Name: W32/Porkis-A Aliases: I-Worm.Borzella, W32/Porkis@mm, W32.Atram@mm, W32.Storiel@mm Type: Win32 worm Date: 27 March 2002 At the time of writing Sophos has received just one report of this worm from the wild. Description: W32/Porkis-A is an internet worm which emails itself to everybody in your Windows address book (WAB). The email will have the following characteristics: Subject line: Divertimento assicurato.. Leggete urgentemente questa e-mail!! (se avete tempo da perdere) or Storielle.. Message body: Ciao, guarda l'allegato... ti potrebbe interessare. Ciao, devi assolutamente vedere il file che ti ho allegato or Ciao, dai un'occhiata all'allegato e ti farai due risate Attached file: bar.exe, pippo.exe or porkis.exe When run the worm displays a series of messages in Italian beginning with "Quiz. Cosa dice un vettore ad un altro". It copies itself to the Windows directory as dllmgr.exe and sets the following registry key so that the worm is run automatically each time the machine is restarted: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\DllManager = \dllmgr.exe On 6th September the worm will display a message box with the text "Accadde il 6 ettembre, Attenzione signori!!! Oggi non e' mica un giorno fesso come gli altri: spegnete il computer e uscite,godetevi la vita,abbracciate e baciate la persona a voi piu' cara. Viva l'amore. ". The worm is known to work on Italian versions of Windows with Outlook Express as the default mail client. On many other systems it will fail to spread. Read the analysis at