i was able to view source on google web page with the useal right click view source. but lately on certin web pages i never had problems with like for example wilders main forum. when i go right click view source the following thing happends. There was a failure in launching WordPad. error A copy of "wordpad.exe" appears on desktop it one of those 0 byte files it kinda anoying lol this is kinda anoying for some one that has to look at website source to fix codes. it might be tds causing it but im perty sure ot worm guard
Greetings Your Majesty! Your respectful servant respectfully submits that you temporarily disable WormGuard's active component to see if that restores that lost functionality. If it does, we can start to figure out how/why it is blocking it. Your obedient and respectful servant, Dan
It's something in windows and TDS/WG seem to react on it. I fixed it for myself to have a copy of the original wordpad and notepad exe in TDS and you might like/need to put one in WG directory too and never had the problem anymore. Now windows can create as many 0kb size notepad/wordpad exe files as it wants, but you keep being able to use the programs. Hope this helps for you. Did this all of a sudden happen after visiting certain pages? It might nothing have to do with the pages themselves but a coincidence. Hope this helps! Oh my ! you have a new title?! Wow! that must really make you happy, suits you like a T doesn't it? King Blaze I Wow!
OK i disabled it by selecting remove protection now when i right click on wilders and select view source it works. here the strange part all the pages i was haveing problems viewing source open with word pad now instead of note pad. all the normal pages that i had no problems with open with note pad like normal. really strange as it has always been note pad by default.
wow thats a really strange fix jooskey how you figure that one out ill try it and tell you if it works brb very strange but kinda cool
And now please the other test: enable the WG again and copy those exe's in the WG and TDs directories and see if it works then still. Always good to test several ways. It's the way how i fixed it long ago myself with great success. windows is really .... ah we know, it's probably their way of making much money. And we find work arounds Seeing Dan's questions: IE 6.0 here with SP and security updates etc.
Did you make any changes, additions to your WG settings. Which browser are you using the view source thing on ?(so I can try to replicate here)
Dan, not sure if you can create a 0kb size notepad and wordpad file in your TDs and Wg directories, maybe you find them there anyway created by Windows. If you ever used my fix of the copy of the exe's mentioned, delete or rename them and see if you still can open notepad and wordpad files for instance from TDS > view logs and other places. If it's a problem, delete the 0kb file, but windows makes them each time again, so you can as easy leave it there and just copy the notepad and wordpad exe files there and problem should be solved. So no need for ms support or special tools and fixes, just this easy solution of a few kb and all should be ok.
Hi Jooske, Actually I don't have any problem on mine. I just did the view source from within Opera and it opened fine. Perhaps this is an issue that only impacts win95/98[me=Dan Perez]?[/me]
OK reinstall worm guard components view source does work with jooskey fix but web sites like wilders forum open with word pad instead of note pad. but this could be because i stuck a word pad and a note pad in worm guard lol all i might have to do is remove the word pad and it might work. im useing windows me microsoft word 2002 xp lol my syestem always changes with all the security toys here at wilders lol and grade a dimondcs products lol
Could it be that you changed the default script editor setting within your browser when you were troubleshooting this? In IE it is in Internet Options -> Programs and in Opera it is in Preferences -> Programs
hmmmmm will it still open with word pad dan but that ok as long as i get to view the source jason really should look at it for upcomeing worm guard 4.0 as web masters will find it anoying lol ohhhhhhh ok i get you dan ill try that causeim seeing word pad instead of note pad in the settings
Hmmm, it seems that in IE (unlike Opera) the setting for HTML Editor has nothing to do with what is used to view the source. It may be that whatever program is set as the default app to open txt files will be the one used to view source. If you double-click on any txt file within Windows Explorer does it open in Wordpad rather than Notepad?
lol will that didnt work lol as for your second quistion nope txt files open with note pad like normal kinda strange stuff its like it has two difrent default settings lol for difrent web pages
by the way thx dan and jooskey big big huggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
Okay, I found a couple of other possibilities 1. Clear out your Temporary Internet Files cache 2. If you have a link to Notepad on your desltop remove it I don't have much hope on either of these since it is not giving up on launching at all, it is just using Wordpad rather than Notepad 3. Check to see if the following registry key exists on your system HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\View Source Editor\Editor Name If that key exists and it is pointing to wordpad.exe change it to point to notepad
i couldnt find it but that ok as long as i get to view web source it dont matter im happy word pad ok i just think it strange lol
Hi i was doing some other things so i see you guys tried out some things in the meantime. I'll tell you what exactly happens: If on this very page i want to look in the source, i get a message telling the file is too large to be opened in notepad and if i agree in using wordpad in stead. So maybe because of some settings you don't get that question which i so get. Does this solve the problem now completely with the workaround without MS support ad $50 a question and a new unnecessary $$$ tool to solve it nor a new unnecessary system? Just a copy of a 56 and 85 kb exe file in some extra place to make sure windows can no more mess up with this? HA! Might be win9x, but on other systems 0kb files are created too, maybe less fatal in functionality?
W98SE here and I've noticed this problem too which is annoying (working offline on other files too big to be opened in notepad, it asks to open in wordpad, crashes and creates the 0 KB file). If so many people are having problems with it, then it is a problem that should be fixed in the program since it is directly the cause. Can't say it is a MS problem if it never existed before WG was used. I'm still having WG & TDS crash some times, thus those demo's may not be bought. If it gets fixed and doesn't crash in the next versions then I may buy them. Haven't had any problems with PE except it is not reporting everything so that will be posted to that board.