Who runs NOD with pestpatrol?

Discussion in 'NOD32 version 2 Forum' started by windstrings, Nov 4, 2005.

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  1. windstrings

    windstrings Registered Member

    Oct 20, 2004
    I have done alot of digging and testing trying to find out why IMON mysteriously turns off from time to time?

    So far I have tied it to a possible conflict with pestpatrol.....
    I didnt tie it to that until I saw a similiar thread... https://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=103901&highlight=pestpatrol

    If there is anyone else out there that runs pestpatrol 5 and NOD at the same time, can you please tell me if you have similar problems?

    I would be curious to know if there are folks who run both without conflicts of IMON turning itself off?

  2. flyrfan111

    flyrfan111 Registered Member

    Jun 1, 2004
    I recently (last week) started using Pestpatrol but not active, as on demand only. IMON quits working every now and then, once a month or so, it became much less frequent once I stopped using ZASS. Haven't noticed an increase since I bought PP though, but then it's only been a week.
  3. EraserHW

    EraserHW Malware Expert

    Oct 19, 2005
    me too!

    I use PP5 in real time and nod32...similar problem!

    Some time I found that IMON is disabled and I don't understand why :doubt:
  4. windstrings

    windstrings Registered Member

    Oct 20, 2004
    Well Hallelujah!... if this is a real problem..... maybe NOD will do something about it if folks actually report it!... its been so obscure its been hard to know what to report.. especially when no one else appears to act as if they have the same problem... it just kinda gets pushed under the rug!
    But I see it on every computer I work on that has PP and NOD.
    I"ve always thought it peculiar that mine rarely does it... now I know why....
    I rarely reboot mine!

    Problem is though.. its not consistent... prob only does it once out of maybe 10?
  5. vak20

    vak20 Registered Member

    Mar 16, 2005
    I had the excact same problem you had, so i stopped using pestpatrol, i tried anything but i could not fix it! Right now i am using antispyware from microsoft and there is not one conflict between the proggies!
  6. windstrings

    windstrings Registered Member

    Oct 20, 2004
    Dang.. that really stinks.. its one thing if PP was a lame little trial program out there.. but I consider them veterans in pestpatrol since they were one of the first out there and they really seem to keep on top of thier updates and do a good job.
    I hate to just toss them cause NOD is not compatible... especially since I paid for it!
  7. vak20

    vak20 Registered Member

    Mar 16, 2005
    I also "trusted" PP but i did not pay for it, did pay for nod so my choice was easy, after really trying everything i could think of to fix this conflict!
    However here imon stopped every time, not now and then, and since neither etrust nor eset seem to fix it i descided to try another spy proggie, since this once from micrososft is still free, i am using it! And it does a good job so far!
  8. windstrings

    windstrings Registered Member

    Oct 20, 2004
    I run winxp pro corporate sp2 with all the updates... mine loads ok more than not... but its the not's that aggrivate me.

    whats the name of the one your running now?... maybe its as good?
  9. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Slightly off topic and just only my personal opinion:

    First, I only have W98SE and an older version of PP.
    So I am not the right persion to give advice.
    But I myself have never and will never run PP resident.
    It's only my personal opinion, and others might have another one; so I'd better leave it to that.
  10. windstrings

    windstrings Registered Member

    Oct 20, 2004
    yea.. the stability of programs and OS is a world apart with win98SE verses XP... but I think your running the best version for the non-NT kernel.

    I too used to run the older version 4.0 and it was quite buggy.. especially upon uninstall.. but nevertheless the version I run now has absolutely no bugs that I can tell other than this one... I think its not a bug per se.. its just a timing issue between NOD and PP upon startup.

    I wish there was a place where we could adjust the timing of when things load... that may do the trick.. I'm sure there prob is.. I just don't know where.. Ill have to dig.
  11. Atomas31

    Atomas31 Registered Member

    Sep 7, 2004
    Montreal, Quebec
    Wow, I have just checked and my IMON module was also deactivate (it even look like it was uninstall) so I restart it. The thing is in my case it appears like Ad-aware dectect parts of IMON has low risk level nasty and Zerospyware 2005 when I open it simply eliminate IMON parto_O As for pest patrol, I don't use it in realtime, OUF!

    My question is : what is it in IMON that could trigger a few anti-spywareso_O
  12. alglove

    alglove Registered Member

    Jan 17, 2005
    Houston, Texas, USA
    There may be. Many programs that use filter drivers, including NOD32 and I am assuming PestPatrol, have entries that show up in the Device Manager. Go to Device Manager --> View --> Show hidden devices. A new section will show up that says "Non-Plug and Play Drivers".

    If you double-click on one of these hidden objects and go to the Drivers tab, you will see a "Startup Type". In order of priority, from loading first to loading last, the entries are...

    Boot > System > Automatic > Demand > Disabled

    If you can find an entry for PestPatrol in here, its startup type may be set to Automatic. Try changing it to Demand and see if it makes any difference.

    Of course, if this breaks your system, I take no responsibility. :ninja: :D
  13. windstrings

    windstrings Registered Member

    Oct 20, 2004
    Well I'd be dipped.. your right.. I"ve never seen that part of DM.

    Im going to try a little program called "Bootvis.exe".. pretty interesting... it optimizes the way things load in startup.


    Attached Files:

  14. windstrings

    windstrings Registered Member

    Oct 20, 2004
    Well so far..thats not working... either!.... I"m turning off active protection to see if that works.
  15. sota35

    sota35 Guest


    I have been experiencing the same problems as everyone else as regards NOD32 and PestPatrol.

    My problem is now solved and thought I would share my solution.

    In PestPatrol I excluded the IMON.DLL file in Windows\system32 and I used Startup Organiser (any load order app should work) to change the load order on Bootup making sure that NOD32 loads before PestPatrol.

    For me this has solved my problem and everytime I reboot IMON is now enabled rather that disabled which happens if PestPatrol load first.

    I hope this info is useful to someone.
  16. windstrings

    windstrings Registered Member

    Oct 20, 2004
    Excellent!.... I wonder if you really needed to alter the startup order?.. if PP excludes imon, maybe there would not be a conflict anyway and thereby negate the need for the organizer?

    OR.. on the other hand.. maybe its the organizer thats doing the trick and to exclude IMON may not be the issue at all?.. To exclude IMON, doesn't that just tell it not to scan it... not sure if scanning it would jamm it up.. buy maybe?
  17. beameup

    beameup Registered Member

    Nov 5, 2005
    I'm on RoadRunner and they offer EZTrust package with subscription. I run PestPatrol on my Windows box along with Nod32, and yes IMON is always mysteriously disabled. Now I know why. Thanks. That's probably what's disabling my Webshots wallpaper changer too.

    One thing I never saw posted here(and what I'm going to do)is to write EZTrust support and also mention this problem to them.
  18. windstrings

    windstrings Registered Member

    Oct 20, 2004

    it just goes to show you that your comments are never "worthless".. they are either directly an aid, or they stimulate others to come up with ideas... kinda like settin around the campfire tellin jokes?

    Well if this turns out to be the case.... you'll have to give your address, so we can all come over and give you a big fat kiss.... humm second thought.. I hope your female?
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