Just wondering from your experience which security provider has the best customer support. I know I could be considered a Norton fanboy but I will say I have had the best experience with Norton. They always connect to my pc and fix any issue I may have (which is rare that I have one). They also give me 100 extra days if it is a real hassle.
Re: ~ Who Has The Best Customer Support Greg Salvato, CEO of PWI/Privacyware (maker of Privatefirewall). In the brief times I have (on & off) used Privatefirewall, I have always been very impressed with the level of support Greg provides. It is rare to see someone come close to his degree of involvement and dedication.
Re: ~ Who Has The Best Customer Support hmm....it's hard to say.....I mean support of every security software I've used is top notch....about a year ago I had prob with pcav pro and the mods at the forum remotely connected to my pc and solved it....but I think it's a close call between Ikarus and Webroot.......both Support Teams are amazing and blazing fast in response.......they're very good at making users comfortable with the support process...from sorting out the prob to providing a solution.....
Re: ~ Who Has The Best Customer Support I can't say who is best but the list is certainly short IMO. I would probably say that Emsi and MBAM have the best support forums. Sunbelt used to have very responsive email and forum support. But I have not used them in a long time.
Re: ~ Who Has The Best Customer Support 'Best customer support' probably does take into consideration all aspects, including support tickets, forums, knowledgebases, FAQs, personal responses from developers (if we should be so lucky!), chat lines, fp submission process, assistance with cleanup, and so on. I suppose 'customer support' is the sum of all these things. Getting the help you need when you need it is the truest test.
Re: ~ Who Has The Best Customer Support Is this list strictly about antivirus and security suites? I did not mention in my post above, but DefenseWall and Sandboxie both have very top notch customer support IMO.
Re: ~ Who Has The Best Customer Support Depends upon whether you mean forum support or official support. Forum support definitely WSA but I have found that their official support is not as good as here on Wilders.
Re: ~ Who Has The Best Customer Support +1 Precisely my perception, but I can't say that I've experience with too many vendors (but have sampled many AVs etc over past 3-4 years). It might be worth considering also who's support is very bad or worse...but probably best not to start relating "horror stories" too much. A work colleague was telling me something not too good about McAfee during the week, which agreed with what I've heard. It is probably also much easier to have high grade support if the company is relatively small and more manageable, and as the company gets much bigger this becomes more difficult to achieve and maintain.
Re: ~ Who Has The Best Customer Support Without a doubt, he is unique in the 'one to one' help he offers.
I had trouble twice. One when I tried to buy F-Secure IS that never got answered and one with WSA, which Joe answered before I could ever refresh the page
Really hard to say. Customer support seems to have disappeared from computer programs...at least for me.
Hi Jadinolf, Prevx had always great Customer support and now that Webroot owns Prevx they have adapted great support for WSA via the support inbox or on the security forums! TH
ESET, Prevx/Webroot...Recently Plus BitDefender year 2006 when I had a nice live chat at 1 AM with a Romanian girl on Bitdefender.com, I think I asked why they had suspended the updates
For me, it's tzuk! He's one of the most responsive developer I've encountered yet.. Other support that I've liked is from Kardo Kristal(Kristal Security), ultim(dev of TinyWall) and James (from Toolwiz).
Never really used any of their products but looking at their support forum here on Wilders, they seem to be pretty helpful!
Eset has the best customer support and BitDefender the worst. The only answer you get from BitDefender support: Please uninstall and reinstall BitDefender
Out of the few times that i've actually tried to contact customer support Emsisoft has done the best so far, since it's a quite small company they can focus on customers more i guess. The other company was Panda . . . They took quite a few days to answer me and i managed to solve the problem after like 1 month or 2 months of talking with them.
Trend Micro and eScan for me. Also had decent experiences with AVG. Worst: Any Symantec product. I usually have to get the support escalated to a higher level before I can have a coherent discussion about issues I'm having. Otherwise it's just "check your settings, reinstall, etc.". It's probably because they outsource their consumer support to a third party consulting firm and it takes time to communicate with the actual developers about issues.