What would you guys recommend, Kaspersky or NOD32?

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by Sunnysdsr, Feb 3, 2006.

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  1. Sunnysdsr

    Sunnysdsr Registered Member

    Feb 3, 2006
    Hello, I'm a total newb at the security scene but I am concerned. So far from my research I've come to the conclusion that NOD32 is the best anti-virus software out there. I was wondering, since there are so many versions to NOD32.. What is the latest? Or is "version" something that changes constantly after updates.
  2. puff-m-d

    puff-m-d Registered Member

    Feb 13, 2002
    North Carolina, USA
    Re: NOD32 Questions-Urgent!

    Hi Sunnysdsr,

    Welcome to Wilders!!!

    You can always check for the latest versions at the ESET website HERE.

    Also, once you have NOD32 installed, the built-in updater will keep both the signatures and program up-to-date.

    HTH ;) ...
  3. Sunnysdsr

    Sunnysdsr Registered Member

    Feb 3, 2006
    Re: NOD32 Questions-Urgent!

    Hey, thanks for the quick reply man. I've been digging a little further into the topic and realized that Kaspersky is also a good anti-virus software. What would you guys recommend, Kaspersky or NOD32?
  4. WSFuser

    WSFuser Registered Member

    Oct 7, 2004
    Re: NOD32 Questions-Urgent!

    if u absolutely need high malware detection rates then go with KAV. if u prefer an AV with a smaller performance impact and still good detection then NOD32 is ur friend. i personally use NOD32 but i suggest u try both and decide for urself.
  5. puff-m-d

    puff-m-d Registered Member

    Feb 13, 2002
    North Carolina, USA
    Re: NOD32 Questions-Urgent!

    Hi Sunnysdsr,

    You are more than welcome ;) ...

    I have more than one machine so I have copies of both. Each has its own advantages. I personally prefer NOD32 over KAV though.

    I totally agree with WSFuser. There are trials available for both. Run the full 30 day trial on each and see which you like the best.

    HTH ;) ...
  6. wildvirus88

    wildvirus88 Registered Member

    Feb 28, 2004
    Re: NOD32 Questions-Urgent!

    I agree!
  7. andylau

    andylau Registered Member

    Jan 27, 2006
    I recommend Kaspersky, it is because KAV always did very well in all the a.v. test. And, I think it is much better than nod32:D
  8. zapjb

    zapjb Registered Member

    Nov 15, 2005
    USA still the best. But barely.
    Yes. Those 2. Try ém.:D
  9. hollywoodpc

    hollywoodpc Registered Member

    Feb 14, 2005
    Basically , just like everyone else is saying here . EITHER of them will provide what you need . Try them to see which one you AND your computer like best
  10. Dryopithecus

    Dryopithecus Registered Member

    Sep 26, 2005
    IMHO, when you get into the battlefield:

    With NOD32, the chances you are shooted will be lower, but the chances you are shooted to death will be higher.

    With KAV, the chances you are shooted will be higher, but the chances you are shooted to death will be lower.

    (sorry for my poor english :D )
  11. QBgreen

    QBgreen Registered Member

    Jan 1, 2005
    Queens County, NY
    The only real differences in the versions of NOD32 are for OS compatibility. The versions that you see listed on any of Eset's sites are the latest.

    KAV and NOD32...you truly can't go wrong with either program. Consistant quality for both. I'm licensed for both, and will remain so. KAV scores slightly higher in the reputable tests, but NOD32 has excellent (some say best of breed) heuristics, meaning better zero-day detection of new nasties.

    The real every day difference is that NOD32 is written to run with very little impact on system resources. KAV runs heavier, but not to the point of sluggishness.

    This is of course as these programs are as of now. Kaspersky is close to releasing version 6 of their anti-virus as well as a new internet security suite. NOD32 is also undergoing big changes.

    As all of the cool kids say, test them both! :D
  12. bigc73542

    bigc73542 Retired Moderator

    Sep 21, 2003
    SW. Oklahoma
    I have tried both and my choice was Kaspersky. But you should trial both of them and see what works best for you. They are both excellent programs and which ever one you choose you will be well protected.

  13. dokstar4

    dokstar4 Guest

    Frankly although I use Nod32 and chose it over Kaspersky. Frankly when my renewel comes up I may not renew it.

    Nod 32 is just plain difficult to configure and requires a lot of time and resources to make sure it is configured to really do what it is capable of. The default installation is fine. But frankly it reeks of being designed by someone who has a slightly different command of the english language.

    I found way to many times while doing a scan from the default settings of having to go in and hunt and tweek to get it to really do the right kind of scans and act on files the way you really want it to work.

    It is just not for the novice, and daunting for the intermediate user.

    And I found it was as worst as Diskeeper in not being smart enough to detect scheduled scan conflicts when 1 scan runs into another.

    Heck I would set a time to do a scan and also once a week a deep scan and look around and my scans were humping on each other in the wee bit o' the mornin and making a scandal on my harddrive. My harddisk sounded like a vibrator: one of those Hitachi wands ;)

    I was plain pee-d off at the time I had to spent configuring it and I will ask if there is a way to save that configuration because if there isnt and I ever have to wipe my windows and re-load from scratch; NOD32 won't be back on it.
    And hopefully kaspersky will be easier to configure. although i do like the small footprint Nod has.

    Also after the TDS-3 thingy after i had just went out and purchased a whole $100 suite special with a guaranteed Free upgrade to TDS-4. I simply felt like i had been dumped on the roadside after a bad Vegas wedding.
    I have promised my self to no longer purchase any programs from oversea's companies anymore because they have no liability in the US. At least US companies can be sued and forced to make amends.
    diamond did offer the Free upgrade to PG or PE: Fine. I could have lived without PG and I didnt even know the program was killed unto I had noticed my database wasnt being updated.
    Eset does now have a office in the US and in my city to boot as i have talked to them personally so theres another point for them that may still keep them a contender in my book. getting to them via phone was easy and they were helpful, plus they answered emails pretty quickly.

    So let's see what ESET will be doing later; i will watch them.
  14. YeOldeStonecat

    YeOldeStonecat Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2005
    Along the Shorelines somewhere in New England
    You narrowed it down to the 2x best out there IMO. Do a trial of each for a while....stick with the one you like the best. Which ever you choose....you'll be well protected. There doesn't have to be just one which is "the best". There can be a couple of top notch ones.

    Regarding the interface being complicated...IMO it's not. You have a lot of flexibility as a power user to go in and tweak settings...if you'd like. It gives you the options of that, where as some other antivirus programs give you a very basic interface up front...hiding all the hidden advanced options..if there are any. NOD sticks them all up front..that's all. But on default settings, it's just fine...if it find something bad as you're using your computer, big red panels come up to "hold the hands" of a novice.
  15. iwod

    iwod Registered Member

    Jun 25, 2004
    There is no best Av for everyone. In my personal opinion their terms of detection rate are equally good. So my deciding factor is resources usage.

    Previously NOD32 has always been had best detection rate / resources usage ratio. And it is named as one of the lightest AV on the market. While KAV is the super heavy weight.

    With the latest KAV 2006 Beta, that KAV has EVEN lower resources usage then NOD!!!. It is quite astonishing that they manage to come from the highest resource usage on Market to one of the lowest on the market.

    Of course resources usage may not be a deciding factor for you. If you prefer the idea of Zero time detection then NOD is definitely your choice.
  16. Ga1tar

    Ga1tar Registered Member

    Apr 11, 2004
    Heavy with resources KAV may have been, but no way as heavy as f-secure was on my machine, as that program was one thirsty beast.
  17. nameless

    nameless Registered Member

    Feb 23, 2003
    I really think the phrase "resource usage" should be avoided, but what you seem to be getting at is something I've been wondering about with regard to KAV 6. Is its real-time scanner really less demanding of CPU time than KAV 5 is?
  18. mvdu

    mvdu Registered Member

    Oct 14, 2003
    It really depends on your needs. If you want lower overhead and/or your main worry is a lot of worms in your Outlook Express e-mail, you might want NOD. If you want the best overall detection, go with KAV. Personally, I have licenses for BD and KAV and have been trying them both to see which AV I will ultimately use with the rest of my setup.
  19. NAMOR

    NAMOR Registered Member

    May 19, 2004
    St. Louis, MO

    That's the way it ran on my computer when I was testing it.
  20. VikingStorm

    VikingStorm Registered Member

    Jun 7, 2003
    Have to agree. KAV 5.0 was very annoying on my older PC (slow start-up even with start-up scan disabled), but KAV 2006 runs perfect.
  21. nameless

    nameless Registered Member

    Feb 23, 2003
    Well as I've now found out the hard way, KAV 6 beta 2's startup scan makes my system literally unusable until I completely disable KAV, so I guess my results vary. ;)
  22. NAMOR

    NAMOR Registered Member

    May 19, 2004
    St. Louis, MO
    You should report your experience at the Kaspersky forum, since it's still a beta and all.

  23. rdsu

    rdsu Registered Member

    Jun 28, 2003
    Both are great, so try them and see what it fits your needs and system... ;)
  24. Lollan

    Lollan Registered Member

    Feb 2, 2006
    I agree completely, I don't find the configuration difficult at all, it just has a lot of options to utilize. Personally, I would much rather have the option to configure it as I felt needed.

    Plus, NOD32 is the only solution worldwide that has not missed a single “In the Wild” worm or virus in the rigorous testing conducted by Virus Bulletin since May 1998.

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