Guest

    You want to look for log entries related to the wireless connection and DHCP. Mine shows in the Windows Logs --> System logs. click on the "Source" header and it will sort everything by source. Look for WLAN-AutoConfig. I would also look at DNS Client Events, Diagnostics-Networking, DHCP-Client & DHCP IPv6. When you click on a specific event, the details show in the pane below. You can focus on the entries that correlate to the date & time where you saw the slow connection.
  12. SoCalReviews

    SoCalReviews Registered Member

    Apr 14, 2006
    Los Angeles, CA
    It is possible that your router could be trying to give your laptop a private IP address that differs from the previous address that your laptop used while on your home network and this is causing a delay for it to obtain a new IP address from the router functioning as a DHCP server because the laptop with Windows could be trying to use its previous settings that worked on your home wireless network. I have seen this delayed connection problem happen with computers running Windows before.

    Most routers are set by default to lease private addresses to devices on your local area network (LAN) for one day. If other devices are connecting to your router after the lease expires then they could obtain the address that your laptop was previously given. When you try to connect again with your laptop then it might try to connect using its previous IP address and cause a delay until the router assigns the laptop a different IP than it obtained from the router before.

    Without analyzing this problem first hand I can only speculate this as being the reason for your connection problem. If this is the reason for you having to wait to connect to the internet then you can help work around this several ways and some of the work around solutions are easy if you are familiar with configuring Windows networking and configuring router settings. If you can't find another answer for your connection delays then this is worth a try. The easiest solution involves changing the settings in your router if you have a newer router with an address reservation feature.

    1) If you have a newer router then you can enable address reservation in your router settings. In the router configuration for your LAN enable address reservation for your laptop. It is usually designated with the specific MAC address of the device you are reserving an address for. The next time your laptop connects to your wireless router it will receive the exact same private IP address and no other devices will be assigned that address by the router. For example, if your laptop signed in before as yesterday then it should have the same address today, the next day and every day thereafter as long as address reservation is enabled and your laptop's MAC address reserved for a specific IP address on the LAN.

    2) The other work around solution that should work with most routers that do not have the address reservation feature is to go into your router settings and configure the router's DHCP server address lease time to more than one day. Change it to two days, three days or up to a week. The router's DHCP address lease time is usually set by default to one day (24 hrs.) but if you extend that to more days then it should hold the lease for the same LAN private IP address for your laptop for a longer time.

    3) There is one other work around involving "manually setting" your IP address in Windows network settings on your laptop and setting the router's DHCP starting address outside or above the range of your manually set IP in your laptop's Windows networking settings. This prevents the router from assigning/leasing that manually set IP to another device on the network. But there are problems with this if you plan on using your laptop on another wireless network. You would have to re-configure your laptop Windows networking settings back to the Windows networking default settings of "auto obtain address from DHCP server" if you want your laptop to connect to another router or network using DHCP outside your home.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2012
  13. HKEY1952

    HKEY1952 Registered Member

    Jul 22, 2009
    HKEY/SECURITY/ (value not set)
    Nice SoCalReviews, very very nice, excellent job!

  14. SoCalReviews

    SoCalReviews Registered Member

    Apr 14, 2006
    Los Angeles, CA
    Thanks HKEY1952!

    It would be interesting to find out if the solutions I provided actually did solve this particular slow connection problem. I have had success with these solutions in the past.

    Other reasons for slow wireless connection problems I have had include....router having to obtain new public IP address from the modem or modem having to connect and receive a new public IP address from the ISP's server. There also could also be slowdown problems with the router authenticating the wireless device especially if MAC address filtering is enabled for wireless devices in the router wireless settings.

    Another issue is that sometimes new routers are configured by default to "clone a computer or device MAC address" instead of using the router's default address. This can cause slowdown problems with the router communicating and obtaining the public IP from the modem and/or ISP.

    The other common problem I have seen is where the wireless internet connection has been established but there is a problem on the Windows machine with either an antimalware update, program update, browser and/or browser add on update or Windows update that uses much of the internet bandwidth and makes it seem like it is taking a long time to connect to the internet after opening a browser. This can be corrected by changing the update settings in Windows, the Windows program, browser or in the antimalware software to occur less frequently which also has its downside and risks due to less up to date malware definitions and delayed and manually applied Windows update security fixes.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2012
  15. HKEY1952

    HKEY1952 Registered Member

    Jul 22, 2009
    HKEY/SECURITY/ (value not set)
    Feedback from some Orginal Posters in regards to the outcome of the situation or problem does not always happen.
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    May God Bless Everyone and Have an Wonderful Twenty Four Hours!
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    and you are welcome SoCalReviews

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