Which other Security forums do you frequent?

Discussion in 'other security issues & news' started by brjoon1021, Oct 10, 2005.

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  1. brjoon1021

    brjoon1021 Registered Member

    Aug 10, 2005
    I only know of CastleCops and Broadband reports. Are there other good ones?

  2. snowbound

    snowbound Retired Moderator

    Feb 18, 2003
    The Big Smoke
  3. ErikAlbert

    ErikAlbert Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    I'm a registered member at SpywareInfo (SWI), which was my very first security forum.
    SWI had a serious breakdown for more than a week months ago and that's why I joined Wilders. I like Wilders more than SWI, so I hardly visit SWI.
    SWI's main activity is Malware Removal, while Wilders's main activity is Security Softwares, which is more interesting for me.

    I'm also a registered member at Bluetack Internet Security Solutions.
    because I couldn't read their links at Wilders, but I never post at B.I.S.S.

    I prefer to have only one forum, because security is neither my job, nor my hobby, but I have to protect my home computer like anybody else. :)
  4. besides those already posted, the rest I can't post, because i'm sure they would be deleted, even though IMHO those forums are really harmless kiddy level anyway.
  5. trickyricky

    trickyricky Registered Member

    Mar 27, 2005
    London, UK
    I find www.spywarewarrior.com is very useful as well, with loads of other handy info and links from the home page.
  6. yogishree

    yogishree Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2005
    I am a regular only at Wilders and DSLReports .

    I occasionally visit the BleepingComputer,NetIntegration,SpywareWarrior also.

    All these sites are highly informative and sometimes specialise in certain areas [eg. BleepingComputer - Tutorials of all kinds & HJTLogs; NetIntegration - Official Spybot Support ; SpywareWarrior - Eric Howes' site with a wealth
    of resources to help fight spyware and adware .

    However , WILDERS is definitely the friendliest.Thx to its ever helpful and vigilant team of Administrators & Moderators.
  7. Rasheed187

    Rasheed187 Registered Member

    Jul 10, 2004
    The Netherlands
    I´m also registered at CastleCops, because I had problems with MS Antispy and a question about Antivir, and it looks like the official support is over there, but I do not frequently post over there, because I don´t like the interface. :rolleyes:

    Btw, this thread should be moved.
  8. bigc73542

    bigc73542 Retired Moderator

    Sep 21, 2003
    SW. Oklahoma
  9. Notok

    Notok Registered Member

    May 28, 2004
    Portland, OR (USA)
    I visit the others once in a while, but Wilders is the only one I like :)
  10. Mele20

    Mele20 Former Poster

    Apr 29, 2002
    Hilo, Hawaii
    Dslreports is my home site and I spend a lot of time in their Security forum. I learned about Wilders from folks at dslr security forum back in late 2001 and joined here a couple of months later. I consider Wilders to be my second home.

    I also spend time at Castlecops primarily for the Proxo forums and CounterSpy.
  11. Beef

    Beef Guest

    This is a very interesting question. WoW..I would be very hard put to even make a guess at the numerous security websites I visit.....so, instead will name just a couple I wont visit:

    Dslreports and CastleCops are two for certain that on not on my visiting list............there are others but none worth the time wasted to mention.
    Two particular things stand out when I visit a website...is registration required...if so...I then consider that website an e mail harvester.........an Censorship......how much censorship goes on......often that knocks out alot of those so called security websites.......an place them below being considered as related to security.

    Personality plays a part....what fits me may not fit you.......these days there are alot of so called security experts playing the expert game but really could not lace their shoes.............the un-fortunately noob has no idea that he is being "had"

    An lord watch out for those ego triping moderators.....who think they are god's gift to the internet......nothing distroys and dis-credits a good security forum quicker than a poor moderator.

    Cookies: the use of stored cookies by any security website just plains knock that website out of being a real security website. Stored cookies have only one purpose..to TRACK...........how can a webmaster claim to be into security an still TRACK the people who visit or become members of his website.........can't be done....you either are, or you aren't!

    NEVER PAY FOR SECURITY ADVICE.....an if a website claims to be bankrupt then let the website close.......cause chances are you are being hustled if you make donations.......
    An when any website claims to be non-profit.....look around an see how many Vendors use the forum to either sell their products or service their customers.....usually its the latter...........you can bet there is someone making a profit however hidden it may be.
    Please notice that I do not suggest the use of any particular security website nor suggest not using any particular security website......there are no children around here...people can decide for themself.
  12. Bubba

    Bubba Updates Team

    Apr 15, 2002
    The side topic discussion posts concerning cookies and their meaning have been moved to the below created thread.

    Cookie use by Webmaster
  13. Beef

    Beef Guest


    You of course correctly began a new thread.....the cookie topic certain was of topic......it was not however, ment to be.
    Since I will soon be leaving for the Gulf Coast others will have to offer their comments.

    Until A Another Time
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