
Discussion in 'malware problems & news' started by FanJ, Jun 14, 2002.

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  1. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Name: W32/Fishlet-A
    Aliases: WORM_FISHLET.A
    Type: Win32 worm
    Date: 14 June 2002

    At the time of writing Sophos has received no reports from users
    affected by this worm. However, we have issued this advisory
    following enquiries to our support department from customers.


    W32/Fishlet-A is an internet worm that spreads via email by
    sending itself to email addresses found in the Windows address

    The email will have the following characteristics:
    Sender's address: eMarket Services
    Recipient: e-Market customer
    Subject line: Order report
    Message body:
    The body of the email starts with the following lines:

    "Dear eBay customer,

    Thank you for using eBay services.
    Your order Num. is: 31547
    Delivery time: 7 days

    Order subject: Inventory # 476

    PENTIUM 4 1.6GHz 40GB/32VID
    1.44 MB Floppy Disk Drive
    48X RW CD-ROM Drive
    Software: Norton Antivirus
    Software: Microsoft Windows XP HOME Edition
    All Components Assembled and Ready to Go!

    Price: 738.00$"

    Attached file: <randomname>.exe

    When this file is run an eBay advertisement is displayed. The
    worm copies itself into the Windows folder as ssh261.exe. It
    also drops the files fishlet.bin, SndVx.exe and ccfp.exe into
    the same folder. The worm sets the following registry entry so
    that it will be automatically started when Windows starts up:

    <Windows folder>\SndVx.exe

    Read the analysis at
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