Discussion in 'Forum Related Discussions' started by Seven64, Jan 25, 2012.

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  1. Seven64

    Seven64 Guest

    This is the question? Without javascript I can not reply to a post. Firefox, chrome. Why all a sudden?
  2. Hungry Man

    Hungry Man Registered Member

    May 11, 2011
    It's been this way for as long as I've blocked Javascript. When you click "Quick Post" it takes you to the "Advanced Editor" page.
  3. m00nbl00d

    m00nbl00d Registered Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    You shouldn't really block JavaScript, because that's what will hash your password when you submit it.
  4. Seven64

    Seven64 Guest

    Never had to use it before, now when javascript is blocked there is no page (window box) to type in??
  5. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Nothing has changed here in the forum coding. Why do you think Javascript is suddenly required? What is different exactly?

    AJAX functions have always required Javascript. Those functions are the "Quick reply" and the quick editing features. But, if you do not allow Javascript, the normal "post reply" window and normal post editing functions work just fine. So, you can reply without Javascript, just not using the AJAX "quick" functions.
  6. Spooony

    Spooony Registered Member

    Apr 30, 2011
    I have finally figured out how to use this grey out quick reply box lol.
  7. Seven64

    Seven64 Guest

    Here is the difference. This is when I click the "quote button", top picture Java Script block, Bottom Java Script allowed. Notice the difference?

    Attached Files:

  8. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    I have no idea what is wrong there, but, it is definitely on your end. Whatever filtering, proxying, blocking or stopping software you are running is causing you to not be able to use the forum properly. As nothing has changed here, you'll have to look at what settings or software you are running there for a solution. It appears you are blocking not only javascript but cookies and probably several other structures that vBulletin software requires to function.
  9. Seven64

    Seven64 Guest

    What is required in the picture (Outpost web control) ? Trying to set it up on the exclusion list per website. Thanks.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2012
  10. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    It could be Outpost being to aggressive in its blocking, though, many of those are not essential to basic functionality. (Do you really allow Java applets globally? Java is one of the worst exploited things out there. There is no Java here, so, allowing or blocking is not an issue for vBulletin. Still, it could be an issue web wide.)

    What browser are you using? Maybe it's more an issue of User Agent and not supporting basic HTML functions. How about trying a different browser, like, generic Firefox, Chrome or Opera, even with javascript disabled, they all work as those are a significant part of our users base.

    The Manage Attachments window might be considered a "popup window".

    Blocking cookies causes you to need to pass a session variable in the URL... "&s=<long hexidecimal string>" in every click, and, if you go longer than 15 minutes between clicks, you'll find yourself always logged out again.

    There's no flash, vbscript or ActiveX here.

    I don't know. But, your page renderings there are defintely showing stuff being blocked. What exactly, I'm not sure. Definitely trying a different browser though, and perhaps watch for odd User Agent blocking or rewriting that might cause the forum to think you have an unsupportable browser.
  11. Seven64

    Seven64 Guest

    Outpost is the culprit. Seem's it is not remembering the web control exclusions list. I have Java script allowed for Wilder's then when I rechecked it is blocked.

    Thanks for your help, and advise on Java applets! :)
  12. HKEY1952

    HKEY1952 Registered Member

    Jul 22, 2009
    HKEY/SECURITY/ (value not set)
    Setting up the Outpost Web Control Exclutions List for an elected Website:

    Click on Settings/Web Control/Exclusions -and then click Add

    Within the: Add Site to Exclusions Dialog Window:
    Type in or select from the Drop Down List the elected Website
    Also Enable the Radio Button: Create custom settings for this site -and then click Add

    The Website added to the Exclusions List is immediately given all the default active content and advertisement
    settings of the current Outpost Web Control settings and is so indicated by an asterisk (*) next to each element
    in the Exclusions List.

    The asterick (*) beside each element in the Exclusions List indicates that elements behavior is inherited from the
    global value of the current Outpost Web Control Settings. Meaning, any changes made to the elements value in the
    current Outpost Web Control settings will be propagated to the elements value of the Exclusions List if the
    asterisk (*) exists next to that element in the Exclusions List.

    To remove the inherited global setting from the elected element in the Exclusions List, rendering that elements
    value and action independent of/from the current Outpost Web Control settings, click on the elected elements value
    in the Exclusions List repeatedly until the asterisk (*) is removed and the chosen value is now displayed without
    the asterisk (*) for that elements new default value and action, rendering that elements value and action in the
    Exclusions List independent from the elements value and action in the current Outpost Web Control settings.

    Click the OK Button to save the new settings


    Current Outpost Web Control settings for Cookies = Block
    New Outpost Exclusions List settings for Cookies = *Block [note the asterisk (*)]

    Current Outpost Web Control settings for Cookies = Block
    Edited Outpost Exclusions List settings for Cookies = Block [asterisk (*) removed]

    Edited Current Outpost Web Control settings for Cookies = Allow
    Outpost Exclusions List settings for Cookies = Block

    The settings in the Outpost Web Control Exclusions List has precedence over the Current Outpost Web Control Settings
    with or without the asterisk (*) next to the element in the Exclusions List.

    The settings in the Outpost Web Control Exclusions List for each Website can always be edited by selecting the
    Website from the list of Excluded Websites and clicking Properties.

    Suggestion: Remove all the asterisks (*) from all the elements in the Exclusions List for the elected Website
    rendering the entire exclusion independant from the global values and actions of the Current Outpost Web Control Settings.

    Also suggest leaving or setting the Outpost Web Control Level at/to the default level of: Optimal
    Optimal = Ads blocked according to keywords, most active content allowed, some dangerous active content blocked
    Maximum = Ads blocked according to keywords and size, most active content blocked
    Relaxed = Ads blocked according to keywords, all active content allowed

    If Outpost fails to retain user settings and/or configuration settings then Outpost needs to be reset by overwriting
    the initial installation. Note that Outpost exists the ability to create seperate multiple configurations.

    To reset the initial installation of Outpost or create an new seperate configuration:
    Click on Settings/Configuration/New -and follow the Configuration Wizard.

  13. Seven64

    Seven64 Guest

    Thank you for the explanation for asterisk (*) next to each element.

    Outpost is blocking something needed for this forum when I block Java Script with Outpost (Post #7 top photo) . The browsers are Firefox and Iron. I have Java Script blocked in the browsers and Wilder's will work properly (Post #7 bottom photo) only if Outpost's Java Script is allowed, so OP is blocking something more? Or blocking JS in the browsers don't do their job?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2012
  14. Spooony

    Spooony Registered Member

    Apr 30, 2011
    Anyone got Grease Monkey installed?
  15. Hungry Man

    Hungry Man Registered Member

    May 11, 2011
    It's pretty much built into Chrome.
  16. TigerRaptorFX

    TigerRaptorFX Registered Member

    Sep 9, 2011
    Been using it in Firefox for a couple of years. Mainly for the YouTube Enhancer and a few others. I also have the Youtube Enhancer script installed in Chromium.
  17. Cudni

    Cudni Global Moderator

    May 24, 2009
    For any questions regarding java script and how it interacts with some other software please start a separate thread in a appropriate forum if need be. Thank you all. Thread closed
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