Name: W32/Yaha-D Type: Win32 worm Date: 5 June 2002 Sophos has received several reports of this worm from the wild. Description: W32/Yaha-D is a Win32 worm which spreads via email. The worm has its own SMTP client software and either uses an SMTP server found by examining the Windows registry or one from a list contained within the worm itself. The email sent by the worm is highly variable. The subject line is made up of a combination of words and phrases from the following list: searching for true Love you care ur friend Who is ur Best Friend make ur friend happy True Love Dont wait for long time Free Screen saver Friendship Screen saver Looking for Friendship Need a friend? Find a good friend Best Friends I am For u Life for enjoyment Nothink to worryy Ur My Best Friend Say 'I Like You' To ur friend Easy Way to revel ur love Wowwwwwwwwwww check it Send This to everybody u like Enjoy Romantic life Let's Dance and forget pains war Againest Loneliness How sweet this Screen saver Let's Laugh One Way to Love Learn How To Love Are you looking for Love love speaks from the heart Enjoy friendship Shake it baby Shake ur friends One Hackers Love Origin of Friendship The world of lovers The world of Friendship Check ur friends Circle Friendship how are you U r the person? Hi U realy Want this Romantic humour New Wonderfool excite Cool charming Idiot Nice Bullsh*t One Funny Great LoveGangs Shaking powful Joke Interesting Interesting Screensaver Friendship Love relations stuff to ur friends to ur lovers for you to see to check to watch to enjoy to share The message text is similar to: "Hi Dear Check the attach See u . . Check the attachment too.." or "Hi Dear Check the Attachement .. See u ----- Original Message ----- From: "Friendship" < deleted by FanJ > To: < sender's address > Sent: Friday, May 11, 2002 8:38 PM Subject: The world of Friendship This e-mail is never sent unsolicited. If you need to unsubscribe, follow the instructions at the bottom of the message. *********************************************************** Enjoy this friendship Screen Saver and Check ur friends circle... Send this screensaver from <deleted by FanJ> to everyone you consider a FRIEND, even if it means sending it back to the person who sent it to you. If it comes back to you, then you'll know you have a circle of friends. * To remove yourself from this mailing list, point your browser to: <deleted by FanJ> * Enter your email address < sender's address > in the field provided and click "Unsubscribe". OR... * Reply to this message with the word "REMOVE" in the subject line. This message was sent to address <sender's address> X-PMG-Recipient: <sender's address> <<<>>> <<<>>> <<<>>> <<<>>> <<<>>> <<<>>> <<<>>> <<<>>> <<<>>> <<<>>> " The attachment filename is made up of three parts - a name and two extensions. The name is chosen from: screensaver screensaver4u screensaver4u screensaverforu freescreensaver love lovers lovescr loverscreensaver loversgang loveshore love4u lovers enjoylove sharelove shareit checkfriends urfriend friendscircle friendship friends friendscr friends friends4u friendship4u friendshipbird friendshipforu friendsworld werfriends passion bullsh*tscr shakeit shakescr shakinglove shakingfriendship passionup rishtha greetings lovegreetings friendsgreetings friendsearch lovefinder truefriends truelovers f*cker The first extension is chosen from: DOC MP3 XLS WAV TXT JPG GIF DAT BMP HTM MPG MDB ZIP and the second extension is chosen from: PIF BAT SCR W32/Yaha-D also creates a copy of itself with a random name in the Recycle folder. It then adds the name of this copy to the following registry entry to ensure that the worm is run each time a program with an EXE extension is run: HKCR\exefile\shell\open\command\default The worm will attempt to disable security software by terminating any of the following processes: ZONEALARM AVP32 LOCKDOWN2000 AVP.EXE CFINET32 CFINET ICMON SAFEWEB WEBSCANX ANTIVIR MCAFEE NORTON NVC95 FP-WIN IOMON98 PCCWIN98 F-PROT95 F-STOPW PVIEW95 NAVWNT NAVRUNR NAVLU32 NAVAPSVC NISUM SYMPROXYSVC RESCUE32 NISSERV ATRACK IAMAPP LUCOMSERVER LUALL NMAIN NAVW32 NAVAPW32 VSSTAT VSHWIN32 AVSYNMGR AVCONSOL WEBTRAP POP3TRAP PCCMAIN PCCIOMON When the worm is first run it will imitate a screen saver by repeatedly displaying the following messages on the screen in various colours: "U r so cute today #!#!" "True Love never ends" "I like U very much!!!" "U r My Best Friend" Read the analysis at
Hmm thanks FanJ, as many of us get already lots of spam with such frusty subjects, and either filter or delete manually, good to be extra alert. Grgrgr the trick to be removed from their database and with that infect yourself! So it's not wise to have autoresponders send "bounces" maybe?