What's new in TI 11 Build 8101 (US)

Discussion in 'Acronis True Image Product Line' started by jmk94903, Jul 6, 2008.

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  1. jmk94903

    jmk94903 Registered Member

    Jul 10, 2004
    San Rafael, CA
    I downloaded and installed TI 11.8101 over 8053 in Windows XP SP2 without any problems.

    Since the name changed for the Safe mode add-in, I downloaded that also and installed it. It actually asked if I wanted to Modify, Repair or Remove Safe mode, so I picked Repair and it reinstalled. This probably isn't necessary.

    In Windows the new build shows as 8101 in Help / About.

    I created a new Rescue CD, and it show 8054 in Help / About. Oops, another little detail missed by Acronis programmers. Oh well, it's not the old 8053 number.

    The list of changes posted on the Acronis web site was not at all encouraging for this build to actually have fixed the many propblems reported for TI 11.8053.

    Who has found out anything?
  2. ibarnett

    ibarnett Registered Member

    Dec 26, 2005
    I found that I don't like it...............
    The 1st time my Vista 64 has crashed....
    I had a BSOD on bootup after installing the update, I tried a reboot with the same result, so I had to F8 and "last good cofiguration".
    Started OK then & I have uninstalled TI and reinstalled my previous version (8053) which is still OK.
    Waiting for more info from other users.
  3. mustang

    mustang Developer

    Apr 12, 2005
    Hi John,

    Go back and check the version number with the Rescue CD you made with TI 11 Build 8053. I think you will find it was also Build 8054. At least it is on my disk.
  4. shieber

    shieber Registered Member

    Oct 27, 2004
    Well, the progress bar problems have not been touched.

    The bootCD doesn't seem to be able to see hardware that 8053 couldn't see (this is to be expected if the CD isn't any diff).

    I suspect the changes that Acronis listed are a rather complete list of the fixes. I.e., most of the major probs with ATI11 have not been fixed.

    I'd say, if you have ATI10 and it's working, stick with that; ATI11 is still not a comer; still not ready for prime time.
  5. Bruce Mahnke

    Bruce Mahnke Registered Member

    May 21, 2005
    Woodbury, MN USA
    I’m getting somewhat different results than what jmk94903 observed. This may be due to the fact that I uninstalled build 8053 before installing b8101. Creating a new Rescue Media CD it does display 8101 in Help->About.

    Running WinBuilder 074 and updating VistaPE for TI-11 to b8101 I find that booting to it my C: drive (single partition) is now recognized as a removable disk. Build 8053 worked correctly.

    As mustang observed I also see build 8054 in Help->About using the build 8053 Rescue CD.

    It also appears that the user guide has been revised (much smaller file size).
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2008
  6. Xpilot

    Xpilot Registered Member

    May 14, 2005
    Perhaps they have left out references to the whistles and bells features that do not work [​IMG]
  7. mustang

    mustang Developer

    Apr 12, 2005
    I did some experimenting and got some interesting results. It seems the problem is because the safe mode plugin has not been updated to version 8,101.

    Here's what I did (note: DD was not installed on the system I used):

    1. Uninstall TI 11 Build 8,053. Make sure there were no files at C:\Program Files\Common Files\Acronis\Media Builder. Install Build 8,101. Do not install safe mode plugin. Make Rescue CD. Boot and Help/About shows Build 8,101.

    2. Install the safe mode plugin. Make Rescue CD. Boot into full version and Help/About shows Build 8,054.

    3. Uninstall safe mode plugin. Make Rescue CD. Boot into full mode and Help/About still shows Build 8,054.

    4. Run the install again for TI 11 Build 8,101. Choose Repair to do the install. Make Rescue CD. Boot into full mode and Help/About now shows Build 8,101. Boot into safe mode and Help/About shows Build 8,054.


    Try reinstalling TI as a Repair and see if you now get Build 8,101 in full mode.

    At some point I would expect Acronis to update the safe mode plugin to Build 8,101. At that point the problem should be solved.
  8. Bruce Mahnke

    Bruce Mahnke Registered Member

    May 21, 2005
    Woodbury, MN USA

    Does the safe mode plug-in also affect the functionality of VistaPE 11 using your script in WinBuilder074?

  9. mustang

    mustang Developer

    Apr 12, 2005

    I didn't notice any problems at all with using WinBuilder 074 VistaPE011 with Build 8,101.
  10. Bruce Mahnke

    Bruce Mahnke Registered Member

    May 21, 2005
    Woodbury, MN USA
    Thanks mustang,

    Guess I’ll have to play with it some more, maybe I missed something. After installing build 8101 I merely opened Winbuilder and hit the Play button. When it completed and created the ISO I simply created the CD and booted it. It seemed to run OK. I had TrueImage v.8101 displayed. Both A43 File Mgmt and TrueImage opened but my internal drives were not displayed and my C: drive was listed as a removable disk. As I type this I wonder if this could be associated with the Promise driver we discussed in the past. I just checked and the drivers are installed as in the past.

    I believe I found the problem. I had forgotten that I had changed the name of the WinBuilder folder from C:\WinBuilder to C:\WinBuilder074. Therefore the path to the driver was incorrect. Will run it again and check it out.

  11. Bruce Mahnke

    Bruce Mahnke Registered Member

    May 21, 2005
    Woodbury, MN USA
    Changing the path to the drivers has solved the problem.

    I have identified an application that seems to interfere with WinBuilder074 but I need to experiment a bit more. I have received a dialog box that I had not seen before. The image is below. This pops up when WinBuilder completes running from the Play button. It appears that this is associated with an application called SnagIt9. I need to experiment with it a bit more. Running it a couple of times I don’t don’t get the popup if I exit SnagIt9 from the tray before running WinBuilder.

    Attached Files:

  12. tuttle

    tuttle Guest

    Thanks for the beginnings of some info on what's in the new build. I'm sure many of us are waiting to hear what is new and changed in build 8101 before installing it.
  13. ibarnett

    ibarnett Registered Member

    Dec 26, 2005
    I tried again & all now OK.
    I uninstalled 8053, rebooted, diabled my av & then installed 8101.
  14. TerryFox

    TerryFox Registered Member

    Sep 6, 2005
    I have installed 8101 on my Vista over 8053 . I was able to load and run the latest . I then created a rescue disk without any problems to . I gave it a try to boot from which it did and it does show the latest build . I too am waiting to hear what's new with this build .
  15. tuttle

    tuttle Guest

    There won't be any new features, just possibly fixes to various bugs and deficiencies that have been noted in v.11.

    I'm sure you've seen them mentioned in these forums (disk image tasks must be recreated after a restore; wildly inaccurate progress bars; etc.), so as you now have installed it, try it out and let us know if any of the bugs have been fixed.
  16. Keith Weisshar

    Keith Weisshar Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2004
    Hazlet, NJ
    I still have to recreate disk image tasks after a restore due to change in NT disk signature during restore.
  17. jmk94903

    jmk94903 Registered Member

    Jul 10, 2004
    San Rafael, CA
    Did you have the Safe mode add-in installed at any time with 8053 or 8101?
  18. jmk94903

    jmk94903 Registered Member

    Jul 10, 2004
    San Rafael, CA
  19. Earthling

    Earthling Registered Member

    Nov 5, 2007
    I uninstalled 8053, installed 8101, installed the (unchanged) Safe Media plugin, and created a new RescueMedia CD. (DD10 is also installed on this comp).

    Booting to the CD, for the first time ATI in Full Mode now sees all of my drives and all networked computers, i.e. 2 SATAs, 2 opticals, 2 USB, and the home network of mixed Vista and XP machines.

    DD10, as before, hangs on boot in Full Mode, and sees only the two SATAs in Safe Mode, but there is no reason why that should have changed anyway.

    So for me it's thank God, at long last ATI is doing what I bought it for without external assistance (i.e. VistaPE)
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2008
  20. mustang

    mustang Developer

    Apr 12, 2005
    The safe mode plugin was installed before the repair. Sorry if I wasn't clear. The point is that before you install the safe mode plugin you should get Build 8,101 in full mode from the Rescue CD. Installing the safe mode plugin makes it revert back to Build 8,054. Then running a repair install brings it back to Build 8,101.
  21. rwinegar

    rwinegar Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2004
    Does this build correct the USB device disconnect error? Acronis tells me it did, but I'd rather hear it from somebody here.

    Lately I started using Shadowprotect to restore my computer. I am not sure if I am ready to go back to TI. It's going to be hard for me to regain the confidence I once had in this program.
  22. jmk94903

    jmk94903 Registered Member

    Jul 10, 2004
    San Rafael, CA
    I originally had installed Build 8101 over Build 8053 and Safe Mode plugin. However, before making a Rescue CD, I installed the new (new name only, it's the same size) Safe Media plugin.

    I created a Rescue CD which showed Build 8054 for both the Full and Safe modes as you stated.

    I ran the Build 8180 Repair installation and created a new Rescue CD. It shows Build 8101 for the Full mode and Build 8054 for Safe mode exactly as you stated.

    It just shows that being thorough isn't always a virtue. :)

  23. d.chatten

    d.chatten Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2006
    I did some testing tonight, it seems that the disk ID issue still hasn't been addressed, also Windows Vista's system restore still fails to to work (missing drive selected in system restore properties) because of the new generic volume that gets detected on booting into Windows after a restore, one more issue that hasn't been addressed is, if you restore the Vista boot partition (only) Vista won't boot, as many will know, this is brcause the Vista boot partition doesn't get restored to it's original position on the HDD (2048 offset).
  24. dougaross

    dougaross Registered Member

    Jul 4, 2008
    Is this correct? If I have two partitions (C: & D:) on my Vista laptop and I only back up the C: partition because I want to keep the backup size small enough to fit on one DVD I will not be able to boot after I restore for the 2 reasons mentioned above. (offset and disk ID)
  25. MudCrab

    MudCrab Imaging Specialist

    Nov 3, 2006
    I think it depends on the system. I've run tests with 8,053 and it correctly restored Vista partitions so they could boot even after the offset change. I have not run any tests on 8,101 yet.

    If you do have a problem, you can fix it before the restore by changing the BCD file or after the restore by changing the BCD file to reference the correct partition (you can use a standard Vista DVD or VistaPE CD for this).
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