hi guys any of you know anything about this company and if so what do you think about them http://www.trueonlinesecurity.com/index.php thanks all just found this Baneki Privacy Computing owns and manages several market-specific VPN services, including goldensVPN (goldens.com), TorrentFreedom (torrentfreedom.com), and TrueOnlineSecurity (trueonlinesecurity.com) any thourts
Well i don't know but i would recommend going with a better option like xerobank since they will release a very cheep vpn pack soon. If you need any more info just pm steve.
cheers for the reply but i just fin the 1 usd trial and even though steve put on here there would be an update to my issue there still is not one so i have dropped xerobank because i really do believe now he is a one man operation when he gets everything sorted and there are no issues i may come back and allso i find the speeds from his nl conection slow and i have used the same data centre he has his vpn at and i get very good speeds from them so there must be a cap on speeds with xerobank
You might want to look at Steganos in De. It is €99 a year for 25gb/month and uses OpenVPN. or SwissVPN in Ch. It is 6chfr/month and uses EAP-TTLS and does not have DNS leaks. Steve often talks about logging. If the country the server is in requires logging by law, then your traffic will be logged. Steganos has made it clear that they will be require to start logging in 2009 unless something changes. The Nederlands already does require logging. I know Steve says xerobank is using more that one server for a connection, but you need to look at all the countries involved and the fact remains the servers Xerobank is using are not owned by them. If you look at Findnot's exit server offerings you will see they are using many of the same exit countries Steve offers. Findnot and Xerobank do not own the exit servers they are using. They rent bandwidth. The only ones who is running their own servers is SwissVPN and I believe Steganos. Both have been around for a years and Steganos has a big corporate VPN business that is well establish And, SwissVPN is Monzoon Networks. and not by any means a "one man" operation being run out of a rented post box and their home hoping to cash in on FUD. Besides, the last place you want to do business with privacy services is in America or the UK. Steve is an American and subject to their laws and if they nail him there he divulge account information in a heart beat. He has does not have the financial resources to fight a subpoena. If he doesn't give the information up they will throw him in jail for contempt. He does not have the deep pockets to fight it.
thankso much for that reply i am now using swiss vpn so hopefully i am ok like you have pointed out i agree steves operation to me is not good he can come on here tell us this and that but the truth is he never even fixed my prob so i just moved on
Xerobank is not an American company. And Steve says that it is not a one man operation. Do you have proof otherwise?
I have a torrenfreedom account. It is far slower than Xerobank. Downloads with torrent freedom have been around 150 kb/s while downloads with XB have been anywhere from 400 kb/s on up to as high as 700 or 800 kb/s.
i am not on torrent freedom so cant compare as far as speeds go i get 300kb/s on swiss vpn but only 60 kb/ on xerobank as far as one man goes take a look at one of his replys to my post he says there should be a fix tomz still no fix many days later and i told him of my prob from day one and now my month is up and no fix ? also take a look on his forum another guy saying he will leave because of no reply to his problem so all in all work it out i would just like to thank a member on here for his recomendation by pm to use the place he is with and when my month is up with swiss vpn i will defo join it is exactly what i was looking for thanks
HUH? That is weird because I use it on several different computers and I have never had that kind of a problem with speed. Are you sure that you are not connecting to Tor with the free browser or something? I have not tried swissVPN but XB is always significantly faster than 300 kb/s....and that is with 3 hops. I have also tried Metropipe's Tunneler. It is pretty cool but it is also slower. I need speed and I am spoiled. I get into a lot of discussions with people in groups and message boards and I need to provide references for certain claims and I also just like to research stuff at a whim. I need to be able to bounce around real quick. If I had to use something really slow like Tor, I think I would throw my computer out the window. I need a fast reliable speed and Xerobank delivers. And I trust their service more than any I have seen. I also have an Iphantom. But they are not offered anymore. You can still use one if you have one, but they no longer sell them. I can get around 250 to 350 kb/s with it, but they are a US company. I don't see how anyone can feel comfortable with that anymore. But I guess it is better than nothing at all. When it is connected, the IP address is and it says AirlineReservations.Com and I have absolutely no idea what that means or who airlinereservations is. If anyone knows, feel free to enlighten me. I have heard on several occasions that Findnot and Relakks are not fast nor reliable so I have no intention of trying them. I have also tried HipemyIP or maybe it is HideIP. (?) But anyway I am glad that I tried it with Returnil activated. It did some very strange things to my browser. So far I think Torrent freedom is the only thing that I have tried that even comes close to Xerobank......but not close enough to ever consider.
well i am in uk and speeds are not good from there nl server but i have used leeseweb before and normally from nl you can max so not sure why my speeds are not good
I have never heard of leeseweb. Is that a new VPN service? Anyway it really does make me curious if you are connecting through Tor instead of xerobank. Did you check the IP address?
http://www.leaseweb.com/ Xerobank has a forum on their website you might want to ask over there. Speed may depend on time of day. Rellaks has oversold and has not added more bandwidth and can be very slow more often than not. I dumped them almost a year ago, and went with swissvpn Being over sold could be the case with xerobank. If they have limited bandwidth on the NL servers that is it if a lot of people are hitting the NL server Interestingly Swissvpn is in the 1 to 2mbs range most times. SteganosVPN can be quite fast depending on the servers you hit there. The 85.x.x.x ones can max out The 87.x.x.x ones can crawl during business hours in the CET +1 zone.
if you want to know which anonymity network you are using, you can use this checker: http://xerobank.com/check.php It knows tor, xerobank, ironkey, anonymizer, steganos, relakks, open proxies, etc. and will tell you the country, ip, and network analysis. And if you have IPs it doesn't recognize as part of a network, let us know and we'll add them to our database.
It's probably because your ISP has a routing issue, or limited international bandwidth pipe. You're jumping from UK -> US -> NL -> Internet and all the way back.
This question is probably best for the xerobank forum. Our network is multijursidictional, meaning no single server can compromise anonymity. No personally identifying information is kept on communications server, and identities are separate from accounts.