Why run scripts at all FROM tds-3 at all?

Discussion in 'Trojan Defence Suite' started by Carlene, Apr 12, 2002.

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  1. Carlene

    Carlene Registered Member

    Feb 13, 2002
    Why run scripts at all FROM tds-3 at all?

    Obviously, by the title, I really don't know what a script is.

    Oh, I have some, and I've run them by double clicking them.
    I've looked at them in the editor, and see they are of a
    language all their own.

    For instance, I have one that changes some registry entries.

    So why run these things from tds-3? I've never tried and am
    as ignorant as can be on these points, so go easy on me, K?
  2. Dan Perez

    Dan Perez Guest

    Operating systems in general (taking the lead from Unix OS's) are increasingly designed in such a way that if the OS doesn't have tools in place to do what you want for a certain task, the OS provides "hooks" that you can envoke with scripts to do exactly what you want. Problem is, these ease of adaptation is used against us via trojans in particular. TDS as well as other Anti-Trojans are designed to counter this misuse but TDS allows hooks of it's own to help in this "battle", again with the intent to better tailor the potential of the application for each users environment.

    As one example, there is a script by a TDS operator named Andreas that is a compilation of modified scripts by other users as well as DCS so that once it is loaded it offers additional protection capability such as warning you when you are being subjected to a linear port scan and loads some tools (envokable at present only from the TDS console prompt) to disrupt the activities of the hacker. Likewise you can set screx to listen for a particular trojan on the trojan's default port and if TDS/Screx detects a external trojan client trying to communicate with your "trojan server" it will warn you and again enable you via the included script to defend yourself. This script is still in beta and does not have all the intended functionality but it is great as is.

    On the other side, the scripts also help to personalize your work environment. For instance, Jooske's InnerPeace script is a must have  :D
  3. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    Thanks Dan for the fine explanation, and for the positive feedback on the InnerPeace script, just 5 minutes after i complained i never got any feedback on it :)
    In my (rather unexperienced) scripting which i learn myself step by step via trial and error and looking a lot in the other examples, i try to show some possibilities i find in ways which sometimes not should be able at all, but they work; for me the main thing to integrate the speech/msagents technology with the SS3 scripting tools in a playful way and what i did not find as possible in TDS scripts i just make a script call an EXE file of the same agent charactor and make them voice commanded. Of course those exe's you can run completely independent of the whole TDS, like the jokes and helpfile.exe in the CokeMachine. So that last thing is a kind of desktophelper which you should be able to change to your own functionallity wishes. Did not find a way (yet) to have the exe call an SS3 script, while the one SS3 to the other is very easy.
    I'm working on a script with two agents interacting, as a kind of little theater, so if this works, others would be able to use that to have two scripts running at a time in more serious scripts!
    Urgently looking for requests and wait commands for that.
    As an MSagent charactor in fact is just a kind of Form  with a name and some animations, it is already something in the one example in the private forum i showed a primitive way of calling two at a time, but i need some guidance in the functions from there. The way i did it now i call two independent scripts at a time, which should not really be posssible (not sure if i posted that or the one calling the agents via buttons in a gui).
    So just to show scripting can most certainly shake new unexploited parts in our brains awake and find new creative solutions, first in the fun and after for more serious goals.
    It's really easy to make a GUI with several buttons on it, and each button calling/loading another script file, just like a kind of jukebox :) (yes, you can make it call wav/midi files too), so that way you can play all your favorite scripts as long as at the end you point them back to the gui each of them.
    You can set time in it, so your image in the morning could be a sun coming up, in day time a bright sun shine and in the night moon and stars; if you're able to connect it to some weather site ..... hmmm more complicated to get that in! But........ possibilities are limited only by our imagination and own scripting abilities.
  4. Carlene

    Carlene Registered Member

    Feb 13, 2002
    A BIG BIG thank you to the both of you!

    Not that THIS reply is big!

    Just to let you know, I'll begin playing around with some scripts I already have.

    Thanx again!
  5. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    You're welcome Carlene!
    I really hope you enjoy the scripting part as much as others might do and that you will be so kind to post some of yours in the private forum as well. And remember: we are all learning, so in case of scripting questions, all are there to help you as we all learn from it as well.
    Think we would love a remote controlled wake up script which Cuckericoooos us awake in the morning with fresh coffee and a boiled egg (3,5 minutes exactly) and in the night at 3 does a full system scan. Do you think you can manage that? :)
    Either activate a IR remote control or frumble some with the task manager maybe.
  6. Carlene

    Carlene Registered Member

    Feb 13, 2002
    Yes, but I'll need a few minutes for such an ez one ;) Don't have them right now.
  7. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    It really is possible!
    Think we need a SS3 which under certain conditions starts one of those scripts.
    They can control an infrared remote device, so the electrical egg boiler and coffee machine are set readyand a timer can activate them.
    The Cuckericooo sound can be made with TDS or WMP either your electrical alarm is activated, hope it calls cuckericoo.....
    The scanning at 3 in the night is possible, the moment we find the command for that start, it is there, but how?
    That one can be started with  an autostart either a timer i guess or even the windows task manager if our ss3 desktophelper script calls that.
    So it is really possible but it takes some time to build it all :)
    A desktop helper voice controlled you have already in the CokeMachine helpfile.exe, which just needs some modification for pathnames and such timer conditions.
    So those few minutes, yes, think you're right!

    Hope you enjoy the other scripts in the Scripts folder and the forums.
    Some i rebuilt in another scripting language for a few newsgroups. So they run from web pages and emails. (OE).

    Have fun with the scripts!:)
  8. controler

    controler Guest

    ok that takes the cake!!!!!!!!!!
    You women are now looking for software to make eggs and wake you? OMG
    Isn't that what us guys are for ? ;)
    Plus some other stuff ***grin***
  9. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    Watch out, i might send you a script from two old ladies and a Camel. Uses the same Sniffles and whatever other character you want, in email version.
    In the TDS - SS3 version it needs to be worked on a bit more.

    The emails versions need nothing especially, except the full MSAgents components on your system, available for download at www.microsoft.com/msagents .
    Only in XP all elements are included already, you might need to get the sapi4 runtimes and might want to grab agent characters everywhere on the web (there are over 400, of which most are free, but the commercial ones... olala!)
    Such emails are just to be opened in Outlook express (and played in the internet zone OE >> Tools >> Security >> choose Internet Zone) and allow activeX.

    The SS3 scripts for example such a small ones here in the other threads, copy and paste in the SS3 >> SS3 editor, save with name.SS3 , load the script and it should function.
  10. Jazzie

    Jazzie Registered Member

    Feb 13, 2002
    HI All!

    Just to recap on the above topic, there are quite a few scripts to play around and learn with in the 'Scripts' directory... Besides just Andreas's fine Screx scipt and Jooske's Agent scripts, there are other examples just as the trojan Emu's (Sub Seven--Netbios--Bionet--ect..)  Allan,Andreas, Sedeo, Wayne and myself have put some good examples together... I would still like to have the .ss3 help file to get into more complex issues than what is avaible, but there is enough to keep one busy for a while learning the basics and such! I haven't done any scripting in a while (Well, a little) but would like to get back into it as soon as I have more references and time!

  11. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    Hi Jazzie,
    good to see you here! Yes for sure you contributed a lot to the scripting of the very useful security stuff in stead of my fun stuff and the scripts offer besides good functionality and protection fine examples of how to handle scripting items etc. including "smack hacker" functions :D
    The technical details and secrets i keep on the private forum of course, also to prevent frustrations by not-registered (yet) people who can't run scripts over 5kb and not sure if they can edit /save scripts.

    Am working on the TDS Joke Engine btw, functions fine, but you know me, i always want it nicer and i use it to find solutions for new future scripts.
    I even don't know the differences between the various scripting languages so it might be in fact a real wonder they work at all sometimes:D That's just trial and error componing.  
    Pity the VBS manual at MS so often doesn't offer solutions which work in SS3 as well, only offer insights in ways of thinking and things which might work if translated to SS3, whatever......
  12. Jazzie

    Jazzie Registered Member

    Feb 13, 2002
    Hi Jooske!

    Yeah the differences between the .VBS and the .SS3 are slight and sometimes far inbetween, depending on what you want to do... But here is another scenario, one can script most of what you want to do with VB and then call each procedure (.exe) with the .ss3--- Since I believe by nature .VBS scripts compiled are a lot faster than .SS3, just a thought though... Since Most of .VBS works around the 'main' and .ss3 work mostly around the submain, one can make some pretty nice 'outcomes'.... I just don't have a VBS book avaible to try or the time, but may be well worth looking into....

  13. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    I suppose you mean VBS in all here?
    I d/l time ago the VBS manual (free) from the MS site, which has the structure of the MS helpfiles in general with the search options.
    I'm full with frustrations as you might have read in the private forum. Once the one point with calling the agents in the proper way (complete with all their functions) is solved, and we know of certain functions how to call them, we can have a complete voice controlled system, not only in XP but on all windows versions. That's why this point is so important for me.
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