Which Firewall Can Email Logs

Discussion in 'other firewalls' started by dmenace, Jun 5, 2008.

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  1. dmenace

    dmenace Registered Member

    Nov 29, 2006
    I'm looking for a software firewall like Sygate that can email logs to your email when attack occurs / when rule matched.

    Anyone knows which firewalls can do this?
  2. dmenace

    dmenace Registered Member

    Nov 29, 2006
    I found what I believe is the only software personal firewall currently developed that can email you logs. (useful if you have a remote pc that you don't connect to often)

    It is Fort Knox Firewall 2008.

    This seems to be a total revival of the good old Sygate Firewall ~ with all the great firewally features missing from today's boring firewalls. My favourite are:

    "Enable OS fingerprinting masquerading - option blocks common attackers methods to
    detect your operating system.

    Enable anti-MAC spoofing - option blocks all unexpected ARP traffic which was not
    requested by your system. MAC spoofing is a way to hijack a communication session
    between two computers in order to hack one of the machines.

    Enable anti-DNS spoofing - option blocks all unexpected DNS responses to your system to
    prevent DNS attacks.

    Enable anti-IP spoofing - option randomize sequence number for each
    communication packet to prevent hijacking of communication session with IP spoofing
    attack. Note: some network cards could be incompatible with option."

    I am not advertising this firewall. I am just a big fan of Sygate and when a new pure firewall (without the HIPS / antispyware trash) comes out that can match Sygate on features - it is very very promising and exciting!

    p.s. i dont care about leaktests so much as i have a dedicated HIPS for that
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