What should I do?

Discussion in 'Acronis True Image Product Line' started by Kinsley, Oct 6, 2005.

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  1. Kinsley

    Kinsley Guest

    Please help as I have been waiting 3 days from ACRONIS support and have not heard back. So far ACRONIS support is the WORST in the industry.

    Here is what happened:
    a) I have a server with 2 raid drives: C: and E: on raid level 0. I created a fullbackup on September 10. On drive E: is a temp database for oracle server.

    b) October3, I tried to activate the Recovery Manager and it crashed while trying to resize the partition. So I lost drive E:

    c) October4, I make a full backup image of drive C:

    d) October 5, Since I haven't heard back from Acronis support of what to do, I went ahead and did a recovery from the full backup image of September 10.

    e) After the recovery, I had problems:
    1) can't log on to the domain controller
    2) my oracle server is broken

    f) October 6, I got help from John on this forum and was able to connect my server back to the domain controller
    I still have problem with my oracle server is down.

    *** My biggest question now is: should I try to do the recover from full backup image on October 4 where the drive e: partition is lost in this image.
    I afraid that the recovery will put me back to the same old problem on October 3rd.

    or what should I do? I need to get my oracle server working.

    Thanks so much in advance.
  2. Acronis Support

    Acronis Support Acronis Support Staff

    Apr 28, 2004
    Hello Kinsley,

    Please let me know your Acronis request # which was sent to you in autoreply to your letter to Acronis Support Team. I will find out the reason for the delay and help you with the solution.

    Thank you.
    Irina Shirokova
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