Who uses P2P programs with LNS?

Discussion in 'LnS English Forum' started by dja2k, Nov 28, 2005.

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  1. dja2k

    dja2k Registered Member

    Feb 15, 2005
    South Texas, USA
    Who here uses programs like shareaza and bitlord? I can't seem to get good speeds on them using LNS and a Linksys WTR54G router. I am not complaining about LNS nor my Router being the problem, but I am asking if there are things I am missing to configure them to get good speeds. So far I have the rules in LNS for them to be able to connect as servers and I also have port fowarding on my Router. I get a green light on the Shareaza test as well. Though I don't get goods speeds behind the router, but I heard people with the same Cable speed as mine getting around 400 KB\s on Bitlord; I sure don't. By the way on regular downloads, I get a stable 575 KB\s download speed. Any ideas on how to configure my situation for better download speed using tweaks or anything. Some people told me to get rid of the router and use it straight, though I need it to use the wireless LAN.

  2. sukarof

    sukarof Registered Member

    Jun 22, 2004
    Stockholm Sweden
    I have used an 100/100Mbit connection with LnS and I´ve had up to 60Mbit up and down with bittorrent, same speed without LnS (on a private tracker of course) If I use my netgear router the speed drops to 34Mbit, but that only because the router cant handle such heavy traffic on WAN.
    So I cant complain about LnS being a bottleneck.

    The only rules I have is
    Allow TCP and UDP on the bittorrent port as server. (I have chosen port 7236)
    Allow ICMP Code 0 Type 8
    Allow ICMP Code 0 Type 0
    Allow ICMP Code 0 Type 11
    Allow ICMP Code 0 Type 3
    And all these rules activates only when my bittorrent program (Bitspirit) is running.

    I am not sure what the ICMP rules are good for, though I belive it has something to do with the tracker because when I allow them I get more connections. I noticed that those ICMP´s were blocked in the log and I simply allowed them.

    And I allways turn off SPI in LnS before I start a torrent download. Have you tried that?
  3. WSFuser

    WSFuser Registered Member

    Oct 7, 2004
    i know its a possible security risk, but u could also try to place them at topmost of all the rules if not already so.
  4. Kush

    Kush Registered Member

    Dec 10, 2004
    Hello DJAK2,

    I have been using WinMX for over 6 years.Even if they took it of the internet,but WinMX servers are closed!,but in advanced mode In OPENNAP protocols of the program you can export a list of severs from a WSX file and into WinMX(NapMX is not running much of the time)and it's very rare to be cut off by somebody,usually it just a poor connection.Or somebody who has there firewall set really high.

    People will connect,for seconds and be cut off,but has no ill effect on my side(uploading)
    As for WinMX port rules for Look"n"Stop I use the one from WinMX.rie and Phant0m's RuleSet,and you also must add a 1 infront of the
    TCP AND UPD in the ruleset also of WinMX.rie.

    Also add a 1 to both ports if it's 6669 add 1 so its now 16669 and add a 1 infront of the upd PORT in WinMx connections and I get better connections.And I have this rule(WinMX.rie ) at the top of the Phant0m's ruleset

    But people have a hell of a time connecting to my computer with LnS running and I disable nothing and it still works for me,if you have usually 8-10GB of shares many more severs will let you connect,I know it's a security risk and being kind of a leech not all my fault!,but never had any hackers as of yet on WinMX with LnS but I just use it as a function within WinMX as gateway for p2p,good Luck
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2005
  5. dja2k

    dja2k Registered Member

    Feb 15, 2005
    South Texas, USA
    Hmmm... I don't have all those rules and I still get that speed like you. All I have is TCP server and TCP cliet for Bitlord on port 6881. Should I change the TCP server to be TCP or UDP in the drop box inside the rule? Where did you add those Allow ICMP rules? I have all my P2P ruleset after HTTP-SERV and before +TCP: Block Incoming... using Phantom Rules.

  6. sukarof

    sukarof Registered Member

    Jun 22, 2004
    Stockholm Sweden
    To be honest: I have hard time understanding the concept of where in the list to place the rules. for example: I placed the bittorrent (server and client) port rule down between a couple of other rules in Phantoms rule set as suggested in another thread but that move of the rules just blocked bittorrent completly. So I dont move them anywhere, I just have them on the top of the list. That might be stupid, but as I said I dont understand where to place them, or why I should reorder them. To do so I need to understand exactly what each rule does.. and that I dont :(
    Moving the rules from the top seems to do more harm (blocking download with bt) than good for me. Yes I know that I dont use all the potentional of LnS, but I am still learning :)

    I use other layers of security to be on the safe side, so I dont trust firewall only. I feel pretty safe experimenting even tho I dont allways know what I´m doing :)

    I would say: If it aint broke - dont fix it :) I mean, if you get good speed there is no need to change anything. I noticed that I had UDP blocks when using Bitspirit, so I changed it to "TCP or UDP" and noticed better performance in Bitspirit. I use an private tracker when downloading fyi.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2005
  7. dja2k

    dja2k Registered Member

    Feb 15, 2005
    South Texas, USA
    I also don't understand all the phantom ruleset myself. I don't really know what to change to green-checkmark and what to block with the the red mark. I just use it default and added my router rules and my p2p rules, but don't really know if I had to allow other things or block them from the default list.

  8. Marine06

    Marine06 Registered Member

    Jan 5, 2004
    All i have is one rule that allows both TCP and UDP on the specified port and the range 1024-5000. However, you will get a plethora of blocked connections from other computers trying to connect.

    Note: Are all those rules necessary in Phantom's ruleset? I was under the impression that LnS blocks all data by default unless a rule specifies otherise. I understand that placing the block rules first guarantees that those packets will be blocked. But having specific rules should also minimize this risk.

    The green checkmark enables the rule. If it is not checked, then the rule is disabled. For phantom's ruleset, all the allowed rules should be below the initial rules that are blocked (red check box) and above the TCP: block incoming.
  9. dja2k

    dja2k Registered Member

    Feb 15, 2005
    South Texas, USA
    Most but not all have the green checkbox and the red box as well. What does that mean? Also some have no red box like TCP allow. Also should the p2p rules have the red box also?

  10. tonyjl

    tonyjl Registered Member

    May 25, 2004
    The green boxes indicate that the rule is active,no box=the rule is not active/enabled
    The red circled mean to block that rule,no red circle=the rule is allowed
  11. dja2k

    dja2k Registered Member

    Feb 15, 2005
    South Texas, USA
    Yeah I understand now, basically there are more rules being blocked than allowed. Got it!

    How about these rules that aren't active nor blocked, what do you guys have on them:

    Identification (Ident) Service
    Remote Desktop
    www. http-1= 80
    ICMP Ping Other Req
    ICMP Ping Other Rsp
    IGMP Allow
    SIPP Allow
    GRE Allow
    Other IP Allow

    Last edited: Dec 7, 2005
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