Webroot Tool-Bar Attempted Installation

Discussion in 'Prevx Releases' started by Trollton, Jan 16, 2012.

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  1. Trollton

    Trollton Registered Member

    Jun 17, 2009
    Chesterfield UK
    I use the complete version of Webroot SecureAnywhere 8.xx & have recommended it to many. I was a long term Prevx user & recommenced that also to friends & on other forums I frequent.

    Yesterday WinPatrol picked up an attempted tool-bar installation by Webroot. I denied this access.

    I emailed Webroot & informed them that I do not use tool-bars & do not expect my paid for AV to install them & was greatly annoyed by this. I was & still am very annoyed to say the least! (I actually would like to be protected from tool-bars as I really dislike them)

    The reply from Webroot TS is below.

    Thank you for contacting Webroot Support.
    The toolbar is part of the password management feature. This is required for the password management to function correctly.
    You are able to find more information about the password management feature below.
    If you have any further comments or questions don't hesitate to contact us.'

    My reply was I will not renew if this system continues, & you maybe need to re-think 'The Password Management System', & I will return to ESET if the system continues. In the meantime I will not recommend Webroot to anyone & will let others know of what ‘I’ consider a despicable liberty.


    What do others think?
  2. fax

    fax Registered Member

    May 30, 2005
    That is perfectly normal for 99% of password managers to add a toolbar for the management of password and automatic web fill-in. So, don't install the password manager if you do not want the toolbar. Or simply move to WSA Essential rather than Complete :)
  3. Cudni

    Cudni Global Moderator

    May 24, 2009
    don't use/disable the toolbar. Non issue in a grand scheme
  4. pegas

    pegas Registered Member

    May 22, 2008
    I don't see a reason you should put WSA aside just for the reason there is bundled password manager. It is another layer of protection which is definitely good in all aspects. Needless to say that it is nothing unusual now days that security suits are equipped with another layers of protection, for instance look at Norton Internet Security. They have the Identity Safe what is in fact the same password manager as WSA have. Moreover you are always free to decide if you want to use this manager or not. So all in all I would never resign WSA for the reason you are pointing to. Just my two cents ...
  5. Trollton

    Trollton Registered Member

    Jun 17, 2009
    Chesterfield UK
    Fair points made:

    I think I'm maybe a little paranoid re: tool-bars as I spend a fair amount of time removing them from others PC's & having to carefully watch when installing that you don't end up with a tool-bar as there now seem to be dozens of the things around that try often surreptitiously to install them not only on freeware either.

    I suppose I was wondering if this was the thin end of the wedge. I believe in layered security & another layer has to be a good thing.

    I'll leave it for now but maybe a mail from Webroot would have been good informing users of features in upcoming builds rather than having WinPatrol flashing a warning of an attempted tool-bar install - I still think that should be taken on board. SecureAnywhere is I still think the best AV suite I have used overall & I've tried most from F-Prot for DOS on & I really want to keep it that way


  6. Triple Helix

    Triple Helix Specialist

    Nov 20, 2004
    Ontario, Canada
    I agree I hate Toolbars myself especially the ASK Toolbar but in this case the toolbar is needed for Password Management and nothing more! ;)

  7. Trollton

    Trollton Registered Member

    Jun 17, 2009
    Chesterfield UK
    I agree but it would have decent to:

    1.) Been asked before it was installed on my 2 laptops & 2 attempts on this Desktop which does have WinPatrol on.

    2.) The option to remove this as as I remember even Norton does give this option.

    3.) Been notified of this before it occurred as Webroot have my email addy & or given some info as it seems WR assume I (their users?) am an imbecile & unable to comprehend this information.

    Here is a revolutionary idea for future use by WB boffins:- (Would you like to install this Webroot safe add-on that is required for password management?)
  8. Triple Helix

    Triple Helix Specialist

    Nov 20, 2004
    Ontario, Canada
  9. fax

    fax Registered Member

    May 30, 2005
    Out of curiosity, do you get the toolbar installation while trying to install the password manager or while doing something completely different? As you describe it, it seems the installation comes out of the blue like it was not linked at all to you pushing the password manager install.

    Btw, it does not look like as a full toolbar but a button more on the browser, You may even like it :D (http://download.webroot.com/WSAPasswordsUserGuide_8.0.1.pdf)
  10. Trollton

    Trollton Registered Member

    Jun 17, 2009
    Chesterfield UK
    It seems yesterday morning GMT that a few moments after booting this desktop flagged a 'woof' from WinPatrol which said words to the effect of 'An Attempted Webroot Toolbar Installation'.

    As I knew bugger all about this & this is the reason I use & bought WinPatrol I said no. On the subsequent boot the same occurred, it has not asked since. It seems at least one person who has replied to this thread were not even aware of the new release build & only know because of a new button.

    On the other 2 PC's which have SecureAnywhere Complete looking this morning both have this installed but as neither have WinPatrol on it was a silent install.

    It would seem this was part of the update to build which also has a change in the context menu & perhaps other changes I have not seen. I have 4 different operating systems running here & cannot, although I try to keep up with change-logs on the latest builds or betas running on my PC's.

    It's OK saying today this is safe & documented in wherever but as I have said & I really don't feel it's unreasonable to have been asked or informed of what was happening. I had a reply to a mail from a friend who also uses SecureAnywhere on the other side of the pond in TX who runs a small boat screw business regarding this issue & I can't repeat his words or they would be auto starred out. He was not aware of it either & only came to light this morning when he did PC checks.

    I have a nice side-line running in caring for several smallish networks which is in addition to my small company which fits UPS & backup systems for telecoms ISP's etc. The reason I get this work is PC's I maintain run well & without problems & it would be nice to know that an add on is not a toolbar regardless of what shade of blue it is.

    There are quite a few forums in the UK I frequent & SecureAnywhere hasn't really got much of a foothold among the masses here & if Webroot want businesses to use their products as some (most) still think of Webroot as the ‘Window Washer’ people they need to act more professional & don't treat people like mushrooms.

    They also need recommendations from those who have pushed the boat out & moved from ESET & the like to recommend SecureAnywhere on forums & by word of mouth. No one who I have recommended this software to were aware of the Prevx connection & most users are very wary of moving from the likes of Norton. I fully expect some programs to attempt to install crap but I do not expect this from my main AV & if there is to be an add-on I for one would like to know in advance?

    When someone from Webroot actually has the balls to say 'Yes we should have informed users of this trusted & safe ad-on & yes future we will' - I for one will be very & totally satisfied.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2012
  11. TonyW

    TonyW Registered Member

    Oct 12, 2005
    I think what needs to be clarified here is this relates to password managers that are integrated into the browser. There are programs, like Password Safe for example, that do not add a toolbar for this purpose.

    On the subject of the WSA Password Manager, it is only available in the Complete version and even then you have to download it as an additional component. The Help file does state under 'About Password Management':
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2012
  12. Triple Helix

    Triple Helix Specialist

    Nov 20, 2004
    Ontario, Canada
    It's best to wait for PrevxHelp to reply to see what is going on with the new version .83! Because that's true in my case as I'm using the Closed Beta of Essentials!


  13. Victek

    Victek Registered Member

    Nov 30, 2007
    It's unfortunate that the password manager (PM) does not have a higher profile in the WSA marketing material. Here is a PDF that explains it in detail, including the toolbar use:


    The PM is based on LastPass which is one of the best. It's fair to say that password management is one of the most important (and most neglected) aspects of PC security, and it's a valid function to include in a security suite IMO. It's understandable though that the unannounced installation of a toolbar is upsetting since that is reminiscent of spyware (Webroot take note). I use LastPass and it has a compact mode that reduces it to a single button, which is hopefully also true for the WSA implementation. I think if you check it you will agree that it's a real plus and not some kind of adware.
  14. Trollton

    Trollton Registered Member

    Jun 17, 2009
    Chesterfield UK
    Victek123 - I agree totally with you, the only think that did irk me & maybe overly so was as you say it's unannounced appearance & the fact that it did show as a toolbar.

    I'm really impressed with SA & along with Malwarebytes it gives a pretty good security system. I use Hitman as a FP checker & managed some years ago to get an unlimited version of Trojan Remover, now a yearly subscription. The low memory footprint of SA esp. on my lappy's is most welcome.

    The only problem I see is that Prevx though quite brilliant was & is a niche product & really Webroot need to gain a new customer base other than a typical Prevx user (I think)

    I don't know anyone who other than me have ever used Prevx - This includes some in IT management. Everyone who has a PC has heard of Norton, including those not overly bright :) This needs to change.

    I do my best by pushing SA on quite a few UK PC mag forums, though this needs to be done gently or you appear to be some kind of plant.

    I do have a bad habit of airing my grievances but also I praise equally when it's due.

    Take care

    Last edited: Jan 17, 2012
  15. Victek

    Victek Registered Member

    Nov 30, 2007
    No problem. I believe we need to be hyper-aware since there is so much scam-ware out there installing toolbars and changing homepages/search engines, etc. I think security software vendors should be extra careful because even some of the legit companies are getting too close to the edge with toolbars and advertising, etc. This is one reason I'm going to start using WSA soon and I'm really hoping they won't start playing that kind of game.
  16. Trollton

    Trollton Registered Member

    Jun 17, 2009
    Chesterfield UK
    Looking on my account I see that WR haven't deleted me (yet) :D though I suspect it may have been close.

    The the link to the PDF on password management is interesting:

    Thread for me closed.

  17. Triple Helix

    Triple Helix Specialist

    Nov 20, 2004
    Ontario, Canada
    Great to hear and Webroot would never delete you as you are the customer and you had valid concerns! ;)

  18. PrevxHelp

    PrevxHelp Former Prevx Moderator

    Sep 14, 2008
    We pushed out an update for the Password Management components of WSA which will have been automatically applied if you were using the Complete versions of WSA.

    This toolbar contains no marketing buttons, no advertisements, and none of the normal heavy components that many other AV toolbars have. It is a "bare bones" version of LastPass which we license to offer to our customers. You can certainly disable it, but we saw that many users didn't install it when indeed they had paid for it in the Complete product, and we want to be sure that our users are aware of what they've received with their licenses :)
  19. kenth777

    kenth777 Registered Member

    Feb 13, 2012
    I joined here strictly because I read some of the forums on Webroot once again adding ask toolbar to their automatic updates . I will never again purchase Webroot . It's a simple matter of getting what I paid for AND actually trusting a security company to honor me as a customer and not just try to force something I DON'T WANT down my throat . Unfortunately in the world we live in it all comes down to GREED and Webroot has shown me their true colors .
  20. fax

    fax Registered Member

    May 30, 2005
    Link? As far as I know there is NO ASK toolbar whatsoever in Webroot Security Anywhere and no plans to introduce one. The toolbar referenced here is actually a button integrated in the browser for the management of passwords in WSA complete o_O

    Probably info mixed up on some others products from webroot or the discussion on the ASK toolbar introduced back in 2009 on previous webroot products. Always better to check the source/timing before making accusations ;)
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2012
  21. Triple Helix

    Triple Helix Specialist

    Nov 20, 2004
    Ontario, Canada
    Believe me it's not the ASK Toolbar! It's a rebranded Lastpass Toolbar for Password management only nothing more or less! And it's only in the WSA-Complete version: http://www.webrootanywhere.com/sah_Password_Management.asp?n=About_Password_Management Also have you read this whole thread o_O

  22. PrevxHelp

    PrevxHelp Former Prevx Moderator

    Sep 14, 2008
    Exactly :thumb:
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