I’ve been using LnS for a couple weeks now and like it a lot but have one question. I use the “Enhanced” set of rules and I am always completely stealth no matter where I go to test my system. I am constantly reading in this forum about individuals “tweaking” or playing around creating new rules. Doesn’t the enhanced set work for everyone? Is there some way that I am not protected that I should know about? Thanks. Acadia
Hey Acadia To be brief yes EnhancedRulesSet.rls works for everyone; that being the case it’s required to use “ALL” to Apply to ALL remotely DNS Packets regardless if it’s legit or not, and likewise for the DHCP rule. Acadia, Online web-scans doesn’t cover all aspects, far from being so. There is much you need to read-up on…
Are you saying that you suggest I add on two more rules, ALL and DHCP? Are they available at your site? Thanks, PhantOm. Acadia.
Hey Acadia In Addition; take a gander at the following links that’s in reference to EnhancedRulesSet.rls ensure rules.
The “ICMP : Ping other (Rsp)” rule existence isn’t going to allow you to be “Hacked” but it does allow one to breach your System’s defences without being even detected easily, this rule existence can authorize malicious packets which can Overwhelm your System Resources, and with end results of Connection Time-Outs, and Connection attempt failures….
AHHHHHHHHHHHH. I thought LnS was suppose to be easy to use. That's one of the reasons I decided to switch to LnS. Norton was certainly easier than this! But I shall try to study. Why should I apply those four rules you posted, when you click on the links and at the bottom it says they make your system vulnerable to whatever? I must admit, I'm really getting puzzled by all this. Acadia
Lol Acadia Look ‘n’ Stop is easy; EnhancedRulesSet.rls is far superior by Default compared to other Software Firewalls Default rule-sets… But if you want Maximum Level “Software” Security then you need to work a little, otherwise you won’t succeed in where I thought you wanted too? But look at it this way, at least we dedicated Look ‘n’ Stop customers are here to assist you in anyway possible…
And VERY much appreciated. I never got this type of service from Norton, not even close. Thanks. Acadia.
Acadia Those links were to show you EnhancedRulesSet.rls default ensure rule(s), There is no additional importable rules for EnhancedRulesSet.rls, however there is “Phant0m`` Rule-set $v3.1” which is completely built-up from scratch using my Lay-out I’ve been using for years, originally on ConSeal PC Firewall… Not a problem Acadia !