Why I am also finished with a AV

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by trjam, Jul 3, 2008.

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  1. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    Off topic post removed. This thread isn't about members changing AV's

  2. WilliamP

    WilliamP Registered Member

    Jun 1, 2003
    Fayetteville, Ga
    I don't support surfing naked ,but I have recently cleaned 3 computers for friends that was worse than naked. On one the amount of trash was unreal but nothing real bad. The others weren't nearly as loaded. I was really surprised. These computers had never been updated,no AV, no security. Of course I have seen on some forums where computers have been taken over by garbage. I would rather be safe than sorry.:D
  3. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    Note, I think the term "naked" here has come to mean no AV, not no security. There are many different approaches, but they do require proactive steps, and thinking.

  4. ThunderZ

    ThunderZ Registered Member

    May 1, 2006
    North central Ohio, U.S.A.
    My personal experience, the AVs I have used over the years have caught more then any other single security app. Most good ones will catch them during\upon d/l. Other apps. not until execution. I would rather catch them at the door then to let them try to have a seat. Having said that I do not rely solely on an AV & FW as I used to in the good ol` days. :'(
  5. Kerodo

    Kerodo Registered Member

    Oct 5, 2004
    I just decided recently to try something new here. I did a reformat and put a fresh copy of XP on again. This time no AV. I am fearlessly using IE7 also. I thought it thru and I think the only real possible avenue in for malware or anything bad is via the browser. So, rather than go the Firefox with NoScript way, instead I installed a very old copy I have here of Abtrusion Protector which is my only real security software now, hoping that it will catch anything trying to execute, should something somehow get in and run thru the browser. If I need to, I will do an online scan of any downloads.

    I have to admit, I don't swim the the shark-infested waters on a daily basis, but I do get around. So I will see how this setup goes, but I think it should suit my needs.

    Also, as my last resort backup, I do have several good images, one of XP immediately after install and full update, and another after apps installed.

    Reason for dropping the AV this time is, I have to say that in many years online doing all manner of things, the times I have actually encountered a virus or malware have been extremely rare. So rare, that I am now giving it a shot without the AV altogether...

    Perhaps this is foolish, perhaps not, but only one way to find out.... ;)
  6. Macstorm

    Macstorm Registered Member

    Mar 7, 2005
    Sneffels volcano
    So am I, but i'm not willing to give any chance to malware.

    Better safe than sorry ;)
  7. Kerodo

    Kerodo Registered Member

    Oct 5, 2004
    Yep, I understand that. I am giving the dice a roll, but I am pretty confident. Payoff for me is slightly better performance, although admitedly, many of the AVs like Avira take very minimal toll on performance anyhow....

    I don't really see how I can go wrong with this setup though, anything new, not already on the fresh system that tries to execute will be stopped instantly. Even if drivers could somehow get installed, or this or that, eventually, to do anything real, something has to execute, or at least that's my understanding. And if that somehow fails, the images can be restored in 10 minutes...
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2008
  8. TonyW

    TonyW Registered Member

    Oct 12, 2005
    The best analogy to all this is to ask yourself would you walk down a dark alley at night knowing the inherent dangers that could lurk within? Once you begin to answer that, apply the logic to internet usage whether you use an AV or not. ;)
  9. MitchE323

    MitchE323 Registered Member

    Nov 22, 2007
    I am with you on that. I chose SandboxIE as opposed to Abtrusion Protector, but all of the reasoning behind it is the same. The key words are "I thought it thru". I myself like a minimal array of security programs, but each one has to do 100% of "something". Then I just implement a stategy as to fitting those pieces together. Since no AV can do 100% of anything, they all fail rule #1. ;)
  10. Judge Dee

    Judge Dee Guest

    To make the blanket claim that AVs have "failed" is just untrue. In my ten years or so of surfing, my AV has caught every attempt of different types of malware to install. Never once have I gotten infected. So AVs have not failed me.
  11. MitchE323

    MitchE323 Registered Member

    Nov 22, 2007
    Respectfully, your accusation is a 'reverse blanket claim'. Can you provide a link to a AV program that has an ability to catch 100% of all viruses, both known and unknown, both current and future? Or is there something about the phrase "100%" that you just don't get?

    Furthermore, are you saying that if everyone on this planet used your exact setup, that each and every person would have encountered no malware? That my friend is what I mean by 100%. Maybe it means something else to you.....
  12. Judge Dee

    Judge Dee Guest

    My antiviruses have worked 100% of the time. They have never failed me. That is not to say that it won't happen sometime in the future.
    But nothing is 100% perfect anywhere in life: cars, HIPS, anything.
    To set up AVs as being worse than anything else is just unfair.
  13. Kerodo

    Kerodo Registered Member

    Oct 5, 2004
    I think the key is to use whatever is appropriate to your needs once you've given it some thought. That will vary from one person to the next.
  14. MitchE323

    MitchE323 Registered Member

    Nov 22, 2007
    Well that's fine for you - but what I posted was not 'untrue'. Mine was a 'strategic' type input into the thread. You use the word 'me' quite a bit, but do you understand that malware will never be gone until it is gone for all of us. Pile on layer after confusing layer and yes indeed 'You' on your computer will be safe. Programs like SandboxIE, Returnil, Abtrusion Detector are the type of programs that are so simple to use, they offer hope for everyone.
  15. trjam

    trjam Registered Member

    Aug 18, 2006
    North Carolina USA
    some need to read my orginal post in this thread. I never said AVs didnt work, were not needed, or just a waste of money. Most are very good and most surfers would be safe with a good one and nothing else. I gave them up for the reasons I stated and have no regrets. Of course, I never wrote the bible on software security either. Each has to make the call.:cautious:
  16. ErikAlbert

    ErikAlbert Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    Protecting your data is the most important thing. All the rest can be fixed with the softwares you have on board.
  17. Judge Dee

    Judge Dee Guest

    Hey MitchE323,
    I have to apologize. I just realized that my post about failing was right after your post where you mentioned failing.
    I have NO argument with what you said.
    I was responding to a previous post, which I must admit I might have misread.
    Very sorry for my lack of carefulness in posting.
  18. MitchE323

    MitchE323 Registered Member

    Nov 22, 2007
    Absolutely no problem buddy, remember - it's not "us vrs us", it's "us vrs them" when it comes to malware. :D
  19. larryb52

    larryb52 Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2006
    I'll stop using AV's when I never use the internet again or install any other program, since that is not realistic, I think the common sense use of each along with some minimal AV's (nod3, smartsecurity) has worked for me, I can't speak for anyone else. I do know & remember when virus' & malware were rumours, now I hear we have forums to discuss them ;)
  20. Long View

    Long View Registered Member

    Apr 30, 2004
    Cromwell Country
    did you deliberately test different types of malware ? or are you saying that during this 10 year period you were attacked by numerous types of malware in the normal course of surfing ? and that you AV stopped them ?

    During the approximate same period 1996 onwards until about 2 years ago I ran various AV programs - none of which ever stopped anything - mainly because they never found anything - so I just stopped using AVs

    @TonyW - I guess I just don't walk down enough dark allys ?
  21. Kerodo

    Kerodo Registered Member

    Oct 5, 2004
    This is pretty much the case for me also.... pretty simple really.... my alternative is to use either LUA/SRP, or an anti-executable (which I use now), along with a good image or two.
  22. mercurie

    mercurie A Friendly Creature

    Nov 28, 2003
    Sky over the Wilders Forest
    Same here and I don't ever foresee this changing for me. :ninja:
  23. Osaban

    Osaban Registered Member

    Apr 11, 2005
    Milan and Seoul
    I think things have changed for a lot of people at Wilders in the last 4 years (the time span I could monitor). Browsers are safer, mail providers have their own security to filter mail, sandboxes/ISR/virtual systems are commonly adopted, HIPS have also found their niche, last but not least imaging programs have become more and more popular among home users.

    Antivirus programs reflect an old fashioned approach to computer security, but they also have clear disadvantages compared to recent solutions: Psychological dependence (updates, detection rate, 'mine is better than yours' etc), yearly subscriptions, system impact in terms of speed (every operation in a computer is monitored by the AV).AVs also have only one function: Detecting malware, and hopefully delete it (An ISR for argument sake allows you more than fighting malware). What if my computer gets infected? It's not the end of the world (the analogy with dark alleys doesn't hold), even a complete reinstall of the system not only it's not a real disaster but sometimes healthy, allowing you to clean up your system.

    I personally had more uncomfortable situations due to conflicts installing security software than pure virus attacks. Antivirus programs are not obsolete, they are excellent for people who don't care about learning computer security, and real beginners who can't judge the consequences of their actions.
  24. Kerodo

    Kerodo Registered Member

    Oct 5, 2004
    This is another good point. I have never felt comfortable with any sort of cleanup attempt after the fact by any AV or software. Should something actually hit me, I would much prefer a complete reformat or image restore, and in fact, this is the only real trustworthy solution for me. Worst case, a complete reformat and reinstall, and full update of XP takes me about 2.5 hours. Then another hour to install apps. I have seen people spend far longer trying to research and disinfect a PC after something hits. And as far as data goes, I keep it on another drive, as well as routinely backing up anything that matters.
  25. Big Apple

    Big Apple Frequent Poster

    Aug 22, 2006
    I use Acronis True Image for a long time and whenever my system completely buggers up........put the image back and 10 minutes later you're all back in business. Put your (backed-up)data back in another 10 minutes and you're all set again!
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