My mother has a window on her computer that pops up from time to time and says that it cannot find the wgscan.exe file. I don't live within a thousand miles of her so I can't look at the computer, but I think that the file might have something to do with wormguard. Can anyone confirm this for me? Thanks you so much for you time.
There is a file with that name in WG, are you sure she has that one installed and if so, properly? And not a possible expired trial version? It could be she ever crashed and the file was gone or moved to another location. Let her do a "find" in windows explorer and see it the file is anywhere on her system and if so, where it is located and it's size if possible, and if she has TDS let that one scan to see if it's still ok. After that, she might put it back to the WG directory with the other files, start WG, maybe disable and enable it again and the test button. After that she might like to try the test i recommended before to create in notepad a test.vbs and a test.vbs.exe or enything with a double extension and inside a thing like Msgbox "this is a vbs script running" and click on that from her desktop and see if WG jumps up in both cases with anything. I hope she can be ok with this, for if not she should have to uninstall and reinstall WG again, hope it is not necessary yet. In case of an expired trial version she can try to uninstall; if not possible she has to try to install a new trial to be able to remove it all before she does a new install in case of registering the software. If you're very sure she has no WG installed at all, fingers crossed it is not any nasty abusing that name! (they do exist!) So please make sure about the installation first of all.
Had same problem as Jennifer on a Win200 box. Occured twice in the last few days. I have a registered copy. Uninstalled and then reinstalled and so far so good. Are these isolated instances? I have installed and uninstalled a number of programs over the last week or so, including trialing TDS( have left on system as I have now bought a copy-but because of Easter will not receive licence for 5 days ) Would installing/reinstalling several programs have any effect on WormGuard?
Hi Black Cat, TDS you can leave on the system, as the registration key requires no new install. Hope they see your urgent registration soon before it's all expired --fingers crossed for you. It's the first time i read this about the file, as there are no updates not expecting it anything to do with such a thing, the program and win2000 combination i mean, the installing and uninstalling several programs can be a matter. Some systems are rather sensible to have WG closed before making big changes like (un)installs, i forget it most of time. Same with registry protections. No need to uninstall WG, i mean just closing the protection a little while during such an action and enabling it back and testing it right after that. Did you find the actual file back or was it disappeared? Think a logical order of installing could be PE, WG, firewall, TDS and somewhere after the firewall other av/at and whatever you like --please correct me if i'm wrong.
Hi, Jooske, me again. Had the same problem this morning when I tried an e-mail protection program. Installed, did not like it, so I uninstalled the software. After the reboot, wgscan.exe box popped up again- 'could not find'. Went to Wormguard directory, clicked on icon for exe. but again received the popup box. Had to install/reinstall again!!!! At times I do try out a lot of programs on this Win2000 box and until recently had no trouble with WormGuard. Obviously, I cannot blame any updates to WormGuard. The only 'new' procedure I am carrying out of late is that I am uninstalling the program again with Norton Cleansweep after the normal program uninstallation. This is to ensure I have uninstalled all the bits and pieces. I then carry out a check with a Registry cleaner, to remove any bits left over. This may seem excessive, but I had lots of troubles with trialing different firewalls on the machine, many of which will not work properly without all the previous firewall debris being removed. This is obviously a small problem with WormGuard as myself and Jennifer's mother are the only ones to report it so far. But it will be a pain if I have to disable or uninstall/reinstall WormGuard after every program I try!!! I doubt whether this is relevant, but the only new programs I have installed and kept on the computer just before these troubles started are a new firewall and TDS-3. l Any ideas? Regards, Alan
Hope the firewall is not the one biting WG then Which fw is it? As long as you please disable WG the moment of installing/uninstalling things like fw, at/av, registry protection. Was the wgscan really gone too? Could be the cleansweep sweeps too much it shouln't; does it have a setting to leave some folders/registry parts in peace? Now i like to know if there are more common factors between your system and habits and Jennifer's mother. Hope btw you mean TDS-3.2.1 (even though it does lay 3.2.0)
Jooske My firewall on this machine is a trial copy of DeerField Personal Firewall v.3.0. The TDS-3 is I presume the latest version as I only downloaded from the main site 2 days ago!!!! Have given up downloading for awhile but would still be interested if you have anymore thoughts on the matter. I would prefer not to disable WormGuard everytime I install/uninstall a program.
On my system disabling and enabling WG is not necessary; it would just be that one click of course, not uninstalling WG , the same i hope you do for your av/at programs and if you have programs which go really deep into your system also the fw. Some sysms seem more sensible and need that disabling moment. Not sure if it makes a difference if you install under the administrator or a us account. Did you try such things and with the (un)installing too?
Jooske are you recommending on the main screen of Wormguard to 'remove' protection when installing/uninstalling other programs. Then 'installing' protection again when the process is complete? I am generally in administrator-mode. Will see how WormGuard goes for now and will report back if anymore problems. Thanks for your help and have a good Easter.
The only way this can occur should be if Wormguard Execution Protection was left installed after uninstall. Reinstalling, pressing REMOVE and then uninstalling should fix the problem.. Are you familiar with regedit ? Perhaps you could find all instances of WGSCAN.EXE in the registry and let us know if there is anything associated with it, the keys that contained this would be HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ .some extension name\ If this is the case, let us know. We can reassociate any wrongly associated file types if somehow you got them using WGSCAN to "open" them by default
Hi Gavin In HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT - I have 2 entries for wgscanexe; 1. *\shell\Scan with wormguard\command 2. Applications\wgscan.exe Both of which have many entries with them. Is this what you wanted?
Ok protection was left enabled ? *\shell\Scan with wormguard means all files have a right click option Scan with Wormguard.. if you deleted the key "Scan with wormguard" then they no longer have that option. This might fix the problem. The other key im not sure of the exact location, perhaps you could delete the "wgscan.exe" key from there.. or is it a VALUE ? (keys look like folders, values dont)
Hi Jennifer! Have you ever thought about using NetMeeting to help your mother? I was thousands of miles away, but nevertheless I helped my mother. Pretty nice tool, you see the desktop of your mother and take the control. And last but not least it's preinstalled on every Windows system. Just go ahead and search for NetMeeting. Best regards! Patrice
When both users are running XP you can even accomplish this by using Windows Messenger. Regards, Pieter