Which firewall is the best at controlling outbound

Discussion in 'other firewalls' started by fatpizzaman, Apr 15, 2002.

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  1. fatpizzaman

    fatpizzaman Registered Member

    Feb 27, 2002
    Which firewall is the best at controlling outbound traffic as Sygate Personal Pro has failed GRC and leaktests. Should I run Sygate Personal Pro + ZA 3.XX?
  2. Paul Wilders

    Paul Wilders Administrator

    Jul 1, 2001
    The Netherlands
    Re: Which firewall is the best at controlling outb

    IMHO: LooknStop - full version - at this very moment.


  3. BlitzenZeus

    BlitzenZeus Security Expert

    Feb 11, 2002
    Oregon, USA
    Re: Which firewall is the best at controlling outb

    You smokin' something?  SyGate does pass grc which is a really basic test, and leaktest when properly configured.  If your just installing them, and not even trying to check out all of its configuration options your the one who is missing out...

    Even ZA passes these basic tests so you might want to try to configure them correctly before blaming them for your configuration errors.
  4. Paul Wilders

    Paul Wilders Administrator

    Jul 1, 2001
    The Netherlands
    Re: Which firewall is the best at controlling outb

    Hey BZ,

    I'm proud to state: 50+ cigarettes plus 10 cigars a day  ;).

    That said - and I'm not talking about "basic tests" of any kind - I'll stick to my previous post: LnS.


  5. spy1

    spy1 Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Clover, SC
    Re: Which firewall is the best at controlling outb

    Have to admit - I've quit playing around with other firewalls to see what they have to offer.

    Since LnS came out with 2.03 Beta 03 with the Advanced ruleset, I've been a proud owner. Pete
  6. BlitzenZeus

    BlitzenZeus Security Expert

    Feb 11, 2002
    Oregon, USA
    Re: Which firewall is the best at controlling outb

    Yes, LnS is another good firewall, but requires the user to configure it correctly, and most people who depend on application based firewalls could not configure it correctly as with any rule-based firewall :)
  7. snowman

    snowman Guest

    Re: Which firewall is the best at controlling outb


            I noticed you asked if you should run "both" firewalls.......running two firewalls at once imo is not a
    good practice.....an may even cause a lost of security....I am not saying it can't be done....just that its not a good practice.


  8. MickeyTheMan

    MickeyTheMan Security Expert

    Feb 9, 2002
    Re: Which firewall is the best at controlling outb

    LNS version 2.03 beta 3 can be run with the enhanced ruleset without any modifications, and will pass ANY tests you may want to throw at it !
    This is the configuration i used to test them all !
  9. BlitzenZeus

    BlitzenZeus Security Expert

    Feb 11, 2002
    Oregon, USA
    Re: Which firewall is the best at controlling outb

    You just sumbitted that your not using the real default ruleset, and a more restrictive/secure default ruleset.  You acutally had to import the enhanced ruleset, and this fact is this might be too restrictive for many people setting up their rules, which is why its an option.

    This is a nice option, but the majority of users will run with the real default ruleset while just adding to it since they don't really understand where to tighten the default rules at first.
  10. MickeyTheMan

    MickeyTheMan Security Expert

    Feb 9, 2002
    Re: Which firewall is the best at controlling outb

    The majority of users that would run the default ruleset would certainly not try to run tooleaky, Yalta and the other tests.
    Again, the protection offered with the standard ruleset provided by LNS is at least equal to any of the other firewalls.
  11. spy1

    spy1 Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Clover, SC
    Re: Which firewall is the best at controlling outb

    BlitzenZeus - "You acutally (sic) had to import the enhanced ruleset"...

    I don't know if I'd actually state it that way. On the 'Internet Filtering' tab of LnS (in the version we're speaking of) , if you click the 'Load' button, you get a choice of which ruleset to use.

    All you have to do is select that one (EnhancedRulesSet.rls). It's really not that hard or hidden in any way.

    It seems to me that anyone trying out a new firewall, or any other piece of software with which they're unfamiliar, would at the very least read the FAQ's, the 'Help' and a lot of the stuff to be found on the manufacturers' website and/or forum to learn the basics of how to most effectively use the product (and to avoid any possible conflicts/problems with anything already on your computer).

    Anyone not willing to make the effort and take the time to do those sorts of things isn't going to wind up with any kind of total, effective protection no matter what product they choose to use. Pete
  12. BlitzenZeus

    BlitzenZeus Security Expert

    Feb 11, 2002
    Oregon, USA
    Re: Which firewall is the best at controlling outb

    LOL... Load=import Save=Export, same thing :)

    Many people have this problem, and then blame it on the software.  They are not willing to spend the time looking through the program/information to make sure its configured correctly.  Even the simplest firewall program can be useless in the hands of a person who doesn't know what they are doing :)
  13. Soul_Flame

    Soul_Flame Registered Member

    Apr 7, 2002
    Re: Which firewall is the best at controlling outb

    I ran Firehole, LeakTest and TooLeaky on Sygate Pro 5.0 and the only one that failed was TooLeaky.  That said, one is one too many.
  14. Rickster

    Rickster Guest

    Re: Which firewall is the best at controlling outb

    This is getting into configurability and etc...bottom line is Zone Alarm for a while there was the first and only one to pass GRC's leak test (among those tested - I add) and about all of them now incorporate the feature.  You could load up with spyware and remote access trojans till the cows come home - nothing gets out unless you permitted it - so you can spend your time relaxing and configuring your next cigar instead of your firewall.  I wouldn't give a nickle for ZA's support structure, but never needed it thank God - That's the basic version - not Pro3 which I have but won't load till the bugs have run their course. Later, Rickster

    UNICRON Technical Expert

    Feb 14, 2002
    Nanaimo BC Canada
    Re: Which firewall is the best at controlling outb

    Call me old fashioned but since I graduated out of newbie-ville and left ZA behind, I  have been a TPF/KPF guy ever since. I tried sygate and LnS but they just didn't do what I wanted them to. If KPF isn't perfect well oh well, I have other security progs. Before a trojan can get through my Firewall, it has to infect me first.
  16. Checkout

    Checkout Security Rhinoceros

    Feb 11, 2002
    Re: Which firewall is the best at controlling outb

    Unicron, are you quietly slipping backwards through time?   o_O

    UNICRON Technical Expert

    Feb 14, 2002
    Nanaimo BC Canada
    Re: Which firewall is the best at controlling outb

    I am not concerned with inbound traffic, I have a hardware firewall for that.
  18. powercow

    powercow Guest

    Re: Which firewall is the best at controlling outb

    Look n stop doesnt really stop tooleaky.. at least not the way I want it too.

       Try this... drag a favorite to your quick launch bar.. run the favorite... aprove the connection through.. look and stop.. run tooleaky.. see goes right through.. thats because look n stop conciders "c:\program files\ internet explorer\ and c:\progra~1\intern~1\ to be two completely different directories.. with 2 different internet explorers in them.... just a simple modification to tooleaky and change the way it calls IE and bam goes straight through your firewall. without having to try the favorite trick... I'm not saying look n stop isnt a good firewall just dont give yourself a false sence of security.

    UNICRON Technical Expert

    Feb 14, 2002
    Nanaimo BC Canada
    Re: Which firewall is the best at controlling outb

    This is true of any security measure. One that cannot be stressed enough. There is a reason why large companies spend thousands on security, not just pick the best free solution. LOL.

    Until a computer security company GUARANTEES a BULLETPROOF solution, and will back that claim with lots of CASH, the above quote will apply. It may be a while till a company offers said services.
  20. snowman

    snowman Guest

    Re: Which firewall is the best at controlling outb

       Some very good comments have been posted...... in the past I have used look-N-Stop...Tiny(when it was still Tiny)  and Zone Alarm..........LnS is an excellant firewall...an Tiny was also for the most part.....

        that leaves a comment open for zone alarm.....an no it has never failed any test I have put it up against....what I do see is a user deliberately installing a known trojan....then saying "ok..I give you permission to access the internet"    an then saying  " opps, zone alarm failed the test."      HUH?......ok, so is it the user that failed the test or the firewall failing the test?

        regardless of which firewall...when a user gives permission for a "second" instance of an application to access the internet.......something is wrong!!!   If I allow internet explorer out once.....an I am not opening another Window...then why would it "ask" for permission to access the internet again....unless something stinks.    Now doesn't the same apply to any firewall?

        At the moment imo Look-N-Stop is about the best...with a few Betas of other firewalls slowly reaching the "very good"  point....an eventually will be firewalls to reckon with.........but I can't in all honesty say that zone alarm does not do what its ment to do.

       people tend to either like or dislike a firewall.....there really isn't much middle ground.....the opinions are exceedingly strong in this area......if ever there is a next world war it may well be bacause two countries began fighting over which is the best firewall......LOL

         so no endorsement from me.....all I can suggest is please whatever firewall you like...just please use one.

  21. spy1

    spy1 Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Clover, SC
    Re: Which firewall is the best at controlling outb

    Well-said, snowman!

    Can I add: "And learn how to use it -  correctly!"

  22. powercow

    powercow Guest

    Re: Which firewall is the best at controlling outb

    Um the point wasnt that there are two instances of  internet explorer. The point is that it would be easy to change tooleaky to go right through looknstop with out having to approve move than the usual internet explorer.
  23. controler

    controler Guest

    Re: Which firewall is the best at controlling outb

    Ok then, Is there a problem with Nortons Firewall, other than it is not free? Weren't any of you @guard users?
    I don't think Microsoft would have added cookie rejection to IE if it wasn't for @Guard.
    I am still thinking though, Gates bought DOS from Norton, didn't he? Dang Norton is older tham me LOL
    So you have the Two originals

    Norton and Microsoft

    oh oh
  24. powercow

    powercow Guest

    Re: Which firewall is the best at controlling outb

    I was really disappointed with what norton did to @guard. @guard to me WAS the best personal firewall. I wounder where it would be had wrq not sold it out.  Add stealth and application protection and leak control and you have the best firewall today.

    Outpost firewall is very @tguard like. When version 1.1 comes out it will pass all leak tests.
    sygate and kerio will impress old @guard users as well.

     Lastly although I complain that looknstop doesnt pass tooleaky. neither does kerio, sygate or outpost.
  25. Soul_Flame

    Soul_Flame Registered Member

    Apr 7, 2002
    Re: Which firewall is the best at controlling outb

    "Add stealth and application protection and leak control and you have the best firewall today."

    Geez, is that all it was missing?

    That's like saying I wrote a nifty program, and if I added to it the ability to create, edit and print documents it would be a nice word processor.

    If I added the abilty to stealth ports, provide application protection and leak control to wordpad it would be a pretty decent firewall, too.
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