Why ESET do not block illegal update servers !!!

Discussion in 'ESET Smart Security' started by John White, Mar 5, 2012.

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  1. John White

    John White Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2012
    Hi dear ESET Team.

    Our clerks find 12 illegal update servers of ESET AV that some of them is free and many users update their AV from that servers. Some of these servers is Password protected that users buy Username and password for Updating (Fake License).

    We think that ESET must add these update servers to perseus module update so users can not update from that servers any more :

    ~Links removed~

    We thing that these servers are not safe and 100% they are illegal. So ESET must block them as block :

    If ESET does not stop these kind of servers , Users will not interested in buying original license from ESET and also we can not sell ESET products any more.

    We will report new servers and illegal sites every month.

    We are waiting for your answers.

    Thank you.
    John White
    GREEN PC Corp Support Admin.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 5, 2012
  2. ipje

    ipje Registered Member

    Mar 18, 2002
    the netherlands
    Very stange way to do this, you don't support the illegal servers but you post all the URL's. PM was a better way to do this.
  3. Trooper

    Trooper Registered Member

    Jan 26, 2005
    Agreed. Or by submitting a ticket directly to ESET.
  4. Marcos

    Marcos Eset Staff Account

    Nov 22, 2002
    The above mentioned list was processed about 1-2 weeks ago :/
  5. John White

    John White Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2012
    So why some of our customers is still updating using these update server and did not renew their license ... This is very bad for our Business ...

    ESET must block them very fast so their admin can not work on such these fake activities.

    Perseus module updatet very slow for example every 1 month and users are updated very easily !!!

    our clerks find such these ilegal update servers every month but we do not know which email adress will respone fast.

    We all want Security for our users but such thease activities interupt our bussiness and users security.

    Thank you,
  6. zfactor

    zfactor Registered Member

    Mar 10, 2005
    on my zx10-r
    problem is these will get blocked and new ones will be out within days after sadly its the nature of the software business...not to mention all the so called cracks around for nod which i will not name here since i dont want to post that kind of info for people to use them ...
  7. John White

    John White Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2012
    Yes but the problem is beeing slow to block illiga action. For example if every week eset block them users can not use them.

    And also users will know that this is not a good way. But wehave a user that are updateing from that serevers for 6month !!! So they said why original license !!

    U see kaspersky is very quick in this cases. If ESET also do a quick reaction they willbe all inactive.
  8. John White

    John White Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2012
    IS 2 weeks enogh for stopping them ! some of them are working about 6 monthes !!!

    Our want from ESET is to have reaction faster than this. So we can stop them all.
  9. Marcos

    Marcos Eset Staff Account

    Nov 22, 2002
    We are definitely not going to release module updates without extensive testing first and thus jeopardize all our users worldwide, including enterprise clients. ESET takes measures to minimize the impact of cracks to satisfy our distributors but we won't do it at the cost of quality. Needless to say that any software can be cracked, no matter what measures vendors take and no matter whether it's a smaller company or a large one selling software to hundreds of million users worldwide.
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