Those who follow any of my posts already know, but for sake of this poll i'll repeat I use exclusively only 2 HIPS, but only one on any one system, and they are first, EQSEcure 4.0 & the latest Real-Time Defender recently released. So far these two are working brilliantly in tandem with my Behavioral Blocker CyberHawk with absolutely 0 issues and 100% stable. EASTER
I believe WinPatrol, et. al, are classified as IDS, not HIPS. IDS is after-the-fact detection and reversal. Correct me if I err.
I'm using Norton AntiBot. But I'm not sure it can be called a real HIPS, maybe just a behavior blocker ?
Malware Defender is a new classic HIPS worthy of consideration. I use it on my Vista 32-bit systems and intend to replace ProSecurity with it on my XP 32-bit systems shortly. Nick
I decided to include it since it was included in CastleCop's list of behaviour blockers: Sorry, forgot Geswall and Malware Defender. I wish I could edit the poll.
I use Windows Defender with Advanced Membership on as well. Works like a treat. It actually helps you tweak software installs too such as not allowing entries to be added to context menus etc.
I'm a bit of a HIPS enthusiast. I have licenses for GSS, SSM, PS, DW, DS and OA. However i'm currently only actively using OA and DW.
Purchased - AD+RD, OA, Outpost, PG, SSM and MD. Given - AntiBot. Free - DSA, EQSecure and RTD. In different snap-shots I test - AD+RD, OA, SSM, MD, EQSecure, AntiBot and RTD. Not using PG (but recently tried the update,) Outpost, DSA (because it seems to have a hard job remembering.) Currently impressed by EQS and MD.
Yes they are ! I meant that NAB is said not to have the sophisticated features the other HIPS may have, but it surely is the same kind of software.
I only recently have stepped onboard also with Malware Defender, looks like a fine choice and so far the results i found are satisfactory enough that it's gained my trust to purchase it.
I voted System Safety Monitor, but in my second pc I run Drive Sentry. I understand it's an extended poll , but tightly talking I wouldn't put HIPS's functions of KIS or SpywareTerminator or WinPatrol... in the same range than SSM, RTD, AppDef, DS, DW....
I've used SSM since its early days. Depending on which OS I'm running, I use either the free or paid version. Been very satisfied with it and see no need to even try another.