Which game software should I buy?

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by bellgamin, Jun 13, 2008.

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  1. bellgamin

    bellgamin Registered Member

    Aug 1, 2002
    I would very much appreciate some friendly advice. I want to buy a game software which will enable me to play a game online with other people, given the following *constraints*...

    1- I love role playing games where combat is turn-based, and there is a lot of exploring.

    2- I am old & slow. My home computer is also old & slow (Intel Celeron CPU 1.70GHz). My connection is DSL & download speed averages 2652 Kbps.

    If anyone can suggest a game software that is appropriate for an old fart like me, or (alternatively) suggest a forum where I might obtain such information, I will be very much obliged.

    Aloha... bellgamin
  2. Blackcat

    Blackcat Registered Member

    Nov 22, 2002
    Christchurch, UK

    Initially I would buy a PC Game magazine where they generally give a review of present and past games and give you some ideas to chew on. PC Zone and PC PC Gamer are two of the popular ones here in the UK and they must have an equivalent in your neck of the woods.

    However, some of the new games need a lot of hardware; particularly the graphics card so you may be limited.

    Take a look here and here for forums.

    War and Fantasy games are the popular ones.

    PS Ever considered a console instead? Highly recommended.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2008
  3. bellgamin

    bellgamin Registered Member

    Aug 1, 2002
    Hola BC-sensei,

    Yeth, I am considering getting Xbox, but the mere thought of voluntarily buying anything made by M$ makes me nauseous. Maybe PS-3 instead.

    However, I would much prefer to find a good game for my PC. I shall visit the forums you mentioned, but I am still hopeful of getting a specific suggestion from a Wilders member.
  4. sukarof

    sukarof Registered Member

    Jun 22, 2004
    Stockholm Sweden
    Well, the most obvious would be World of Warcraft. Then you have Lord of the rings, Age of Conan. I have played WoW on and off for 1.5 years and have tried Lord of the rings, but I prefer Wow because it was the first roleplay I tried and I am to lazy to learn new :)
    Works nice on PC, but I guess roleplaying games are good on consoles too (compared to first person shooters where PC is the ****.)
  5. Mrkvonic

    Mrkvonic Linux Systems Expert

    May 9, 2005

    If you wanna play the best turn-based combat strategy, then:

    - Download DOSBox

    - See if you can get a hold on:

    UFO: Enemy Unknown
    Panzer General

    Absolute beauties, especially UFO. Will keep you occupied for a long long time. No need to make any haste moves, everything is timed, including combat, which takes place on a separate screen.

  6. rendez2k

    rendez2k Registered Member

    Aug 3, 2007
    I assume by turn-based you mean games like Civilization? I myself prefer real-time such as Age Of Empires but you should check out www.fileplanet.com - they have demos of just about every game and all split into categories so you should be easy able to get a list of games that might suit and even try some out to see if they work on you're rig. They also have a sister site www.ign.com which has vast libraries of game reviews. However, with you're PC spec, it might be worth keeping away from big commercial ones (new releases anyway) and looking at the freeware and shareware market.
  7. dw426

    dw426 Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2007

    Lol, I HAD to jump in on this conversation. First of all, World of Warcrack, as it was once lovingly called, will either A: Make you wake up one morning and ask "Where did my life go?", or, B: Make him log off within 10 minutes of stepping inside a town like Goldshire or a major city like Ironforge, from the complete takeover of people that Darwin somehow didn't come across and take care of immediately.

    On the subject of consoles, don't go knocking FPS games, lol, they are just as good if you can handle the controls. The graphics argument is slowing going out the window IMHO. Todays' consoles have astounding graphics without spending a lot on better processors, video cards, and memory. They are NOTHING like the NES, Atari, Sega systems I grew up with (and still love very much thank you). Plus, with consoles, you can sit in the floor, on the couch, your favorite chair, whatever, and pop open a can of Dr Pepper and a bag of BBQ Fritos....err, sorry, having one of those late night cravings I should go take care of.

    With that processor he has (no offense meant), he can barely play last years PC games, much less this years. Sadly not even Command and Conquer, which would be perfect for him IMHO can be played on that processor I believe. World of Warcraft would stall like hell on that probably simply due to the new "Outlands" area added in the last expansion. I have decent specs and it does for me (of course that whole area is poorly designed IMHO and has way too many NPCs that just walk around doing nothing).

    The point of all this is, if you want to play some good games without worrying about extra expense, hardware requirements, and don't want to be sitting at a desk for extended periods, don't count out consoles. Nintendos' Wii system is great, they make games for the shooters, the sports folks, the family gathers, you name it. It's also the least expensive if that is a concern.
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