While theres already a poll on web browsers here, i thought it would be helpful for all to learn just what "Portable" type browsers do members prefer as opposed to installed browsers. I attempted to list as many as i could find relevant to today's O/S windows system. Since most Portable users prefer more than one, your options can reflect multiple selections.
i voted for Firefox because of NoScript and also because there's no 'stable' release every couple of days, like Chrome. got better things to do than upgrading a portable app all the times.
I voted for SeaMonkey as it works really well for me as a portable. Firefox is good though & I tend to use it as a back up if I ever need it. However Fx can keep bugging me about plug-ins if I am using it on different computers during the day. None of that saftness on SM. Portable App's SeaMonkey is also fast, stable & is virtually indestructible. I would have thought Opera made a good portable, I have lost track of the times I unintentionally fried Opera's different portable versions. I used Iron's portable for a while but I had upgrading problems amongst other things. To be totally honest, Chrome's portable (by Portable Apps) is pretty good now. I tried Maxthon but although I quite liked it, I had some problems with its adblocker.
Firefox Portable is my favorite and I use it as my main browser. I stated my reasons here. The only difference is that now I prefer the stable portable FX build -- because the betas are not updated with the frequency I would like. Other portable browsers I keep on hand are Opera, Chrome (dev build) and QtWeb. The only "installed browser" I keep is Internet Explorer - because there is no portable version of it. Opera Mini and Nokia Browser are installed in smartphones I own.
Just ran across a little tidbit of browser brands info. Apparently according to this report there are currently 52 internet browsers for the Windows Platform. http://www.howmanyarethere.org/how-many-windows-web-browsers-are-there/
I'm really getting into this Portable browser buzz, nothing personal against IE but i've always had nothing but trouble with IE and now that theres plenty of much better & reliable as well as efficient alternatives available, i will likely never use IE again period! Besides, with alternatives that mirror IE with it's hilarious Bing search engine theres no use in it anyway IMHO.