Why does my laptop keep losing the wifi connection to my router?

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by Scoobs, Apr 6, 2012.

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  1. Scoobs

    Scoobs Registered Member

    Sep 21, 2005
    Laptop drops out every 20 minuites or so, sometimes more often. The desktop that's wired doesn't suffer.

    Windows 7 Network Troubleshooter fixes the problem, but then the connection gets lost again minutes later.

    The Network troubleshooter diagnosis states (but means little to me):-

    Windows Network Diagnostics Publisher details

    Issues found
    Problem with wireless adapter or access pointProblem with wireless adapter or access point Fixed
    Reset the wireless adapter Completed
    Investigate router or access point issues Not run
    Refer to Windows Help and Support for more information about wireless connectivity problems Not run

    Issues found Detection details

    6 Problem with wireless adapter or access point Fixed

    Reset the wireless adapter Completed

    Network Diagnostics Log
    File Name: 3F5C62FC-7D04-4ACE-9FE0-9E530C2F8B8B.Repair.1.etl

    Investigate router or access point issues Not run

    If you're connected to a hotspot or domain network, contact the network administrator. Otherwise: 1. Unplug or turn off the device. 2. After all the lights on the device are off, wait at least 10 seconds. 3. Turn the device back on or plug it back into the power outlet. To restart a router or access point that has a built-in battery, press and quickly release the Reset button.
    Refer to Windows Help and Support for more information about wireless connectivity problems Not run

    Windows cannot resolve your wireless connectivity issue.

    Detection details

    Diagnostics Information (Network Adapter)
    Details about network adapter diagnosis:

    Network adapter Wireless Network Connection driver information:

    Description . . . . . . . . . . : Atheros AR9285 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter
    Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . : Atheros Communications Inc.
    Provider . . . . . . . . . . . : Microsoft
    Version . . . . . . . . . . . :
    Inf File Name . . . . . . . . . : C:\Windows\INF\netathrx.inf
    Inf File Date . . . . . . . . . : 13 July 2009 20:37:24
    Section Name . . . . . . . . . : ATHR_DEV_OS61_H30A1.ndi
    Hardware ID . . . . . . . . . . : pci\ven_168c&dev_002b&subsys_3040103c
    Instance Status Flags . . . . . : 0x180200a
    Device Manager Status Code . . : 0
    IfType . . . . . . . . . . . . : 71
    Physical Media Type . . . . . . : 9

    Diagnostics Information (Wireless Connectivity)
    Details about wireless connectivity diagnosis:

    Information for connection being diagnosed
    Interface GUID: 78e71773-3fc7-4ab4-b8c7-252397331e06
    Interface name: Atheros AR9285 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter
    Interface type: Native WiFi

    Connection incident diagnosed
    Auto Configuration ID: 1
    Connection ID: 1

    Connection status summary
    Connection started at: 2012-04-06 09:02:28-298
    Profile match: Success
    Pre-Association: Success
    Association: Success
    Security and Authentication: Success

    List of visible access point(s): 25 item(s) total, 25 item(s) displayed
    BSSID BSS Type PHY Signal(dB) Chnl/freq SSID
    34-08-04-2F-A3-8E Infra g -83 1 SKY51483
    00-8B-5D-B3-69-42 Infra <unknown> -89 1 BTHomeHub2-X93C
    FC-75-16-01-C8-D8 Infra <unknown> -52 1 TALKTALK-01C8D8
    74-44-01-65-C2-BE Infra <unknown> -36 1 virginmedia6170374
    00-1F-33-1B-81-13 Infra g -91 1 SKY26806
    0A-8B-5D-B3-69-42 Infra <unknown> -88 1 BTFON
    00-8B-5D-BD-02-2A Infra <unknown> -85 6 BTHomeHub2-HC26
    7C-03-4C-6F-1C-0F Infra <unknown> -58 6 SKYF1C0E
    00-26-F2-5F-A6-A8 Infra g -59 6 cathy
    00-26-5A-86-4A-FA Infra g -92 6 (Unnamed Network)
    2C-B0-5D-BD-AD-C2 Infra <unknown> -79 11 virginmedia9752275
    00-24-17-C4-CD-71 Infra <unknown> -86 7 BTHomeHub2-W9GZ
    C4-3D-C7-39-A9-CB Infra <unknown> -62 1 virginmedia3616948
    C8-CD-72-95-98-7F Infra <unknown> -82 11 SKY5987E
    20-2B-C1-87-0B-45 Infra <unknown> -86 11 BTHub3-PX26
    00-14-A4-59-AF-13 Infra g -86 8 Livebox-B728
    A0-21-B7-FB-34-82 Infra <unknown> -88 1 virginmedia6053382
    00-26-44-47-51-4C Infra <unknown> -83 1 ThomsonBB27CC
    00-24-D2-D7-81-50 Infra g -85 1 TALKTALK-D78150
    0A-8B-5D-BF-A5-22 Infra <unknown> -84 11 BTFON
    90-01-3B-50-86-64 Infra <unknown> -90 11 SKY08663
    06-8B-5D-BF-A5-22 Infra <unknown> -84 11 BTOpenzone
    08-76-FF-D0-6B-47 Infra <unknown> -85 11 BeBoxD06B47
    00-8B-5D-BF-A5-22 Infra <unknown> -83 11 12 ARNSIDE STREET
    B0-E7-54-4F-F5-A4 Infra g -90 1 BTOpenzone

    Connection History

    Information for Auto Configuration ID 1

    List of visible networks: 23 item(s) total, 23 item(s) displayed
    BSS Type PHY Security Signal(RSSI) Compatible SSID
    Infra g Yes 34 Yes SKY51483
    Infra <unknown> Yes 16 Yes BTHomeHub2-X93C
    Infra <unknown> Yes 96 Yes TALKTALK-01C8D8
    Infra <unknown> Yes 100 Yes virginmedia6170374
    Infra g Yes 12 Yes SKY26806
    Infra <unknown> No 32 Yes BTFON
    Infra <unknown> Yes 30 Yes BTHomeHub2-HC26
    Infra <unknown> Yes 84 Yes SKYF1C0E
    Infra g Yes 82 Yes cathy
    Infra g Yes 10 Yes (Unnamed Network)
    Infra <unknown> Yes 42 Yes virginmedia9752275
    Infra <unknown> Yes 28 Yes BTHomeHub2-W9GZ
    Infra <unknown> Yes 76 Yes virginmedia3616948
    Infra <unknown> Yes 36 Yes SKY5987E
    Infra <unknown> Yes 28 Yes BTHub3-PX26
    Infra g Yes 28 Yes Livebox-B728
    Infra <unknown> Yes 18 Yes virginmedia6053382
    Infra <unknown> Yes 34 Yes ThomsonBB27CC
    Infra g Yes 30 Yes TALKTALK-D78150
    Infra <unknown> Yes 14 Yes SKY08663
    Infra <unknown> No 32 Yes BTOpenzone
    Infra <unknown> Yes 30 Yes BeBoxD06B47
    Infra <unknown> Yes 34 Yes 12 ARNSIDE STREET

    List of preferred networks: 8 item(s)
    Profile: virginmedia6170374
    SSID: virginmedia6170374
    SSID length: 18
    Connection mode: Infra
    Security: Yes
    Set by group policy: No
    Connect even if network is not broadcasting: No
    Connectable: Yes
    Profile: BTBusinessHub-854
    SSID: BTBusinessHub-854
    SSID length: 17
    Connection mode: Infra
    Security: Yes
    Set by group policy: No
    Connect even if network is not broadcasting: No
    Connectable: No
    Reason: 0x00028001
    Profile: BTHub3-KWZJ
    SSID length: 11
    Connection mode: Infra
    Security: Yes
    Set by group policy: No
    Connect even if network is not broadcasting: No
    Connectable: No
    Reason: 0x00028001
    Profile: TALKTALK-FC1828
    SSID length: 15
    Connection mode: Infra
    Security: Yes
    Set by group policy: No
    Connect even if network is not broadcasting: No
    Connectable: No
    Reason: 0x00028001
    Profile: LawSociety Library
    SSID: LawSociety Library
    SSID length: 18
    Connection mode: Infra
    Security: No
    Set by group policy: No
    Connect even if network is not broadcasting: No
    Connectable: No
    Reason: 0x00028001
    Profile: URBAN-BEACH
    SSID length: 11
    Connection mode: Infra
    Security: Yes
    Set by group policy: No
    Connect even if network is not broadcasting: No
    Connectable: No
    Reason: 0x00028001
    Profile: Batten1
    SSID: Batten1
    SSID length: 7
    Connection mode: Infra
    Security: Yes
    Set by group policy: No
    Connect even if network is not broadcasting: No
    Connectable: No
    Reason: 0x00028001
    Profile: TalkTalk520
    SSID: TalkTalk520
    SSID length: 11
    Connection mode: Infra
    Security: Yes
    Set by group policy: No
    Connect even if network is not broadcasting: No
    Connectable: No
    Reason: 0x00028001

    Information for Connection ID 1
    Connection started at: 2012-04-06 09:02:28-298
    Auto Configuration ID: 1
    Profile: virginmedia6170374
    SSID: virginmedia6170374
    SSID length: 18
    Connection mode: Infra
    Security: Yes
    Pre-Association and Association
    Connectivity settings provided by hardware manufacturer (IHV): No
    Security settings provided by hardware manufacturer (IHV): No
    Profile matches network requirements: Success
    Pre-association status: Success
    Association status: Success
    Last AP: 74-44-01-65-c2-be
    Security and Authentication
    Configured security type: WPA2-PSK
    Configured encryption type: CCMP(AES)
    802.1X protocol: No
    Key exchange initiated: Yes
    Unicast key received: Yes
    Multicast key received: Yes
    Number of security packets received: 0
    Number of security packets sent: 0
    Security attempt status: Success
    Packet statistics
    Ndis Rx: 3672
    Ndis Tx: 3134
    Unicast decrypt success: 710
    Multicast decrypt success: 0
    Unicast decrypt failure: 0
    Multicast decrypt failure: 0
    Rx success: 783
    Rx failure: 690
    Tx success: 589
    Tx failure: 0
    Tx retry: 12
    Tx multiple retry: 4
    Tx max lifetime exceeded: 0
    Tx ACK failure: 1576
    Roaming history: 0 item(s)

    Diagnostics Information (Wireless Connectivity)
    Details about wireless connectivity diagnosis:

    For complete information about this session see the wireless connectivity information event.

    Helper Class: Auto Configuration
    Initialize status: Success

    Information for connection being diagnosed
    Interface GUID: 78e71773-3fc7-4ab4-b8c7-252397331e06
    Interface name: Atheros AR9285 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter
    Interface type: Native WiFi

    Result of diagnosis: There may be problem

    Network Diagnostics Log
    File Name: 3F5C62FC-7D04-4ACE-9FE0-9E530C2F8B8B.Diagnose.0.etl

    Other Networking Configuration and Logs
    File Name: NetworkConfiguration.cab

    Collection information
    Computer Name: COMPAQCQ61-427S
    Windows Version: 6.1
    Architecture: amd64
    Time: Friday, April 06, 2012 9:23:18 AM

    Publisher details

    Windows Network Diagnostics
    Detects problems with network connectivity.
    Package Version: 1.0
    Publisher: Microsoft Windows
  2. berryracer

    berryracer Suspended Member

    Jan 24, 2008
    Dubai, UAE
    Things you could try to fix this:

    1) Ensure that you are within the Wireless range of your Wireless Router and that there are no obstructions. Also ensure that there are no speakers located near the router itself as the magnetic fields could hamper the signal strength.

    2) Ensure you are running the latest firmware of your router. If you are not sure, go to your router's website, then go to support, then select your router model, and see if there are any firmware updates

    3) The next time your Laptop disconnects from the router,

    Click on the START MENU, then ALL PROGRAMS, then ACCESSORIES, then right click on Command Prompt and select Run As Administrator

    While you are in the command prompt type:

    ipconfig -release
    wait for 5 seconds
    then type:
    ipconfig -renew

    4) If all those don't help, then consider checking for a driver update for your WiFi chipset/card
  3. Cudni

    Cudni Global Moderator

    May 24, 2009
    Try changing wifi channel your router is broadcasting on. Set your network as trusted in whatever security software you are using. Does the connection improve if you are close to the router?
  4. chris1341

    chris1341 Guest

    I'm was having similar issues connecting to new Sky (Sagem) router last week. When I closed and shut down Online Armor the problem went away. OA now uninstalled and the issue went away permanently after next Network troubleshooter run. Could just be coincidence but I notice you use OA too.

    Best of luck.
  5. TheWindBringeth

    TheWindBringeth Registered Member

    Feb 29, 2012
    It looks to me as though your AP is -36 1 virginmedia6170374 and it would be better off on a different channel. The next strongest signals at that time were:

    -52 1 TALKTALK-01C8D8
    -62 1 virginmedia3616948
    -58 6 SKYF1C0E

    My gut says channel 8 or 9, but I'd sniff a bit first. There may be better free tools (suggestions anyone?), but I've been using MetaGeek inSSIDer (http://www.metageek.net/products/inssider/) to get a sense for wireless environments. I do something like this:

    1) Run that on two notebooks that are disconnected from all wireless networks (just in case one of them has an Rx problem).
    2) Watch it for awhile to get a feel for the environment as is, looking for signs the signal strength from the AP in question is fluctuating badly and looking for the quietest channel to move it to (may require walking around if a larger usage area).
    3) Consider the proximity of interfering devices and whether moving them or the AP is an option. If you are willing to spend the bucks, or can borrow one, a more sophisticated spectrum analyzer would come in handy here.
    4) Power cycle the AP and see how it looks afterwards. Some seem to fade after being on for a long time, and simply cycling power restores a solid connection for awhile.
    5) Move the AP to the preferred channel, make adjustments to Tx strength if possible and desired, look everything over while in config
    6) Experiment with minor tweaks to AP location and/or AP antenna positioning. Relatively small changes can sometimes produce nice gains.
    7) Make changes as appropriate on the client side, then connect and (hopefully) enjoy a more solid wireless experience. Experiment some more if warranted.

    Edit: It just dawned on my you are likely in the UK and thus should have for example 2.4 12 & 13 to possibly make use of. I also didn't get into 5GHz options above. In any case, if you download something like inSSIDer you'll have something visual to share and there will probably be a forum and...
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2012
  6. Keatah

    Keatah Registered Member

    Jan 13, 2011
    For the longest time I had this problem and I just uninstalled and re-installed the drivers one day, and now everything is fine.
  7. Just an fyi for you baby monitors as well as older cordless phones will affect signal of wifi your neighbors if they have young kids like under 4 may use a baby monitor.
  8. HKEY1952

    HKEY1952 Registered Member

    Jul 22, 2009
    HKEY/SECURITY/ (value not set)
    The Routers Wireless Range Needs To Be Expanded


    01] Change the Beacon Interval to 50
    The router sends out beacon packets to all the wireless clients to retain the wireless connection.
    Sending beacon packets every 50 milliseconds instead of the default 100 milliseconds will retain the connection.

    02] Change the RTS Threshold to 2304
    Reducing the Request To Send (RTS) Threshold improves by enhanceing the communications between router and computer.

    03] Change the Fragmintation Threshold to 2304
    Reducing the Fragmintation Threshold fragments large packets into smaller packets for more reliable access by the
    computers on the receiving end.

    04] Change the WiFi Broadcasting Channel to 8 or 9
    Changing the WiFi Broadcasting Channel to 8 or 9 reduces interference caused by surrounding devices broadcasting
    signals on the same dafault channel 6 of the routers wireless antenna(s).

    Should you encounter inconsistent data flow change the:
    RTS Threshold to 2306
    Fragmintation Threshold to 2307

  9. TheWindBringeth

    TheWindBringeth Registered Member

    Feb 29, 2012
    Probably wouldn't hurt to look for updated version(s) too.
  10. DOSawaits

    DOSawaits Registered Member

    Dec 11, 2008
    I'm having the same symptoms with my wireless laptop, but only when it enters sleep mode.:(
  11. ellison64

    ellison64 Registered Member

    Oct 5, 2003
    Check device manager>network adaptors>your wireless adapter>(right click)properties>power management> untick (if ticked) allow computer to turn off this device to save power.
    Also check control panel >power options>change plan settings>change advanced power settings>wireless adaptor settings >power saving mode
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