Visual IP InSight cons/pros/spyware?

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by polo, Jul 29, 2002.

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  1. polo

    polo Guest

    Does anyone know if this is worth installing and any side-effects, privacy invasion, etc.

    Readme for Visual IP InSight Client v4.3.2
    Copyright 2000, a Visual Networks

    About the Visual IP InSight Client for Windows
    The Visual IP InSight Client is a utility that monitors the performance of Windows Dial-Up Networking call attempts. Like other "test and diagnostic" software, its goal is to improve the quality of service you receive, without impacting your service or invading your privacy. The Client was installed on your PC as a part of the installation of your Tiscali Software.

    After you have connected to the Internet, the Client uploads quality of service metrics, detailed below, to a server at your ISP or corporate site, or at Visual, where it is then provided to your network manager.

    If you have difficulty connecting to the Internet, the IP InSight Client includes more than 150 help screens to assist you in solving connection problems. These help screens are seamlessly integrated with your dialing software and the operating system, and include work-flow links enabling faster troubleshooting of problems connecting to the Internet.

    To improve its network service, a network manager may program the Client to occasionally and unobtrusively perform simple network tests in the background, such as "pinging" a network location. The uploaded data contains no identifying information that would violate your privacy, and DOES NOT MONITOR WHAT YOU DO ON THE INTERNET, such as which Web sites you visit.

    Following is a description of the IP InSight Client. Please visit us on the Web at for further information.

    The Visual IP InSight Client requires only about 1MB of disk space to install and uses minimal memory in operation.

    The Client is designed so that its operation, including Internet testing requested by your network manager, is completely unobtrusive:
    - Does not interfere with dial-up operation
    - Can run no more than five Internet tests per hour
    - Waits for a period of inactivity on your modem before testing
    - Cancels tests as soon as you need the network

    The following kinds of information are NEVER monitored, collected nor transmitted:
    - web sites visited or any other actions
    - applications loaded or used (except dial-up software and browser
    - credit card information

    The following kinds of information relating to your Dial-Up Networking access are uploaded
    after each successful Dial-Up Networking call:
    - User login ID         optional, depends on ISP
    - IP InSight Client version      release number (e.g.,
    - Upload protocol version      format of the uploaded data
    - OEM ID            e.g., "Your ISP"
    - Phone number dialed      your ISP's phone number
    - Your country code         e.g., "1" for the US
    - Your area code         e.g., "212" for New York City
    - Your time zone         in seconds from Greenwich time
    - ISP's PPP server IP address   e.g., ""
    - Dial-Up Networking Connection name as entered by user
    - Your modem name         e.g., "U.S. Robotics 56K FAX EXT
    - OS type and version      "Windows 4.0.950"
    - Network configuration settings such as compression, flow control
    - CPU type, disk space available, total physical memory
    - Browser type and version      "Internet Explorer 4.72.3110.8"
    - For each call attempt since last connect:
       - Date and time of call
       - Call result (success/failure code)
       - Time taken to login
       - Initial connect speed
       - "Call is a redial" flag

    How to Uninstall the Visual IP InSight Client
    A Visual IP InSight Client which has been activated by the Visual IP InSight Activator may be a short-lived, temporary Client, or it may be designated as a permanent test and diagnostic tool. The temporary Client will be automatically uninstalled when it has reached the end of its useful purpose. However, it can be manually removed using the Add/Remove Programs Utility found in Control Panel. Click on Start>Settings>Control Panel and then double-click Add/Remove Programs. Locate 'Visual IP Insight 4.3' in the list of installed applications. Double-click on this and answer 'Yes' to confirm removing the client.

    About Visual Networks
    Visual Networks is the leading provider of service level management software and Internet measurement services that allow enterprises and service providers and their business customers to measure service quality or applications such as remote access outsourcing, customer care, virtual private networks (VPNs) and electronic commerce. Inverse helps service providers and enterprises enhance performance and reliability and improve customer satisfaction with their remote access networks and web sites. Founded in 1993, the company is based in Rockville, Maryland.
  2. Checkout

    Checkout Security Rhinoceros

    Feb 11, 2002
    Yeah, sure. Don't need it, don't want it, it can go to hell.
  3. spy1

    spy1 Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Clover, SC
    polo - Are you a network guy? There's no reason for a home user to be tempted to use something like this, right?

    I don't know about you, but the phrases "After you have connected to the Internet, the Client uploads quality of service metrics, detailed below, to a server at your ISP or corporate site, or at Visual, where it is then provided to your network manager."


    "A Visual IP InSight Client which has been activated by the Visual IP InSight Activator may be a short-lived, temporary Client, or it may be designated as a permanent test and diagnostic tool."

    sure do get my hackles up! Not to mention the fact that the list of stuff it
    does admit to collecting runs pretty darn deep.

    It also strikes me that they doth protesteth a little too much about not tracking your website visits.

    Just some thoughts to consider. Pete
  4. polo

    polo Guest

    It's was to be for home use. I just read somewhere on the net that it's useful for checking ISP connection details, etc. Ran it once, didn't really find it useful. I connect on 56K modem at 45-46K which decent. Anyway I still have it installed but haven't run the apps for 8 months. There's obviously some junk in the registry - I could uninstall it... Trojan scanners or Ad-aware / Spybot never picked it up as suspect.
  5. spy1

    spy1 Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Clover, SC
    If you're not using it - why have it on your computer? I'd un-install it and clean out the registry, myself.

    There are plenty of other programs available that don't contain all those 'capabilities' that will do just as good a job in helping you correct any connection problems you do run into down the road. Pete
  6. snowy

    snowy Guest

    there is sooomething....about that name "Tiscali" ....just can't this time

    POLO you may really want to consider the suggestion by Spy 1 an get rid of that program......clean...clean...
    actually from the dial-up bps numbers you posted your connection is not so bad at all.......better than alot of others I know of......your ip is only going to do what your ip is going to person can get 32000 bps an another person 49000 bps an have the same ip....but not the same os..........there are also limits set by law in regards to connection speeds... I "think" the top dial-up connection speed is 53000.......but I would not set aroung waiting to get it.....50000 bps may well be the more likely "top"............bad phone lines can play a part...bad phone of course there are those "time-outs" if you experiencing dis-connections check the modem your ip....

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